A base resembling and isomeric with conine, and obtained as a colorless liquid from butyric aldehyde and ammonia.
A substance isomeric with, and resembling, indigo blue, and accompanying it as a side product, in its artificial production.
A body or compound which is isomericwith another body or compound; a member of an isomeric series.
A variety of sugar isomericwith sucrose, extracted from cotton seeds and from the so-called Australian manna (a secretion of certain species of Eucalyptus).
Though isomeric with benzine, it is very different in its chemical relations.
Pertaining to, or designating, an acid isomericwith nicotinic acid.
It is isomeric with cyanuric acid, and hence is also called isocyanuric acid.
On the Isomeric Conditions of the Peroxide of Tin.
See On the Isomeric Conditions of the Peroxide of Tin: by Prof.
Moreover, the phenomena attending isomeric change give a clue to those movements which are the only indications we have of life in its lowest forms.
On applying this law to the case of two isomeric benzil derivatives, the molecular weights were found, as expected, to be identical, and not multiples; hence Prof.
Meyer has recently discovered two isomeric series of derivatives of benzil, differing only in the position of the various groups in space.
Pertaining to, or designating, an acid found in galipot, and isomeric with abietic acid.
An alkaloid isomeric with, and resembling, quinine, found in certain species of cinchona, from which it is extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance; conchinine.
One of several isomeric organic bases of the quinoline series of alkaloids.
A reaction of rearrangement may in certain cases take place with one substance only; that is to say, a substance may by itself change into a new isomeric form.
This remarkable isomeric transformation was discovered by Wöhler in 1828.
What endowed protein with its capacity to assume a thousand isomeric forms?
Pertaining to, or designating, an isomeric variety of lactic acid that breaks down into acrylic acid and water.
Of the three classes of isomeric anhydrides which can be formed from hydroxybenzoic acids, the chemistry of the natural tannins is only concerned with the class comprising the ester anhydrides.
Of the three isomeric xylenes o- and m-xylene dissolve in concentrated, p-xylene in fuming sulphuric acid only.
The latter is isomeric with pentagalloyl glucose and possesses similar properties; there is, however, a vast difference in the solubility of the two.
Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from atropine, and isomeric with cinnamic acid.
Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid, isomeric with uric acid.
A dark red crystalline substance, isomeric with and resembling indigo blue, and obtained from isatide and dioxindol.
The state, quality, or relation, of two or moreisomeric substances.
Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, HNCS, isomeric with sulphocyanic acid.
It has a pale yellow colour, a penetrating odour, and a high boiling point; is lighter than water, and is isomeric with the oils of turpentine and lemons.
Thymol is isomeric with cymilic alcohol, and homologous with phenyl.
Saprine is isomeric with cadaverine and neuridine; it was found by Brieger in human livers and spleens after three weeks' putrefaction.
The free base is an alkaline syrup, isomeric with the base separated by Brieger from tetanus cultures.
Muscarine is isomeric with betain and oxycholin, from which it is separated by its fluorescence and poisonous properties.
When distilled with potassium hydrate it yields quinoline, lutidine, and two isomeric collidines.
By heating butyl-aldehyde with alcoholic ammonia is formed paraconine, an alkaloid isomeric with the natural conine, but differing in physiological action.
The artificial alkaloid paraconine, isomeric with the natural conine, will be referred to later.
In cyanuric acid, hydrated cyanic acid, and cyamelide, we have three suchisomeric compounds.
Defn: Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid, isomeric with uric acid.
Malt sugar, a variety of sugarisomeric with sucrose, found in malt.
Milk sugar, a variety of sugar characteristic of fresh milk, and isomeric with sucrose.
Defn: A white crystalline substance isomeric with, and obtained from, acetic aldehyde by polymerization, and reconvertible into the same.
Cane sugar, sugar made from the sugar cane; sucrose, or an isomeric sugar.
Defn: Any of several isomeric iodine derivatives of the cresols, C6H3I(CH3)OH, esp.
By extension, any one of the series of isomeric acids (racemic acid, levotartaric acid, inactive tartaric acid) of which tartaric acid proper is the type.
Defn: Pertaining to, or designating, an acid found in galipot, and isomeric with abietic acid.
Glutaric acid, an organic acid obtained as a white crystalline substance, isomeric with pyrotartaric acid; -- called also normal pyrotartaric acid.
There are also isomeric quinones of the naphthalene series known as naphthaquinones.
If two hydrogen atoms in benzene or toluene are replaced by two amido-groups, we have diamidobenzenes and diamidotoluenes, which are strongly basic substances, capable of existing in several isomeric modifications.
Owing to the structure of the naphthalene molecule there are two isomeric naphthols, whereas there is only one phenol.
Isomeric compounds known as "flavopurpurin" and "anthrapurpurin" are also made from the disulpho-acids of anthraquinone by fusion with alkali and potassium chlorate.
Three isomeric phthalic acids are known, but only one of these is of use in the present branch of manufacture.
As isomerictransformation continues, the freezing point of the system will rise until it reaches the natural freezing point D.
In the case of isomeric substances, therefore, the form of lower melting point may be the more stable; and where this behaviour is found it is a sign that the two forms are isomeric (or polymeric) and not polymorphic.
An example of this is found in the case of the isomeric benzaldoximes (p.
In presence of a trace of this substance, isomeric transformation very speedily occurs, and leads to the condition of equilibrium.
If the transformation is very rapid, the system will behave like a one-component system, but if the isomeric change is comparatively slow, the behaviour will be that of a two-component system.
A similar behaviour is also found in the case of other isomeric substances where the isomerism is due to difference of structure, i.
As a second example of the equilibria between two isomerides, we shall take the two isomeric (polymeric) forms of acetaldehyde, which have recently been exhaustively studied.
The diagram which is obtained when isomeric transformation does not occur within measurable time at the temperature of the melting point is somewhat different from that already given in Fig.
If pure [alpha] is heated, a temperature will be reached at which it will melt, but this melting point will be sharp only if the velocity of isomeric transformation is comparatively slow; i.
Below the temperatures G and H, isomeric transformation does not occur in measurable time.
Starting with the three isomeric compounds, he found that one gave two tribrombenzenes, another gave three, while the third gave only one.
Another form of isomerism is occasioned by spatial arrangements, many of the reduced terephthalic acids existing in two stereo-isomeric forms.
Obviously, isomeric ring-systems are possible, since the carbon atoms in the original rings are not all of equal value.
One of the earliest and strongest objections urged against Kekule's formula was that it demanded two isomeric ortho-di-substitution derivatives; for if we number the carbon atoms in cyclical order from 1 to 6, then the derivatives 1.
Faraday's discovery of butylene, isomericwith ethylene, in 1825.
It consists largely of pinene and isomeric terpenes, and has the property of attracting oxygen, with the formation of peroxides which stimulate the drying of oils.
The raw oil, which chemically consists of the glycerides of oleic, oleo-margaric, and probably isomeric acids, is distinguished by its rapid drying properties.
Lintner, in 1891, claimed to have separated a sugar, isomeric with maltose, which is termed isomaltose, from the products of starch hydrolysis.
Butane, C4H10, exists in the two isomeric forms--normal butane, CH3.
C6H11O5; this compound is isomericwith sambunigrin, a glucoside found by E.
Hence, it is possible to start with one of these sugars, convert it into the osone and then reduce this to another sugar, thereby accomplishing the transformation of one sugar into another isomeric sugar.
This change is due to the conversion of the sugar, in the alkaline solution, into an enol, which is identical for all three sugars, and which may subsequently be reconverted into any one of the three isomeric hexoses.
In order to arrive at a conception of this multiplicity of isomeric forms, it is necessary to understand the two types of isomerism which are involved.
Thus, it would appear that the unit structural groups in haematin and in chlorophyll are identical; although chlorophyll may exhibit more variations in isomeric arrangement of these structural units than have been found in haematin.
These compounds are isomeric with similar flavone and xanthone derivatives, and the transition from one color to the other in plants takes place very easily under the action of oxidizing or reducing enzymes.
There are a few chemical processes also (allotropic and isomeric changes) in which a single substance without the co-agency of another substance can give off energy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "isomeric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.