At the same time, heavy stress has been laid on the improvement of farm techniques and on mechanization as means for increasing yields and production.
Government efforts to improve livestock breeds and yields through selective breeding, artificial insemination, and better management practices have also been impeded by peasant apathy.
Not one idle Sham lounging about Creation upon false pretences, upon means which he has not earned, upon theories which he does not practise, but yields his share of Pauperism somewhere or other.
It yields food when it is killed, but while it is alive the one payment that the sheep can make to the shepherd is to yield its fleece in due season.
Their whole nature is renewed, so that instead of producing sin ityields repentance, faith, and love; but we know not how.
As the sheep yields up its wool and so loses its comfort, so must we yield up all our earthly properties; or if they remain with us till we die, we shall part with them then, we shall not take so much as one of them across the stream of death.
There shall be victory for you, even before the judgment-seat of God, though as yet you are only like the flax that smokes and gives no light, or like the reed that is broken, and yields no music.
The sheep, lying there, thinks no more of the pastures, it yields itself up to the shearer.
Every field which our heavenly Father tills yields a plentiful harvest, for there are no failures or famines with him.
Each print of Beauty’s feet Leads upward to her throne; For every thought by conscience bless’d, Benignant virtue yields A jewel from her zone.
When you come to talk of stock paying, my dear sir, you must bear in mind that it is not the finest animal that yields the most profit, but the one on which, at a saleable age, you have expended the least money.
Probably a corruption of talapat, the name of the palm-tree which yields the fan-leaf constantly used by the monks.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery should be persisted in, taking it in frequent doses, every two or three hours, and keeping up its use until the disease yields and is perfectly stamped out.
The skin is pale, yields under the finger without pain, and preserves the impression for some time.
He brought to his chosen work acute perceptive and reflective powers, and that indomitable energy that neither shrinks at obstacles nor yields to circumstances.
The first is characterized by an increase in the amount of urine excreted, andyields readily to proper treatment.
We shall merely say, for the encouragement of the afflicted, that this form of scrofulayields readily to this medicine.
So Dock-square yields the point, and things have their own way.
In mankind, she is contented if she yields one master in a century.
His mind is righter than others, because he yields to a current so feeble as can be felt only by a needle delicately poised.
A cabinet formed on a practical principle yields the best and most lasting fruit.
The comparison of the two great capitals that grew up in rivalry on the Nile and on the Orontes yieldsas many points of similarity as of contrast.
According to Mr. Knight the best potatoes, such as the Irish apple, possess much greater specific gravity than the inferior sorts, and this variety yields nearly 20 per cent.
The same people make bread of the medullary flour of this palm, which it yieldsin great abundance, if cut down just before going to flower.
An English acre under culture for sugar, in Java, yields 1285 pounds avoirdupois of refined sugar, and the produce at Cuba is nearly the same.
Boiled and pressed, the kernel yieldsan oil which is of considerable value as a lubricant, and as a stimulator of the growth of the hair is without a peer.
Tapped at its heart, the trunk yields a liquid which makes an excellent substitute for yeast, while chunks cut from the same portion of the tree forms the base of a salad which is the delight of epicures, both native and white.
This class of memorials yields to no other in authenticity, but it constitutes a small part only of the resources on which the historian relies, whereas in geology it forms the only kind of evidence which is at our command.
The next degree of relationship yields hybrid seedlings, but these are barren; and it is only when the parent species are very nearly allied that the hybrid race may be perpetuated for several generations.
Such conflict of feeling cannot but be with detriment to the spirit, which, so fettered, refuses the generous offices of brotherhood, and yields the debt of civility only from policy or by constraint.
The captain of the claque is an important personage, respected by his subordinates, courted by the actors, and skilled in the strategy of his profession, which yields him a handsome income.
He only yields to necessity, to force actually present, to guns trained upon him.
But the point made by James is that the one who yields does so because of the sin within his own heart.
God's handyields "peaceable fruit unto them that have been exercised thereby" (Heb.
When a man is tempted and yields to the temptation, he is eager to blame someone else for his sin.
So things continue for several nights perhaps, the man suffering patiently the while, until, if she is willing to take him as a husband, she yields herself.
The vast plain also on which it stands, although exceedingly fine, yields in verdure and fertility, and simple beauty of appearance to the delightful country surrounding the less celebrated city of Bohoo.
But, with the propertied man, this energy is surrounded by multiple resources of income; so that to whatever resource he applies his energy, it always yieldshim the whole results of his labor.
The reserve which Sir Donald's adroit appeals fail to remove yields to that childish clamor, coercive as brooding of halcyon when the wind is still.
Neither yieldsthe immaterial point, and the small breach widens, resulting in the latter's discharge.
There is about Agnes such bewitching air of refinement, coupled with suggestive, romantic interest, that Paul yields completely to the charm.
It is this which yields the continuous spectrum, free from dark lines.
How ill do they requite the goodness of God in the use and abuse of the plenty He yields them!
Then all sin is exceeding sinful, and yields no more pleasure: but every inordinate desire is burthensome, and severely reproved.
The study of such objects yields a purer intellectual delight than that of the preceding.
Speaking generally, we say that passion yieldsnot to argument but to constraint.
As happiness is the subjective last end, so will this object, inasmuch as the contemplation of it yields perfect happiness, be the objective last end of man.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yields" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.