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Example sentences for "nettled"

Lexicographically close words:
netted; nettes; netting; nettings; nettle; nettles; netus; network; networked; networking
  1. If these opinions may have nettled the younger man they were not wholly lost on him, as time was to show.

  2. This neglect on the part of Muro and Uraso may have nettled him.

  3. She spoke sadly and absently, and it nettled the Squire.

  4. He had not been solemn and poky, as she had prophesied, and the fact nettled her.

  5. I hope the prospect cheers you too," says he a little sharply, as if nettled by her determined silence and bent on making her declare herself.

  6. As if a little nettled he takes up the dull old local paper again and begins a third severe examination of it.

  7. His voice faltered a little, at the end, for pretence seemed ridiculous beneath Nell Beecroft's hard eyes, and her unpleasant laugh nettled him as she strode back to the kitchen.

  8. Harp was unpleasantly vivid and the secret they had in common nettled him for the first time.

  9. His attitude of impassive politeness nettled her far more than the alert hostility of the Dago Duke whom she saw occasionally.

  10. There is also the floor; you may take your choice," Tom returned, nettled by the other's manner.

  11. This was a harsh and discordant break in the honeyed strains of flattery to which she had always been accustomed, and it nettled her greatly.

  12. He was a little nettled by her tone, and said with a tinge of dignity, "My ideas on this subject were not imported in the Mayflower.

  13. Hereupon everybody laughed, equally at the manner as the words, and the nettled farmer retorted: "Conjurer, eh?

  14. With equal politeness, Paul begged him to consider the danger attending a refusal, which rejoinder nettled the other, who suddenly retorted that he would answer for twenty guns, and that both himself and men were knock-down Englishmen.

  15. This young man nettled and irritated the Mayor.

  16. You shall be instantly obeyed, Captain Calderon," said I, highly nettled at so very unnecessary an exhibition of warmth.

  17. This put me again into a violent passion, which occasioned him to speak several bitter reflecting things that nettled me to the quick.

  18. King Saleh was extremely nettled at this affronting answer, and had much ado to restrain his just resentment: however he replied, with greater moderation than could be expected, God reward your majesty according as you deserve.

  19. To this truth he found no answer, though the subdued incredulity nettled him afresh.

  20. Her instant and uninterested acceptance of him almost nettled him; his own half-contemptuous impression of Chilcote came to him unpleasantly, and with it the first desire to assert his own individuality.

  21. Phil was oddly nettled by this reproof and grew stubborn and detached.

  22. In fact, their zeal somewhat nettled me, and I began to feel that dare-devil resistance which often goads us to acts of madness which make us heroes if successful, but fools if we fail.

  23. I was somewhat nettled by this disregard of my flag, pennant, and starboard epaulette, and ordering the brig to be run alongside, I made her fast to the recusant, and boarded with ten men.

  24. He wore his hat on one side, and had a consequential air that nettled me.

  25. It nettled him to be put on the defensive, his subtleness openly contemned.

  26. Their indifference rather nettled him, but he consoled himself by ascribing it to the high pressure under which newspaper offices notoriously laboured.

  27. Marianne, a little nettled at this rather cavalier treatment of her effort.

  28. He was a little nettled at finding he wanted an excuse for his alacrity.

  29. But husbands do feel secretly nettled sometimes if they are, as it were, held in abeyance by a waved hand, to await the end of a colloquy they are excluded from.

  30. And this lady then withdrew from the conversation, leaving her husband half-nettled and half-apologetic, but quite unable to lay hold of any excuse for expressing either irritation or apology.

  31. It is quite possible Mrs. Eldridge might have kept this card up her sleeve if Marianne had not nettled her by the way she spoke of her John.

  32. He felt quite nettled with Marianne for saying, "Oh, haven't you done it?

  33. That nettled me and, instead, I made a plunge for a big wether and fastened both hands into his wool.

  34. It nettled the Old Squire, who always detested needless cruelty to domestic animals.

  35. Those who say so know nothing about it,” I replied warmly, for I was nettled at his words.

  36. This, of course, nettled me, and I was about to make an angry reply, when DeVare himself came in.

  37. I was nettled by her perverseness, and although I tried hard to school myself to patience, it was exceedingly difficult.

  38. You seem very anxious to get rid of us and bury us at the back of beyond," I said, nettled and unable to conceal my chagrin at the matter-of-fact way in which he wished to dispose of us.

  39. The old man laughed, and said, half nettled by Sailor's contemptuous way of smelling his whole wardrobe, "Dat is von vine dog.

  40. Blazes, to change the subject in that way, but I'm nettled at your implied objection to my getting married if I choose.

  41. Who would have thought such a business matter could have nettled my own heart like this?

  42. This nettled the Prince to that degree that he said that those who talked against him had only self-interests in view.

  43. Elbeuf was nettled at this expression, and repeated what he had said before, that he would not part with the General's staff, and he showed more warmth than judgment in the whole debate.

  44. He was nettled at my smile, and said to me in aloud tone, "Do you know whom you talk to?

  45. This nettled him, and he made a mere jest of my letter.

  46. Your insistence nettled me for the moment and quite put it out of my head.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nettled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.