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Example sentences for "unobserved"

Lexicographically close words:
unnumbered; uno; unobjectionable; unobscured; unobservant; unobserving; unobstructed; unobtainable; unobtrusive; unobtrusively
  1. But, one way or another, the smoke of that ill-omened furnace protected the first steps of my escape, and led me unobserved to the caƱon.

  2. They quickly concealed themselves in the tree, unobserved by Fletcher, whose eyes were on his book.

  3. He carried it to the post-office one afternoon, after his work in the printing office was over, and dropped it unobserved into the letter-box.

  4. If he was wearing the scarab when he arrived at the Eltham house, he must have left that house unobserved and gone to Woodford; but if he was not wearing it he probably went from Woodford to Eltham and there finally disappeared.

  5. At last he slipped away unobserved out of the house, and, looking about for somewhere to sleep, he found an old tumble-down house filled with peats.

  6. I have no reason to believe that this privilege was abused, but it familiarized our guards so much with the sight of Confederates passing to and fro that I have no doubt many got beyond our pickets unobserved and went on.

  7. What with the story, the jest, the iced lemonade and exquisite cigar, the minutes glided by as swiftly and unobserved as the tiny waves around us.

  8. The Bulgarian army was fully prepared for the fray, and the autumn manoeuvres had permitted the concentration unobserved of a considerable portion of it, ready to strike when the time came.

  9. He killed his wife when asleep in his bosom, and took away all her ornaments, and then went away unobserved to his own country.

  10. And though the minister did all he could to dissuade him, the king left the town unobserved with Manorathasiddhi.

  11. Just at that moment he reached a lonely dilapidated house, and saw a single old woman in it; so he gratified that old woman with a present, and lived unobserved in that broken down old house, waited upon respectfully by the old woman.

  12. It was two hours and more since they had brought up thereabouts, having crept thither unobserved by the city and by M.

  13. As a result Blood was betimes that evening in the spacious stockade that enclosed the huts of the slaves together with the big white house of the overseer, and he found an opportunity of a few words with Pitt, unobserved by the others.

  14. But the people, finding they could not drive them from their ground, took possession of the adjoining houses, and by unobserved passages obtained entry.

  15. Warburton had certainly wit, genius, and much miscellaneous learning; but was perpetually dazzled and misled, by the eager desire of seeing everything in a new light unobserved before, into perverse interpretations and forced comments.

  16. Time passes as unobserved as the meadows or bushy pastures that flit by the jarring window at his ear.

  17. It should not pass unobserved that there exist, in some women, a fair skin and dark hair, forming a rather extraordinary and striking combination.

  18. Sure enough next time the child had hidden in its frock a hank of very thin cord, which I managed as I was playing with her to slip unobserved into my breast.

  19. He guessed that she must be just upon the track of ships, and that her object in thus taking off sail was to catch sight of vessels in the distance while she herself would be unobserved by them.

  20. He knew well enough which of his twin sisters would be the one to rejoice with him, for Elsa's brave efforts to live a consistent Christian life in her own home had not been unobserved by her eldest brother.

  21. When the others returned to their seats or promenaded the brilliant rooms they escaped alone and unobserved into the conservatory.

  22. She had been an unobserved witness of the scene between Edward and Wanda in the wood, and, of course, had made her own misinterpretation.

  23. Things unobserved before, and as unconnected with the new emotion, indifferent, now assume importance.

  24. She was on the point of picking one of gorgeous hue when a canoe, paddled by a single Indian, unobserved by her, darted round the point and approached the beach.

  25. We keep them housed so long that they fly away unobserved at length.

  26. She soon made her appearance, led by her beloved Walter, who had stolen unobserved to the chamber-door of his mistress, to chide her for so long delaying his happiness.

  27. Here they unobserved gave way to the sad luxury of tears.

  28. But this transaction was not unobserved by several of the people who inhabited the street of cottages.

  29. These men had contrived to crawl unobserved over the cliffs which skirted the ravine, availing themselves of the dry beds of the summer torrents, and other inequalities of the ground, to conceal their movement.

  30. She did not pass unobserved in the dense crowd that packed the lower floor of the White House.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unobserved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    camouflaged; concealed; disguised; hidden; imperceptible; indiscernible; insensible; invisible; latent; secret; sightless; submerged; unconsidered; unmarked; unnoted; unnoticed; unobserved; unperceived; unrealized; unregarded; unseen