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Example sentences for "interstitial"

Lexicographically close words:
interspersing; interstate; interstellar; interstice; interstices; interstratified; intertained; intertainment; intertangled; interteined
  1. The physical conditions of the interstitial tissue or the intercellular substance vary greatly in density.

  2. When the interstitial tissue alone develops excessively it is known as an infiltration.

  3. Certain diseases affect the parenchymatous tissue in an organ more than the interstitial tissue and again others affect the blood vessels particularly.

  4. In support of this assertion, attention is called to certain interstitial and parenchymatous alterations frequently demonstrable in the nerves of the affected part.

  5. These layers, which form the epiblast and hypoblast, are definitely established on the appearance of cells with contractile tails[76] in the clear outer zone, between which the interstitial epiblast cells subsequently arise.

  6. They do not become divided into a splanchnic and somatic layer; but give rise to the interstitial connective tissue and muscles.

  7. The epiblast is typically formed, as was first shewn by Kleinenberg, of an epithelial layer and a subepithelial interstitial layer of cells.

  8. At one or more points the interstitial cells of the epiblast increase in number and form a protuberance of germinal cells, which may be called the ovary.

  9. In many instances interstitial cells which do not give rise to spermatozoa, are intermingled with the spermospores.

  10. The interstitial cells in the ovarian region form primary germinal cells, and by an excess of nutrition certain of them outstrip their fellows and become young ova.

  11. New York,” through the transplantation of the “interstitial gland” taken from “a special species of orangoutang.

  12. In Bright’s disease, both the interstitial and parenchymatous forms of nephritis, acute or chronic, no remedy .

  13. The flaw that we are after lies in his interstitial logic, not in the hallucination in which he indulges respecting nonentities.

  14. It grows by selection and interstitial appropriation.

  15. The condensing tubes are enclosed in larger pipes i, i; a stream of cold water being caused to circulate in the interstitial spaces between them.

  16. The lower of the two hemispheres of which the pan is composed is double, and the interstitial space f, f, is filled with steam by the pipe g, as the heating and evaporating agent.

  17. Eventually, the pigment is found at more remote points in the circulation, and becomes fixed in the interstitial tissue of the various organs of the body.

  18. This is in correspondence with what occurs in other septic diseases, and accounts for the albuminuria and interstitial nephritis which often supervene in the advanced stages.

  19. These unusual lesions seemed to have originated in interstitial disintegrating thrombi, with consequent inflammation of the muscle.

  20. It is universally admitted that in chronic alcoholism a fatty liver is frequently met with, even in the absence of those chronic interstitial tissue-changes usually characterized under the name cirrhosis.

  21. The growth of tumors extends in all directions, but a distinction has long been drawn between the concentric or interstitial manner of growth and the excentric or infiltrating form.

  22. The exudations may be superficial or deep-seated; they may lie within the cells, parenchyma, of an organ, or within the interstitial tissue of the same.

  23. Opposed to this variety is the interstitial inflammation.

  24. The solidified portion of the lung exhibits the ordinary lesions of broncho-pneumonia, with some interstitial change.

  25. He also found evidences of interstitial inflammation, as an increase of round cells and connective tissue in the liver.

  26. An acute broncho-pneumonia with some interstitial fibrosis and a tendency to abscess formation.

  27. These granulations eventually fill the contracting cavity and obliterate it by forming interstitial scar-tissue.

  28. The spectacle marking on the hood of the Indian Cobra involves the scales as well as the interstitial skin.

  29. The case was also complicated with interstitial and subserous fibroids and a contracted pelvis, combined with a posterior position of the occiput and nonrotation of the head.

  30. One of the most frequent of the fibro-cartilaginous tumors is the "mixed cartilaginous" tumor of Paget, which grows in the interstitial tissues of the parotid gland, and sometimes attains enormous size.

  31. The seventh was under treatment for interstitial keratitis and tuberculous ulceration of the lips and throat.

  32. According to Wulfert [60] the primitive germ-cells of Gonothyraea can be distinguished soon after the fixation of the planula, appearing amongst the interstitial cells of the ectoderm.

  33. The sub-epithelial layer consists primarily of the so-called interstitial cells, lodged between the narrowed basal portions of the epithelial cells.

  34. They appear to originate from the interstitial cells of the outer layer (see p.

  35. It, too, and the cells which surround it would appear to be developed from the interstitial cells.

  36. When curvature commences there is very generally more or less weakness of the limbs, though curvature, whether from ulceration or interstitial absorption, is by no means of necessity attended by any degree of paralysis.

  37. They contain an undue quantity of phosphate of lime compared to the gelatin; and the liability to fracture is further increased by the interstitial absorption of the outer shell.

  38. The organ is increased in volume, both in length and in breadth, from interstitial deposition of new organised substance, and from unusual vascularity.

  39. The integuments covering the apex and alæ of the nose are sometimes opened out in texture by interstitial deposit, forming a lipomatous tumour, lobulated, discoloured, and intersected by fissures.

  40. The softness is attributable to an interstitial atrophy of the bony tissue, as well as to an alteration in the proportion of its constituents; the animal matter being in excess, with a corresponding deficiency of the phosphate of lime.

  41. Illustration] In old subjects, particularly in fat women, the neck of the femur is often shortened, and becomes more transverse and brittle than natural, from a true interstitial absorption or atrophy of the osseous tissue.

  42. Interstitial absorption of those bones which are in the neighbourhood of the carious ulceration often occurs in the tarsus and carpus.

  43. Infectious pneumonia is a specific inflammation of the lungs, accompanied with interstitial edema and inflammation of the tissues of these organs and a constitutional disturbance and fever.

  44. In one form of chronic inflammation of the kidneys (interstitial nephritis) and in polyuria the quantity may be increased to 20 or 30 quarts daily.

  45. This is often associated with interstitial inflammation of glandular organs.

  46. There is always found a congested condition of all the organs, muscles, and interstitial tissues of the body.

  47. Congestion of all the organs and tissues is found, with interstitial hemorrhages.

  48. Indeed, it may be said that there are very few, if any, rocks in which the chemical action of interstitial water has not formerly been, or is not at present being, carried on.

  49. Mention some of the chemical effects of interstitial water.

  50. Defn: Of or pertaining to interstices; intermediate; within the tissues; as, interstitial cavities or spaces in the tissues of animals or plants.

  51. Fibroid pneumonia is an inflammation of the interstitial connective tissue lying between the lobules of the lungs, and is very slow in its course, producing shrinking and atrophy of the lungs.

  52. Defn: Induration; hardening; especially, that form of induration produced in an organ by increase of its interstitial connective tissue.

  53. This may be accompanied by a more or less marked diffused interstitial orchitis, or there may be only a thickening from the new formation of small round cells on the connective tissues of the testicles.

  54. Chronic interstitial gastritis, with contraction of the stomach and thickening of its walls, was {503} associated with ulcer in a case under my observation.

  55. The gland is then dark-red or violet in color, the meshes of the interstitial tissue are filled with recent or altered blood, and the acini are stained of a dull-gray hue.

  56. Fibroid induration of the stomach; Hypertrophy of the walls of the stomach; Chronic interstitial gastritis; Sclerosis of the stomach; Plastic linitis.

  57. There is no special liability to interstitial nephritis in articular rheumatism, nor is urate of soda present in the blood in that disease.

  58. More frequently it arises by contiguity from some disease of the liver itself, as chronic interstitial hepatitis, abscess, echinococci cysts, cancer, etc.

  59. The porosity allows interstitial movement, while the hinge-like joints by which the particles are connected hold them together in spite of the displacement.

  60. For my own part, I am inclined to believe, however that there really always is disease somewhere in the cardiac centre of the spinal cord, though that disease may consist in no more than a disposition to minute interstitial atrophy.

  61. Allied to these are olivine-free dolerites with more or less of interstitial glassy base (tholeites, &c.

  62. In the rocks of this group ophitic structure is typically absent, and the presence of an interstitial finely crystalline or amorphous material gives rise to the structure which is known as "intersertal.

  63. Brinkley and his success with interstitial gland operations.

  64. The thyroid gland and parathyroids, for instance, seem to be connected by some close sympathy with the activity or non-activity of the interstitial glands, and the atrophy of one is often accompanied by the atrophy of the other.

  65. Goat interstitial gland operations have been successfully performed on J.

  66. Professor Keith states: "The interstitial gland has as much to do with the growth, in certain particulars, as the pituitary gland has in general bodily growth.

  67. This is shown in the beardless face and almost hairless body of Mongols and Negroes, and especially in Nilotic tribes of Negroes with long, stork-like legs, which is a manifestation of abeyance of the interstitial gland.

  68. Brinkley removed an interstitial gland from a live male goat.

  69. Steinach has been studying the interstitial cells that fill in the spaces between the tubules of the testes, in males, and between the follicles of the ovaries in females.

  70. Kingsley affirms, in "Comparative Morphology of Vertebrates" that "interstitial cells carries secretions in man which pass into the blood.

  71. All of the changes we see in children after they begin to grow, which bring to prominence racial characteristics, depend upon the action of the interstitial gland.

  72. Brinkley selected a two months' old goat and removed the interstitial glands.

  73. I transplanted in him the interstitial gland of a male goat.

  74. Brinkley has made a study of the transplantation of the interstitial glands and its results.

  75. If you cut one of his genital ducts, however, which is a comparatively slight operation, it has the effect of making the interstitial cells multiply actively.

  76. The attempted transplantations of kidneys have thus far failed because the kidney product is waste matter, not live cells as in the case of the interstitial glands.

  77. The planting of the interstitial glands in Chancellor Tobias' body relieved the congestion and fully eliminated the cause.

  78. It is low in chronic interstitial nephritis, diabetes insipidus, and many functional nervous disorders.

  79. It is usually much increased in chronic interstitial nephritis, diabetes insipidus, and diabetes mellitus.

  80. Small areas of chronic interstitial change are probably responsible for the few hyaline casts so frequently found in the urine of elderly persons.

  81. While they are found in all organic diseases of the kidney, they {116} are most important in chronic interstitial nephritis.

  82. In chronic interstitial nephritis it is small--frequently no more than a trace.

  83. Now, according to Brauer the position of the germ in Hydra is the interstitial cell-layer.

  84. In Hydra we find a dermal layer of cells and an inner layer of cells separated by a gelatinous mass known as mesogloea; in this mass between the dermal and inner layers scattered cells are found, the interstitial cells.

  85. There have been, and are every instant, interstitial deaths of all the constituent particles, and an unceasing removal of those that have performed their duty.

  86. In the stead of departing portions, new ones have been introduced, interstitial births and organizations perpetually taking place.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interstitial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.