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Example sentences for "fabricated"

Lexicographically close words:
fabliau; fabliaux; fabric; fabrica; fabricate; fabricating; fabrication; fabrications; fabricator; fabrick
  1. Indeed, the manner in which these zoological productions are fabricated is exceedingly curious, and is little likely to be anticipated by ordinary observers.

  2. Contractors frequently have their choice whether the steel shall be fabricated into frames and placed as units or whether it shall be placed in separate bars.

  3. When the reinforcement is built up inside the form one side is left open for the work; ordinarily the column reinforcement will be fabricated into unit frames, then an opening in the form at the bottom to permit splicing will suffice.

  4. But this was, in all probability, a fabricated story, to impose on the incautious: at least, I have every reason to consider it so.

  5. And being lewd in nature and goaded on through shame of his promises, the vagabond fabricated a corrupt allegory for those whom he had deceived.

  6. Those traitors (the Simonians) fabricated for themselves a gospel, which they divided into four books, and called it the 'Book of the Four Angles and Points of the World.

  7. Writers of a very different order from the impostor who fabricated these forgeries," &c.

  8. They have afterwards fabricated miracles in proof of those incredibilities.

  9. Almost all impostors who have fabricated religions, have announced incredibilities to mankind.

  10. I do not give any credit whatever to this league, as printed in Strype, which seems to have been fabricated by some of the queen's emissaries.

  11. Jacobite, supposes the puritans to have fabricated the tale, and prevailed on Holingshed to insert it in his history.

  12. De la Monnoye fabricated a long dissertation in which he denied the existence of the original Latin edition, but received a well merited refutation at the hands of P.

  13. Rabbins have done, and those who have fabricated the Holy Writings from a mass of fragments stolen from this Grand Philosopher.

  14. But you must not misunderstand me, Mr. Pegram," she said, as the two seated themselves in the great oaken chairs fabricated on the plantation during colonial times.

  15. Meilhan informed Thener that he had fabricated the deed, and had shown it round, in order to inspire such confidence in him as would secure him refuge when he had to give up schoolmastering.

  16. Meilhan stuck pretty firmly to his story that it was to deceive his son that he had fabricated the deed of annuity.

  17. He had fabricated letters which he attributed to Madame de Saint-Geran and Madame de Frontenac, and published a correspondence of Madame de Maintenon which M.

  18. The Mexican artists fabricated it into mirrors, razors, spearheads, knives, lancets, and all sorts of fine tools.

  19. At Javita a salt is fabricated by the incineration of the spadix and fruit of the palm-tree seje or chimu.

  20. It is a false notion, very general in the province of Cumana, that the excellent liqueur fabricated at Martinique owes its peculiar flavour to the jape.

  21. It may be all very true; but I would only ask, if a story had been fabricated for the express purpose of amusing the English nation, could it have been contrived more ingeniously?

  22. By calculation, the progress of light from the sun and other luminaries is said to be ascertained; and likewise the rate at which sound travels: but hitherto no contrivance has been fabricated to estimate the rapidity of thought.

  23. We repeat that the ill treatment which the deposit has experienced at the hands of those who fabricated the text of Cod.

  24. Let the foregoing be accepted as a specimen of the injury occasionally sustained by the Evangelical text in a very remote age from the evil influence of the fabricated narratives, or Diatessarons, which anciently abounded.

  25. In the case of D we are presented with the alarming concurrence of a fabricated archetype and either a blundering scribe, or a course of blundering scribes.

  26. D is that it abounds in fabricated readings which have nothing whatever to recommend them.

  27. In the fabricated text, they are at cross purposes and inconsistent with one another in a high degree.

  28. He was enabled, from his abundant stock of recently fabricated arms, to furnish them with panoplies and weapons; for it is probable that as subjects of Carthage they had been disarmed.

  29. An angry controversy ensued, and in the end it became certain that most of Hunolstein's edition, and part of Feuillet's, was fabricated by an impostor.

  30. And we know now that Calonne, behind the back of the Count d'Artois, fabricated the reply which lured the king and queen to their fate.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fabricated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    artificial; assembled; built; cast; conceived; custom; fabricated; fabulous; factitious; fake; false; fancied; fantastic; fantastical; fictional; fictitious; forged; gathered; grown; handmade; hatched; homemade; homespun; invented; legendary; made; manufactured; milled; mined; molded; mythical; prefabricated; processed; raised; refined; shaped