It crystallizes in rhombohedra belonging to the hexagonal system, having interfacialangles of 87 deg.
Although bismuth is readily obtained in fine crystals by artificial means, yet natural crystals are rare and usually indistinct; they belong to the rhombohedral system and a cube-like rhombohedron with interfacial angles of 92 deg.
The problem is to make the sum of the interfacial tensions a minimum, each tension being proportional to the square of the difference of densities of the two contiguous liquids in question.
Laplace does not treat systematically the question of interfacial tension, but he gives incidentally in terms of his quantity H a relation analogous to (47).
If T12 denote the interfacial tension, the energy corresponding to unit of area of the interface is also T12, as we see by considering the introduction (through a fine tube) of one body into the interior of the other.
Nicolaus Stena in 1669 determined the interfacial angles of quartz crystals by cutting sections perpendicular to the edges, the plane angles of the sections being then the angles between the faces which are perpendicular to the sections.
The interfacial angles over the three edges of each triangle are all different.
Distinct crystals of alunite are rarely met with in cavities in the massive material; these are rhombohedra with interfacial angles of 90 deg.
The practical application of the law of constancy of interfacial angles lies in the fact that in many cases a mineral may actually be identified merely by measuring the interfacial angles of its crystal form.
Whether geometrically perfect or not, all crystals respond to the law of constancy of interfacial angles which means that on all crystals of the same substances the angles between similar (corresponding) faces are always equal.
In our experiment it is theinterfacial tension, C, which has been diminished in strength, as we may now prove by a second experiment.
The experiment furnishes conclusive evidence of the existence of the interfacial tension.
Merely touching the upper surface of the oil with a rod moistened with quinoline has no effect, and hence the result is due to the weakening of the interfacial tension.
This interfacial tension of the jelly will of course have a contractile effect, and will tend to resist swelling and to limit it as far as it possibly can.
It will be obvious that as the jelly swells the power of resisting the swelling will decrease, and the interfacial tension with the external water will tend to disappear.
The crystals were for a long time considered to be orthorhombic, and indeed they approach closely to this system in habit, interfacial angles and optical orientation; humboldtite was the name given by A.
The crystals are prismatic in habit, and closely resemble topaz in form and interfacial angles.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interfacial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.