To the superficial observer the bodies of animals of different classesseem to differ fundamentally in plan--to be entirely different machines, made each for its own purposes, at once, out of hand.
As, however, my object was to ascertain the distribution of different classes of tenures, this course, though not satisfactory, seemed the best one to follow.
This defect, however, is perhaps not so great as to outweigh the value of the general picture of the relative proportion of different classes given by the table.
Unfortunately, the writer has not in available form information as todifferent classes of railroads.
This doctrine was modified by degrees, in proportion as different classes of organic remains, such as shells, corals, and fossil plants, had been studied with attention.
The indiscriminateness of the judgment in its bearing on different classes of persons is obviously a feature which Ezekiel here seeks to emphasise.
Kinley's figures thus give us a means of getting at the degree of activity of different classes of deposits in the balance sheet sense, and so, indirectly, of different classes of loans.
Nor has any effort been made to allow for variations in the proportions of freight and passenger receipts, or of different classes of freight traffic.
Dun's index number is chosen partly because it is complete for 1916, and partly because it is weighted in accordance with the consumption of different classes of goods, and so particularly suited to this inquiry.
One of the industries in which piece rates are largely used, is the manufacture of garments of different classes.
Special forms of time sheets or pay-roll records are designed to meet the requirements of different classes of business.
Again, the selling price may vary according to the demands of trade; different prices to different classes of customers, as well as the wholesale and retail prices for the same article.
It is extremely hard to make a general statement as to fines when offender and offended are of different classes.
We have just seen, in the example given in section 88, to what an extent personality and war-footing enter into the infliction of fines when offender and offended are of different classes.
But when they are of different classes, the case is not so simple, and the factors of fighting strength and personality enter.
Coefficients of Digestibility (or Availability) of Nutrients in Different Classes of Food Materials.
The larger part of these have been taken into account in the following estimations of the digestibility of the nutrients in different classes of food materials.
In the ledger, property accounts are opened with the different classesof properties represented in the estate, which accounts are debited for the appraised value of the properties.
This book is of the same form as used in other businesses, with as many columns as may be desired to separate purchases of different classes of produce.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different classes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.