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Example sentences for "still farther"

  • The third objection carries the matter still farther, and not only asserts, that the idea of a vacuum is real and possible, but also necessary and unavoidable.

  • I make a still farther trial; and instead of removing the relation, I only change it for one of a different kind.

  • Still farther north, on the eastern or Greenland side, is the grave of Hall, the American commander of the Polaris Expedition.

  • Still farther out to sea the Intrepid herself would patrol a line twenty miles long, also closing at dusk to within sighting distance of a Very's light, should we want to communicate with her by firing one.

  • We weighed anchor and felt our way, carefully, still farther along to the east'ard.

  • If Jask answered, we were on the near side of the cut wire; and, as Jask did answer, it showed that the spot where the tragedy had taken place must be still farther away.

  • The 4th French Army, still farther to the east, was being violently attacked by the Duke of Würtemberg, who was trying hard but in vain to pierce the Allied centre.

  • Still farther to the west, a French Territorial battalion held the town of Tournai.

  • Still farther, the hills of Rum can just be distinguished from the blue sky.

  • Still farther astern is the small isle of Scarba, which, as we see it, seems to be a single hill.

  • Still farther behind us retreats the Island of Jura, with the remarkable mountains called the Paps of Jura, which form a landmark at a great distance.

  • This abstract apprehension of the conception of virtue is still farther verified in the rigid antagonism which the Stoics affirmed between virtue and not-virtue, reason and sense.

  • Still farther north, as far as the Somme, lay de Castelnau's army.

  • Still farther west, fronting Silesia on the north is the loftiest and boldest part of the range--the High Tatra.

  • Still farther west is the Uzsok Pass, which is less than three thousand feet above the sea-level, and carries a good road and a railway.

  • September 30th, when another long slip took place, with its centre at D, still farther to the south-west, and therefore again extending the area and amount of displacement in this direction.

  • South of the Save you see a country marked Bosnia,[8] and, still farther south, another country marked Herzegovina.

  • Still farther south, near the Swiss boundary, another raid was made.

  • Still farther back it is carried on slender black-and-white poles, and finally it reaches the general headquarters on permanent posts.

  • The range of the Musk Ox is still farther north, rarely south of latitude 67 degrees.

  • To this place, their traditions assert, they came from Chagoimegon, or still farther east, prior to the discovery of the country by Europeans.

  • A still farther view of Indian manners and opinions is hid under this simple chant.

  • The source of origin was doubtless west and south west, but we cannot stop at the Narragansetts, who were themselves derivative from tribes still farther south.

  • Still farther would I speak, but am afraid Lest he to scratch my itch be making ready.

  • Still farther do I pray thee, Queen, who canst Whate'er thou wilt, that sound thou mayst preserve After so great a vision his affections.

  • But that thou wholly satisfied mayst bear Thy wishes hence which in this sphere are born, Still farther to proceed behoveth me.

  • Still farther south, near Bielsk, Russian resistance was not any more successful.

  • Still farther south at Olyka, west of Rovno, the Russians were thrown back by a bayonet attack, carried out by two Austro-Hungarian infantry regiments.

  • Still farther south, on the Dniester, Austrian troops, too, forced back the Russians step by step.

  • Schiller found himself without meat or drink, or even wood for fuel; still farther exasperated by the dabbling of some washer-maids beneath his window, he produced these lines.

  • The want of more important public interests naturally contributes still farther to the prominence of this, the discussion of which is not forbidden, or sure to be without effect.

  • He felt it hard enough to be driven from the enchantments of poetry by the dull realities of duty; but it was intolerable and degrading to be hemmed-in still farther by the caprices of severe and formal pedagogues.

  • For the present, attention is still farther called to the origin of the Tultiques, the first and the most remarkable people, ancient or modern, that have inhabited the American continent.

  • The relics of America go far to prove it; and those of the Pacific Islands, if possible, still farther.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "still farther" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    evening dress; full stomach; inch howitzer; looking face; loom weavers; she could; still better; still continues; still didn; still earlier; still further; still going; still have; still life; still living; still looking; still more; still observed; still remain; still remember; still seen; still the; still tongue; still used; still very; still visible