He was not immune to an appetite-causing molecule demanding more of itself on penalty of madness.
In other words, to make it so immune from Newtonian law that it would spurn the earth and fall from it at a speed even greater than the drawing power of gravity.
Before we get too far from the car, let me make sure that all of you are sufficiently immune from the heat.
In addition to these I have a light, in the course of production, which will serve to render the submarine immune from the dangers of submersion.
He attempted to duplicate in hay fever the triumph of antitoxin in diphtheria by injecting a horse with increasing doses of pollen until the horse became immune to large doses of pollen and his blood full of antibodies.
Nature can give us one dose of yellow-fever or scarlet-fever or small-pox or measles and make us immune for life but your artificially produced immunity may last for a few weeks or months only.
Joan sincerely hoped that enough of the phagocytes had been released by the innoculation to render her immune from further attack forever.
The stronger the virus injected of that disease, the greater the number of phagocytes formed; and it is the presence of these detached phagocytes after the virus has run its course that render the patient immune from further attack.
We have often quoted that every one must love one of the opposite sex at least once in a lifetime, and our hero and heroine were not immune from this stern gravitation law, because they were only human after all.
Even Scott is notimmune from Barrett's barbed arrows, and Byron is glanced at in the bogus antique language of "Eftsoones.
We may feel we are immunefrom the visits of ghosts, but the accident in The Man in the Bell (1821) is one which might happen to anyone.
Thus we become more and more immunefrom all that is ugly and harmful, and more appreciatively attached to all that is beautiful and good.
Until we do the work that our times demand of us, even Christians may not hope to remain immune from the devastating influences of doubt.
Before the war the negro was regarded asimmune from yellow fever, and almost immune from dangerous malarial affections.
Mail must be carried to the interior by immune native runners, as a bite from these flies means a very short life for a horse.
A "curfew" bell rings at 9 o'clock each evening, and the only native seen about the streets who is immune from arrest after that hour is the ricksha puller.
Naturally they found highly moral reasons to justify their vulgar curiosity, and to condemn Antoinette's desire to be immune from it.
Not that, generally speaking, they do anything much to help them, for they are interested in too many things at once and much more a prey to the vanities of the world than other people, while they pretend to be immune from them.
Wherefore, it may be asked, was Egypt alone immune from the influence of totemism?
They were not even immune from the statutory labour on the embankments, and if this was lessened for them, it was owing to the good offices of their fellow-citizens.
He was immune to the pain of it, however, for having the abasic senses was like possessing another body.
You don't know what kind of defense could be offered against them--perhaps they areimmune to such attacks themselves.
Two days later, in compliance with this dispatch, a party consisting of twelve trained nurses, one immune nurse, and one assistant, was sent from New York to Tampa in charge of Miss Laura D.
We cabled for fifty nurses, ten assistants, a number of immune physicians, complete hospital equipment, and a quantity of surgical material, sufficient to make at least five hundred patients comfortable.
Notwithstanding our repeated offers, the government adhered to its determination to permit none but immune nurses at the front, and the extension of the auxiliary's work seemed to be hopelessly checked.
I have made an exception with reference to sending female nurses to Cuba in view of the outbreak of yellow fever in Santiago, and am now sending immune nurses, both male and female, for duty at the yellow fever hospitals.
Now very similar results have been obtained by Calmette in respect to the serum of animals naturally immune from serpent venom.
To confirm his suspicions, however, he took some more of this rod material, and, before inoculating it into animals, he mixed it with serum derived from animals which had been artificially rendered immune to abrine poison.
Thus, white rats are absolutely immune from diphtheria, but Wassermann showed some years ago that the serum of these animals has no power whatever to counteract the action of diphtheria-toxin in other animals.
These animals, therefore, although very refractory, are not absolutely immune from the action of venom-toxin.
When a player is hard pressed or breathless, or does not wish to play, he may become immune from tagging by crossing any one finger over its neighbor on either hand, as the forefinger over the middle finger.
A player is consideredimmune if, instead of hanging by his hands, he throws himself across some obstacle, such as a fence, which enables him to lift his feet from the ground.
The new ardor which burns in his breast consumes in its glow the lower "noes" which formerly beset him, and keeps him immune against infection from the entire groveling portion of his nature.
The polyhedron has become immune against farther attraction from their direction.
If surgery is done in conjunction with rebuilding the immune system, the body will prevent new cancers from forming.
If the body's immune system can stop the growth of the cancers and begin to turn them back before the cancer cells impinge catastrophically on some vital function, the person can usually survive.
Lymph nodes are also a part of our immune system and produce white blood cells to help control invading organisms.
Analysis with biokinesiology showed a pervasively weak immune system, including a weak thymus gland, spleen, and an overloaded lymphatic system.
I worked all the acupuncture points on my body that strengthen the immune system, including the thymus gland, lymph nodes, and spleen.
This hormone also stimulates the body to heal wounds and burns, repair broken bones, generally replace any tissues that have been destroyed and, growth hormone stimulates the immune response.
The thymus and spleen form the core of the body's immune system.
And if toxins weaken the body's immune response, cancer.
But the doctor rarely understands that all these seemingly different diseases are essentially the same disease--a toxic body with a dysfunctional immune system.
A great deal of the body's energy will go toward boosting the immune system if the problem is an infection.
This type of tumor may not be completely reabsorbed by the body in any case; though the immune system may have killed it, an empty shell remains, like a peanut shell.
But most people do not develop cancer as a disease because their immune function is strong so these misbehaving cells are destroyed as fast as they appear.
But of all vested interests none deal with such assured incomes, none are so immune by influence and tradition as the Universities.
For an oligarchic State tends very readily to illusion, being conducted by men who live at leisure, satisfy their passions, are immune from the laws, and prefer to shield themselves from reality.
Early in 1797, through another outbreak of cowpox, Jenner was able to inoculate three persons with variola, only to find as before that they were immune from smallpox.
All this notwithstanding, cases continued to develop, in the face of shotgun quarantine even, until the last non-immune inhabitant of the locality had been either cured or buried.
A vaccine is a liquid, the result of bacterial growth, injected into a patient in order to render him immune from that particular disease which is caused by sufficient infection with the microorganisms in question, e.
It appears to have been understood before Jenner's time that persons who had acquired cowpox by handling cattle, but especially by milking cows, were immune from smallpox.
You will be relieved as soon as an immune can be sent to replace you.
Now it is characteristic of a microorganic disease that a person who has recovered from an attack of it is immune from that disease for a longer or shorter time, in some cases for the remainder of life.
Why, if that is so, it would seem that we have only to use the blood of immune animals, as an injection, to insure a person against a disease!
By the means which I have explained to you, your daughter was born, immune to all diseases.
The immune animal resists such multiplication, and possesses inherent powers of resistance which finally exterminates the invader.
But none of you guessed that a child had been born, who, like Chauvau's lambs, would beimmune to all disease!
Behring and Kitasato experimenting in that direction, found that the blood of immune animals, injected into susceptible individuals, after twenty-four hours rendered them immune, but this would not follow with all diseases.
The difference between a susceptible and an immune animal depends upon one fact.
It was a privilege of the peerage to be immune from any punishment upon a first conviction of felony.
Ambassadors were made immune from arrest, prosecution and imprisonment to preserve their rights and privileges and protection by the Queen and the law of nations.
And maybe some people are just naturally immune after it reaches a certain stage.