A thousand things produce inharmony and make men sick; a thousand things may tune the harpsichord, and make men well.
Inharmony and evil are the same; so evil is the handiwork of man.
The body is a harpsichord; sometimes the strings are too relaxed, and then inharmony results.
She would not let one hour of discord or inharmony affect its life.
The young girl, glowing with the discoveries made in Aunt Susan's home, desired to get at the bottom of the causes of inharmony in her own and to reorganize it on a better basis.
The Progressives could scarcely conceal the inharmony of their leaders in regard to the immediate policy the party should pursue.
The internalinharmony of the cabinet so unfortunately caused by the inexplicable conduct of Viscount Watanabe seriously reflected upon the credit of the leaders then in office.
You have a regard for law, order, and propriety and for the rules and conventions of customs; you dislike incivility, awkwardness, or bad taste in opinions or conduct as much as you do ugliness or inharmony in your surroundings.
A strong emotional vibration, or a strong desire or will, tends to manifest on the astral plane by attracting or repelling others in psychic harmony or inharmonywith you.
In the same, way, the law causes you to repel other persons who vibrate on a note or notes in general inharmony or discord to yourself.
The disturbances and inharmony which mark this relationship, and have marked it throughout human history, are due as much, perhaps, to misunderstanding of human nature as to any one other cause.
However, Lynch's personality was so pleasant and he was so tactful and agreeable that this little feeling of inharmony seemed soon to disappear.
The harmony of nature depends upon inharmony between the meat-eaters and the vegetable-eaters, and the harmony of modern progress has likewise depended in large measure upon formative inharmony between peoples.
Why preach the golden rule of harmony as an abstraction, when inharmony is the concrete sin to be destroyed.
The avoidance of inharmony must of course yield harmony.
Just here inharmony easily insinuates itself through the introduction of elements having no antiphonal connection.
Sin alone has brought conflict and inharmony into our three-fold nature and prevents perfect happiness and perfect development.
As a further proof that the system is the cause of discord, strife and inharmony among the sisters I will copy another letter I wrote to Mother Wilfrid.
Patients and doctors have come to me many, many times, with proof of the awful jealousy and inharmony among sisters.
In fact, the withholding of such information, and the concealment and deception arising therefrom, has often done much to bring marital inharmony between husband and wife.
Ignorance of Sex Science is a frequent cause of immorality, and the real reason of marital inharmony and unhappiness.
The realization that all inharmony is unreal brings objects and thoughts into human view in their true light, and presents them as beautiful and immortal.
Though the inharmony resulting from material sense hides the 81:27 harmony of Science, inharmony cannot destroy the divine Principle of Science.
To suppose that God constitutes laws of inharmony is a mistake; dis- 183:6 cords have no support from nature or divine law, however much is said to the contrary.
You are not afraid of anything; you know there is no reality in sickness; you are not suffering any inharmony because of fear or remorse for sin.
Well, we cannot altogether preventinharmony in the Church.
He who takes offense at differences in the Church, who when he sees any inharmony at once concludes there is no Church there, will in the end miss both the Church and Christ.
Inharmony is a deplorable offense in the case of Christians, putting them in the worst possible light, and making it impossible for them to steer clear of factions.
But at the same time he deals a blow to those who take offense at inharmony among Christians.
When man thinks rightly his body is in tune; but wrong thinking creates inharmony in the body and produces sickness.
Wrong thinking produces inharmony in the mind, which, of course, disconnects man from rightful association with the Divine.
Wrong thinking brings inharmony in some of the octaves of our body.
Wrong thinking produces inharmony of the body which in turn produces sickness.
Others may not feel the vibration at all, yet if there has been any inharmony in the bodily organs, these organs are unconscious to the conscious intoning re-harmonization.
Unobstructed blood cannot form a tumor, nor allow inharmony to dwell in any part of the system.
We may then expect inharmony in the circulation of the blood to the head and face with all the organs and glands above the neck.
Courage, he will feel the inharmony and get rid of you as soon as he can.
He feels that the duty of your Assembly is to not give up Yerrinbool because of any inharmony over it, but to administer and support it properly and remove the inharmony.
He cannot too strongly point out to you all that any condition of inharmony places in jeopardy the wonderful achievements recently made in the spread and consolidation of the Cause in Australia and New Zealand.
In short, attraction and harmony of things are the cause of the production of fruits and useful results, while repulsion and inharmony of things are the cause of disturbance and annihilation.
From harmony and attraction, all living contingent beings, such as plant, animal and man, are realized, and from inharmony and repulsion decay sets in and annihilation becomes manifest.