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Example sentences for "inculpated"

Lexicographically close words:
inculcated; inculcates; inculcating; inculcation; inculpate; incumbency; incumbent; incumbents; incumbered; incumbrance
  1. As this was evidently inspired by fear, the torture went on when, at the first turn of the garrote, he inculpated himself so eagerly that he was warned not to bear false-witness against himself.

  2. He refused both advocate and patrones, saying that he was subject to correction by the Church and by learned theologians, and he did not propose to defend the inculpated propositions.

  3. Of these only two were Spaniards, one being the last inculpated monk of San Isidro.

  4. It is probable that in some such way this indefensible attempt was suppressed, for neither of the inculpated names appear in the Expurgatory Index of Zapata, in 1632.

  5. Those inculpated under the edict are so numerous that it would be an infinite affair to punish them, and to overlook them would be worse, for they expect to be allowed to continue.

  6. From the number of those inculpated it may be assumed that this auto did not empty the prisons, and that it was followed by others, but if so, we have no record of them.

  7. She returned home with her conscience heavily burthened about those whom she had unjustly inculpated and, at her daughter's instance, she applied to her confessor.

  8. Prolonged investigations were made, other nuns were examined, and it was in evidence that the two inculpated were women of exceptional virtue and piety who had prayed to God to test them with afflictions.

  9. The inculpated works would have been expurgated or forbidden, if necessary.

  10. In this there is doubtless exaggeration, but another authority states the number of those inculpated at 695.

  11. The Count and his fellow prisoner were equally inculpated in the crime; and both were condemned to a death the most horrible and ignominious--to be broken alive on the wheel!

  12. The rector inculpated the abbot, and each appealed to Rome, with what result is unknown.

  13. Some writers have inculpated the Jesuits for the murder, but it may more reasonably be attributed to the fury of a crazy fanatic.

  14. The names of those inculpated in the confessions before the Inquisition amount only to about thirty, and it is fair to assume that the number of the sectaries at no time exceeded thirty-five or forty.

  15. Popular sympathy evidently was with the inculpated brethren.

  16. With some difficulty he procured copies of his inculpated writings and proceeded to justify himself.

  17. A few minutes after the prisoners were brought into the justice-room, a Guilford solicitor of much local celebrity arrived, and announced that he appeared for both the inculpated parties.

  18. Compromises are usually effected between the apprehension of the inculpated parties and the public examination before a magistrate.

  19. The evidence for the crown consisted, therefore, on the day of trial, of the testimony of persons acquainted with Hornby's signature, that the acceptance across the inculpated bill was not in his handwriting.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inculpated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accused; blamed; charged; criminal; culpable; faulty; guilty; impeachable; impeached; implicated; impugned; inculpated; indictable; indicted; involved; peccant; reprehensible; taxed