The unduly high value set by him upon the auricular systole agrees well with the polemical vigor with which Harvey exaltedimpulsion and rejected suction,[233] in his general physiology as well as in the physiology of the heart.
The arteries are filled by this sudden impulsion and, as they cannot unload themselves as suddenly, are expanded, receive an impulse, and undergo their diastole.
In a word, it is necessary that the material impulsion should be contained in the limits of propriety by personality, and the formal impulsion by receptivity or nature.
In its turn, the tempering of the formal impulsion must not result from moral impotence, from a relaxation of thought and will, which would degrade humanity.
He can attribute to the active force the extensiveness belonging to the passive force, he can encroach by the formal impulsion on the material impulsion, and substitute the determining for the receptive power.
The sensuous impulsion comes into play therefore before the rational impulsion, because sensation precedes consciousness; and in this priority of sensuous impulsion we find the key of the history of the whole of human liberty.
Therefore, this will, inclined to good, but too feeble, does not fail to attain by this route to good actions, which might not have happened if a stronger impulsion had drawn it in a contrary sense.
He can hand over to the passive force the intensity demanded by the active force; he can encroach by material impulsion on the formal impulsion, and convert the receptive into the determining power.
The formal impulsion seeks unity and permanence, but it does not wish the condition to remain fixed with the person, that there should be identity of feeling.
The sensuous impulsion excludes from its subject all autonomy and freedom; the formal impulsion excludes all dependence and passivity.
Thus, then, the exclusive action of sensuous impulsion has for its necessary consequence the narrowest limitation.
But this is only according to the prevailing impulsion from a reduction in price.
We must suppose that the stimulus to the performance of each act is an impulsion from behind, not an attraction from the future.
The primitive non-cognitive element in desire seems to be a push, not a pull, an impulsion away from the actual, rather than an attraction towards the ideal.
The perpetual difficulty consists in finding the clue for him and placing it in his hands, for, if the teaching is too detached from life, it does not result in any psychic impulsion at all.
We crossed the Tana by a ferry which travels along a rope under the impulsion of the current.
It is acted upon by three independent forces: the resistance of the air, the attraction of the earth, and the force of impulsion with which it is endowed.
Another theory (of Aristotle's) is that the production of voices and sound is due to the air, because the impulsion impressed on the air is sonorous.
At all events, he was certainly possessed with an inordinate impulsion to undo his rivals.
Then in a century or two, when the firstimpulsion of Mohammedan conquest was spent, the works of Aristotle and his later Greek commentators were translated into Arabic from Syrian versions, under the encouragement of the rulers of Bagdad.
Oenon in Ouides epistles ioyneth to gy- ther qualitie and naturall impulsion / say- enge.
In fact, if the sensuous impulsion becomes determining, if the senses become lawgivers, and if the world stifles personality, he loses as object what he gains in force.
No doubt the sensuous impulsion desires change; but it does not wish that it should extend to personality and its field, nor that there should be a change of principles.
Some linger long in the childish stage and advance late or slowly, while others push on with a sudden outburst of impulsion to early maturity.
Repulsive as are these grosser and animal manifestations of anger, its impulsion can not and should not be eliminated, but its expression transformed and directed toward evils that need all its antagonism.
It is also the best form of self-expression; and its advantage is variability, following the impulsion of the idle, perhaps hyperemic, and overnourished centers most ready to act.
The self, then, soon begins to feel a strong impulsion to some type of inward withdrawal and concentration, some kind of prayer; though it may not use this name or recognize the character of its mood.
But, to return for a moment to psychological language, whilst the Divine impulsion remains for us below the threshold, it is not doing all that it could for us nor we all that we could do for it; for we are not completely unified.
Its impulsion is always in one direction; to a finding of some wider and more enduring reality, some objective for the self's life and love.
She was guided by others, and her name was up before the world, owing to some half-remembered impulsion of past wishes, but her heart was numbed; she was not a woman to have a wish without a beat of the heart in it.
Then the canoe swung from its mooring, and in a few minutes, under the impulsion of three strong slaves, went flying down the canal.
But this tempering and moderating the sensuous impulsion ought not to be the effect of physical impotence or of a blunting of sensations, which is always a matter for contempt.
In fact, if the sensuous impulsion becomes determining, if the senses become law-givers, and if the world stifles personality, he loses as object what he gains in force.
The sensuous impulsionrequires that there should be change, that time should have contents; the formal impulsion requires that time should be suppressed, that there should be no change.
It is in reality his inflexible iron impulsionwhich his consciousness in vain seeks to grasp and to interpret by the aid of a flood of unintelligible words.
It is a question of the intensity of the impulsion and the resisting power of the judgment, perhaps also of courage and cowardice; nothing else.
There is something of the same vernal impulsion in pages of The Snow Maiden of which we are conscious in Wagner's Forest Murmurs.
What do they see beyond the fatal impulsion which sets men at odds in a fierce struggle for life, the results of which seem uncommensurate with the effort expended?
The truth being that the girl's inertia took the impulsion of any movement near her.
Fortunately a small indentation in the shore presented itself, within a few yards of the point they had just passed; and the two canoes glided into it, under the impulsion of the paddles.
As ferocious pagans, the Huns had long closed the road to Constantinople; but the change which swept over Europe after the year 1000, when Saint Stephen was crowned, was unmistakable; the West received an impulsion from the East.
As it was, the pressure continued until the catastrophe occurred, relic worship was swept away, the property of the nation was redistributed, and an impulsion was given to large farming which led to the rapid eviction of the yeomanry.
Agriculture, as well as industry, felt the impulsion of the new force.
In the famine of 1846 the decisive moment came, and when Sir Robert sided, as was his wont, with the strongest, and abandoned his followers to their fate, he only yielded to the impulsion of a resistless force.