The contents of Chopin's impromptus are of a more pleasing nature than those of the scherzos.
The composer's three first impromptus were published during his lifetime: Op.
One of his nautical impromptus uttered by him during this phase has remained with me.
Indeed, a Judge, quite recently dead, has occasionally supplied me, what time I sat in an editorial chair, with little impromptus which he has let off in the course of the day.
For the impromptus alone he has found no name and says of them: "To write of the four impromptus in their own key of unrestrained feeling and pondered intention would not be as easy as recapturing the first 'careless rapture of the lark.
His Impromptus and Moments Musical, small impressionist pieces, in which isolated musical ideas are clothed in brief artistic forms adapted to the timbre of the instrument, may well be thought to have placed piano literature on a new basis.
His impromptus were sometimes excellent, but occasionally failed;—he made, however, more hits than any one of his contemporaries.
Not one of these four Impromptus is as naive as Schubert's; they are more sophisticated and do not smell of nature and her simplicities.
For completeness and height, and for sudden surprise, this speech exceeds all impromptuson record.
He believed that the boy might yet be able to help him in writing out, under his dictation, the Charivari impromptus which, he supposed, were his chief forte.
But, as he had already said: "Impromptus may be good money of the heart, but they are often the worst money of the head.
He was one of the most accomplished of musicians; and if he had not yet produced an opera or composed even a song, instances were on record of his having performed impromptus that would undoubtedly have made the fame of a professor.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impromptus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.