The practice of impropriation has been regarded by most writers as a manifest abuse, and there is no call to attempt to defend it.
The Church had been an impropriation of the Abbey of Beddgelert; it is very small, and has in it a monument commemorating such of the family as were buried in it.
But the history of the impropriation of benefices, and the subsequent foundation of perpetual vicarages, requires a chapter to itself.
They consisted of the impropriation of five parochial benefices.
The impropriation and patronage of this parish were granted by Henry VIII.
In the reign of Elizabeth, the patronage and impropriation were severed, the former being attached to the see of Chichester; and so it continues to the present day.
It appears that there was a suit in chancery respecting the impropriation of Lowestoft, and that it was obliged to be sold by order of a decree of that court.
With the impropriation there was likewise purchased a large barn (to lay the tithes in) copyhold, on which barn there was left unpaid £50.
Between these tables of impropriation benefactors is a neat marble tablet with the following inscription: A.
Two Hundred Pounds of Queen Anne’s Bounty were given towards purchasing the Impropriation of Lowestoft, for the benefit of the Vicar.
The church is with good reason supposed to have been built by the funds supplied from the treasury of the priory of St. Bartholomew, to which establishment the impropriation of the town belonged.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impropriation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.