But the angel of Ammergau visited him here; he leaned his weary head upon His breast, His kiss rewarded his unselfish labor, His radiance illumined the unassuming citizen.
No one who has read the "History of Paraguay," or studied the records of the Missions to the Red Indians of the eighteenth century, can forget the picture of unselfish devotion which they exhibit.
Only once have I acted with a purely unselfish motive, and that was with Beryl.
That piece of news which would surely be welcome to her if she understood what it implied, should rightly come to her from the woman who had been unselfish for her sake.
Endowed with a superior intellect, with a most benevolent andunselfish disposition, with a cheerful, loving nature, she desired above all things to be an active, useful member of society.
Thus some high or unselfish motive inspired all their conduct and influenced every arrangement.
After a fewunselfish protests, they did as I bade them.
But Martin stuck faithfully to the kind of life he knew was pleasing to God, and tried in his dealings with his fellow-men to do things in the brave, kind, generous, unselfish way Christ would have done them.
The spirit of all our acts hitherto has been an earnest, unselfish desire for peace and prosperity in Cuba, untarnished by differences between us and Spain and unstained by the blood of American citizens.
Nan, dear sensible, unselfish Nan, would be the only one who would sympathize with her older sister in regard to the necessity of continuing the strict economy they had practiced since early in May, when Dr.
This rough life is very hard on me and nothing but my being very unselfish and devoted makes me put up with it.
He could not meet her face, which was so full of unselfish and passionless affection, because his own eyes were brimming over with passion.
Cornelius, you are the most unselfish creature in the world.
To hear her say "It is your right," sent a thrill of purely unselfish pride through his breast.
And the experience filled him with the spirit to do other good and unselfish deeds.
His own character being immune to the little twinging impulses of humanness that grow to generous and unselfish deeds, he had looked with derision upon all persons who betrayed concern for their fellow-men.
From Pennell down there is not an officer or man who has not done his job nobly during the past weeks, and it will be a glorious thing to remember the unselfish loyal help they are giving us.
I have never been thrown in with a more unselfish lot of men--each one doing his utmost fair and square in the most cheery manner possible.
For a companion I had found a book, not bemused with the cleverness of the day--a fine-weather book, simple and sincere like the talk of an unselfish friend.
Generally speaking, an unselfish action is a moral action.
Spenlove practised, and, needy as he was, and narrow as had been his means from the start, his young career already afforded a striking example of sweet and unselfish attributes.
Even from such unselfish love as he entertained for the wife who was deserving of love in its sweetest and purest aspects may spring an upas tree to poison the air we breathe.
The unselfish man is he whose nature has a more universal direction, whose interests are more widely diffused.
But as impersonal thoughts are such only in their object, not in their subject or agents, since, all thoughts are the thoughts of somebody: so also unselfish interests have to be somebody's interests.
But there is not much virtue in beingunselfish now and then, if, in the meantime, we think of nothing but gratifying our own desires.
The unselfishperson is constantly trying to lighten the burdens of others.
A generous person gives out of his abundance, liberally; an unselfish person of what seems necessary to his happiness.
A generous boy shares his weekly purchases with his friends; an unselfish boy, out of pity at some distressful case, gives away all his allowance for that week, and cheerfully goes without.
The unselfish man, indeed, is often imposed on by the self-seeking, and more often still simply because he is unselfish, and never ceases to think of others.
Who was he to stand and judge this unselfish woman?
But the unselfishwork she does--the utter sacrifice?
Something perhaps of the real meaning of life, of its great underlying sadness, ennobled by patient suffering, by unselfish devotion, for presently she turned round to Graham.
Vi, her eyes shining, "how good, how kind, and unselfishyou always are!
Cigarette gave no movement of assent; all the jealous rage in her flared up afresh to stifle the noble and unselfish instincts under which she had been led during the later moments.
He was particularly unselfish in his estimate of other men and his appreciation of their work.
Mrs. Croly's friendship and unselfish kindness began with my entrance over twenty years ago into club life, and from then onward she was continually urging and helping me towards increased intellectual effort.
I believe that she constantly exerted a noble influence, and that she stood for all that makes for woman's unselfish helpfulness, courage and independence.
For it made me feel how utterly unselfish and self-forgetting mamma was, above all wherever I was concerned, and it made me feel, too, how little I deserved such devotion.
The Argentine expected to find as unselfish a patriot as himself, but the "liberator" was not single-minded.
Tupac's fame as an enlightened and unselfish patriot rests securely on the contents of the noble and able despatch which, on this occasion, he sent to the Spanish authorities.