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Example sentences for "iglesia"

Lexicographically close words:
iffen; igarape; ighly; ight; igitur; igloo; igloos; igne; ignem; igneous
  1. Besides these an Iglesia Española arose in 1881, consisting of eight congregations, which may be regarded to some extent as a national Spanish counterpart to the Old Catholicism of Germany.

  2. At the Iglesia (ig lai se'a)," replied Moro.

  3. The bells of love and peace," replied the Padre, as he glanced back at the twin towers of his white Iglesia (church) that shone over the grove of coconut palms.

  4. I knew iglesia was the Philippine word for church; so I said to Moro: "Let us go there too, and see what they are all doing.

  5. A popular charge against the government was, 'que se despojara a la Iglesia de sus inmunidades.

  6. His dying advice to his son was, 'Siempre estareis en la obediencia de la Santa Iglesia Romana, y del Sumo Pontifice, teniendole por vuestro Padre espiritual.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iglesia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.