Cronstedt gives it as his opinion, that ignes fatui, as well as falling stars, are owing to collections of inflammable air raised to a great height in the atmosphere.
From the account given by Mr. Warltire, we should be apt to conclude, that there is a strong affinity betwixt the ignes fatui and fireballs, insomuch that the one might be very easily converted into the other.
On the mountains, where the soil is looser, the ignes fatui were less.
Without this, it is impossible to conceive how any body of moveable vapour should not be carried away by the wind; but so far is this from being the case, that the ignes fatui described by M.
Priestley's third volume of Experiments and Observations on Air, Mr. Warltire gives an account of some very remarkable ignes fatui, which he observed on the road to Bromsgrove, about five miles from Birmingham.
Per undas et ignes fluctuat nec mergitur=--Through water and fire she goes plunging but is not submerged.
Incedis per ignes / Suppositos cineri doloso=--You are treading on fire overlaid by treacherous ashes.
Indeed, clearer second thought will reveal that, when the pendulum of erratic thinking and trafficking in mental constructions swings back, hyperspaces, after all, are but the ignes fatuii of mathetic obscurantism.
Mr. Stokes says that Eccleston and Gough acted in this play, on the authority of Mr. Halliwell; one of the many ignes fatui that have misled this unwary compiler.
I do not know any work so full of fanciful theories and "ignes fatui" likely to entice "a deluded traveller out of the beaten path into strange quagmires.
The artistical hurly-burly of unharmonious ignes fatui is only the forerunner of the melodious Charites; and these alone insinuate themselves into the softer souls.
It may be this peculiar combination, which gives rise to the ignes fatui; but the permanent ignes fatui, observed in volcanic countries, are said to be the slow combustion of sulphur, forming sulphurous acid gas.
It is supposed to be the cause of the ignes fatui, or Will-with-the-Wisp.
Quippe ignes istos his quam bene mersit in undis, Ignibus his illas quam bene vicit aquas!
Chambers, and by Joseph Simpson, a fisherman living near Boston, all of which strongly corroborate the probability that some, at least, of the ignes fatui are produced by luminous insects.
Her dreams returned to her, fleeting and elusive, like the ignes fatui which had been a part of them.
She found another--and another, but they fled from her like ignes fatui.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ignes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.