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Example sentences for "reflected light"

  • That is: shadow, light, lustre [reflected light] and transparency.

  • The lamp, the source of reflected light, should be held about six inches above the patient’s shoulder on the opposite side.

  • The most serious complications are due almost invariably to ill-advised haphazard attempts to remove the foreign body; as a rule from working blindly in the dark without making use of reflected light.

  • For this reason when operating upon the auditory canal, the tympanic membrane, and tympanic cavity, he will usually require to work by reflected light.

  • The surgeon works by reflected light in order to obtain a clear view of the tympanic membrane.

  • This is, as we have seen, a result of his shining only by reflected light and of his orbit’s being between ours and the sun.

  • The surface appears duller and by reflected light more or less "fuzzy.

  • The same colony as viewed by reflected light.

  • Dark violet-black liquid, green by reflected light, and rapidly absorbing water forming a violet solution.

  • Lay the plate on a slab of glass, having either direct or reflected light shining up through it.

  • It forms iridescent crystals, having a metallic lustre, of a magnificent green colour by reflected light, and an equally beautiful reddish purple by transmitted light.

  • It was, then, presumably composed entirely of reflected light.

  • Arago believed them to shine by reflected light,[184] but the Abbé Peytal rightly considered them to be self-luminous.

  • But if we see all terrestrial objects by reflected light, (as we do the moon,) why do they appear so bright and luminous?

  • By what reasoning would you prove that an object, such, for example, as a house, is seen by reflected light?

  • For portraits on porcelain or opal, to be viewed as positives by reflected light, develop until the fine half-tones in the face are visible.

  • This is the part turned most away from the direction of the greatest amount of reflected light, and therefore receiving least.

  • The shadow cast on the ground will be dark, like the darkest part of the shadow on the cone, as its surface is also turned away from the chief source of reflected light.

  • The other parts of the shadow will receive a certain amount of reflected light, lessening in amount on either side of these points.

  • Between 3 and 8 the shadows, with the greatest amount of reflected light between 5 and 6.

  • Without further mention of the many experiments which were necessary for the perfecting of this method of testing color vision, I may at once present the final results of the tests which were made with reflected light.

  • This is ascertained by lifting the plate out of the dish and looking at the back by reflected light, the plate being held in front of something dark.

  • The surface of the film shows a peculiar brilliant green or yellowish-green lustrous appearance, generally in patches, when examined by reflected light, but is more or less distinctly pink when the plate is looked through.

  • Having removed a wing and placed it on the stage of our microscope, we must examine it by reflected light, for it is not transparent.

  • They are best examined by reflected light, for then their little shells show their delicate pearly sheen.

  • First of all, we must place a little of our sand upon a piece of black paper and examine by reflected light.

  • In the kinetoscope the successive images are illuminated by reflected light, and are seen through a lens enlarging them considerably, say from half an inch in diameter to about four inches.

  • The mirrors give an image in the ordinary way when looked at by reflected light, but are transparent when observed by transmitted light.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reflected light" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    different regions; each pair; find employment; great renown; high birth; inches tall; legislative vote; life after; long afore; mental development; night kiss; older brother; reflected light; specimens taken; sweet content; three tons; wedding garment; whatsoever they; white mantle; will even; will usually; would suffer