Care, mad to see a man sae happy, E'en drown'd himsel amang the nappy.
But isna your freen himsellang o' makin his appearance?
He contrived to be baith writer an' factor, ye see; an' it wad just seem that his chief aim in the ae capacity was to find employment for himsel in the ither.
Dear me, how the roarins o' the bears outside used to amaze the puir chield every time he was foolish aneugh to lethimsel grow sober!
Just sup yer milk and bread, while Archy snogs himselup to gang wi' ye.
They say that, once on a time, the vera deil himsel wadna keep company wi' ane o' them, till he had first got the puir man to wash himsel.
When a man resigns himsel to the authority o' a wife, he is dune for a' guid to himsel as weel as his neebors.
Or, if he had the slate before him, there was he drawing scores on't, or amusing himsel wi' twirling and twisting the pencil in the string through the frame.
He would have climbed the highest trees as though he had been speeling owre a common yett, and swung himsel by the heels frae their topmost branches.
I rowed my boat to the side, an' made a' the haste hame I could, for I thought auld Michael had taen the water to himsel that night.
It hes never been for himsel he's pinched an' bargained; it wes for.
The Doctor hes dune his pairt, and it wes kind o' him tae come uphimsel ane's errand tae tell us.
He preached himsel in the kitchen, an' bapteezed his faimily in the mill dam.
Whan she cam to the king's court, She rappit wi a ring; Sae ready as the king himsel Was to let the lady in!
He mounted her on a bonny bay horse, Himsel on the silver grey; He drew his bonnet out oer his een, He whipt and rade away.
O word is to the kitchen gane, And word is to the ha, And word is to the king himsel Amang his nobles a'.
When she came to the king's court, She tinkled at the ring; Who was so ready as the king himsel To let this fair maid in!
And whan she cam to the king's court, She tirled on the pin, And wha sae ready's the king himsel To let the fair maid in?
She set upon a milk-white steed, An himsel on a dapple grey, An she had as much lan in fair Scotlan 'S ye cud ride in a lang simmer's day.
We hae had families, from time to time, for a month or twa in the summer season, but nae reglar tenant since Mr Darsy himsel left, and that's gaun noo in ten years since.
It wad tak the deil himsel to deal wi' a horse-couper.
I believe there never was a man sae beside himsel wi' joy in this warld afore.
It wud ony gait gie him the best chance o' shawin til himsel 'at there wasna a hair o' the cooard upon him.
The young laird has taen 't intil his heid that he didna carry himsel like a man i' the siege, and it's grown to be in him what they ca' a fixt idea.
And sae, whan he cam oot o' the fricht, he was ower sair uponhimsel for bein i' the fricht.
But what can the bonny man himsel du, a' bein sattlet?
He's maybe walkin aboot wi the bonny man--or maybe jist ristin himsel a wee efter the uprisin!
Forgettin himsel left him free to min' a'thing forbye.
And yer father has been like the Bountiful himsel to me!
The gudewife was sayin' he wes never the same sin' a weet nicht he lost himsel on the muir and slept below a bush; but that's neither here nor there.
He cam through as bad himsel tae help ma wife," was Charlie's reply.
Nae doubt he's gane to hide himsel in the town till I'm awa, for he has heard what I said yestreen.
Hae ye ony ark or amrie, Mr. Keelevin, where a body might den himsel till they're out o' the gate and away?
I maun try and get Watty to concur wi' me in some bit settlement that may lighten the disappointment to Charlie and Meg, should it please the Lord to tak me to himsel without a reasonable warning.
I shouldna speak of a soft honeyed tongue, whase sounds were music to my ear, recommended himsel to me at a neighbouring fair, and took frae me, whether I wad or no, my silly affections.
But St Mungo himselwadna get even that length noo-a-days without a pouchfu o' interest--and I hae nane.
However, the man o' sin contented himsel wi' firing several times (at random) into the linn.
He says the badge is his ain, and truly I am bound to say that King Jamie himsel is nae mair like the king o' this auld land, than this jolly gaberlunzie is like the king o' his tribe.
I see Satan himsel at the bellows, and it's no for ilka sinner he wad condescend to work.
Do ye think the king wad think himseldemeaned by takin a nicht's quarters frae me?
Watty sleeps by himsel in the stable aboon the naigs; and, if you will go up the ladder, which I will show you, you will find his clothes lying upon an old chair just at the ladder-head.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "himsel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.