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Example sentences for "machines"

Lexicographically close words:
machination; machinations; machine; machined; machinery; machining; machinist; machinists; macho; macht
  1. This is done by passing it through machines containing strong soap suds, and afterwards rinsing it.

  2. Before sewing machines were to be found in every home and ready made clothing in the stores styles did not change so rapidly.

  3. From the drawing frame these "slivers" go to the slubbing machines where it is lightly twisted and wound on bobbins.

  4. This process is repeated on similar machines each one drawing the thread out and twisting it a little more, until it is finally ready for spinning.

  5. Machines are of little use, except in reeling the silk.

  6. And soon the machines must have exhausted their feed of ink and paper, and thumped and banged and rattled emptily amidst the general quiet.

  7. As before stated, these machines are driven by Curtiss engines.

  8. To start the early Wright biplanes, the machines were placed on a monorail, along which they were towed by a cable.

  9. Some of the machines are worked by hand power, but in the larger reproduction studios electric power is used practically altogether for running the battery of printing machines.

  10. Also the building of aeroplanes became a great industry and in France thousands of scientists, designers, mechanics, motor experts, and wood-working experts were engaged in turning out machines as fast as they could.

  11. We will follow them there and see what they found out about the machines by which motion pictures are made and shown.

  12. Experience taught the makers how to make their machines light enough and yet strong enough to do the required work.

  13. Not many years ago all type was set in this manner; but several machines have now been invented which will do this work.

  14. These machines are automatic, but nevertheless they must be constantly watched by expert machinists to keep them in order and make sure of their turning out perfect work.

  15. The machines in a cotton mill are the result of experimenting, lasting through many years.

  16. It comes out in a dainty white film not so very much heavier than a spider's web, and so beautifully white and shining that it does not seem as if the big, oily, noisy machines could ever have produced it.

  17. These soles and also the less heavy inner soles go through machines that make all parts of them of a uniform thickness.

  18. By the linotype and monotype machines type can be set in a "galley," a narrow tray about two feet long, with ledges on three sides.

  19. Now the preparation is completed, and the pulp is pumped to large and complicated machines which undertake to make it into paper.

  20. Of course this fine ware must all be made by hand, especially as machines do not work well with the finest clays; but cheap dishes are all made by machinery.

  21. While one line of machines has been perfecting the plate, others have been at work on screws and wheels and springs.

  22. These machines do such careful, minute, intricate work that, as you stand and watch them, you feel as if they must know what they are about.

  23. He tells them to study their machines and see whether they are working so slowly that they cannot do as much as possible, or so fast as to strain the work.

  24. About 500 yards beyond the bridge we sighted two Belgian bicycle patrols who, on seeing us, jumped off their machines and ran into an abandoned farmhouse.

  25. One of the machines landed on the aviation field at the edge of the city, and the aviator was nearly torn to shreds by admirers who wanted to shake him by the hand and convince him that he was really welcome to Brussels.

  26. There was one program that hadn't been coded into the machines yet.

  27. Of course, if the defendant will waive his appeals against the previous injunctions, and will release the machines that were sabotaged, we will be happy to formally withdraw these charges.

  28. They'll have you in jail if you don't start the machines again.

  29. Before we leave, we throw the machines into feedback, every one of them.

  30. But the machines continued to buzz and sputter.

  31. You want the code word to start the machines again?

  32. When we go off for lunch, we throw the machines into lock-step.

  33. We also know that the data we keep in the machines is essential to running the business; the machines figure production quotas, organize blueprints, prepare distribution lists, test promotion schemes.

  34. It'll tie the Robling office into granny knots, and scabs won't be able to get any more data out of the machines than Torkleson could.

  35. Practically had the machines apart on the floor.

  36. Back at the plant rumor had it that the machines were permanently gutted, and that the plant could never go back into production.

  37. Until Shop Steward Bailey suddenly found himself in charge of a dozen sputtering machines and an empty office.

  38. Calculating machines clicked and whirred; orders were flashed, and a brief string of numbers; ships by the hundreds and the thousands flashed into their assigned positions.

  39. Skilled technicians fed millions of cards, stack by stack, into the most versatile and most accomplished machines known to the statisticians of the age.

  40. And always both machines spewed out torrents of rock, in sizes ranging from impalpable dust up to chunks as big as a fist.

  41. The damned machines have made nothing but hate between them that own them and them that work them.

  42. You'll give in only after they've broken two or three of your machines as they did Duriot's, or done something worse, perhaps.

  43. The machines were to give us everything, blast 'em!

  44. The machines drove the women from their homes.

  45. And there were thousands of sharp hooks and Sataghnis (machines slaying a century of warriors) and numerous other machines on the battlements.

  46. The energy taken off on the motor shaft is close on 200 horse power, but varies according to the machines at work; the speed of the motor does not, however, vary more than 3 per cent.

  47. Zurich; the brick and tile making machines of the Rorschach foundries; and the looms of Messrs.

  48. The machines run by this transmission consist of the looms of Rieter & Co.

  49. It was held by the courts that the right to use the name "Singer", as applied to machines of this particular design, became public property when the patents expired.

  50. When threshing machines were first introduced it was impossible to get Filipinos to handle the straw.

  51. Many small, mechanically driven hulling machines are now in use and the number of regular rice mills, with up-to-date machinery for hulling and polishing, steadily and quite rapidly increases.

  52. These machines required the best of fuel to perform the mountain service, and could use coal dust only when it was pressed into brick.

  53. Man makes electrical machines of wood and glass and metal, but nature makes them of flesh and blood and of all matter and substance.

  54. The praetor, when the progress by machines was too slow, ordered scaling-ladders to be distributed among the companies, resolving to make a general assault on the walls.

  55. They said that those men were carried off by the gods, whom the machines laid hold of and dragged from their view into secret caves.

  56. Bohemian beer, malt and hops were exported especially to France, textiles and machines to Italy.

  57. But none of the other machines was so tyrannical as the time-clock.

  58. She knew that the machines were supposed to save work.

  59. It is useless to go back to 1865, when the most careless economist might surely have remembered that the American war made cotton dear, and machines were less efficient than they now are.

  60. An engineer by trade, Mackay believed in the unlimited perfectibility of all machines except the human machine.

  61. He has speculated some in cholera and railroads, and has taken almost a lively interest in infernal machines and patent medicines.

  62. It is like the odour perceptible in the vicinity of static electrical machines when in activity.

  63. In all roller machines used at that time the plain sheets of wax were first made by the "dipping" process, i.

  64. Machines after this design are made from the smallest size, delivering 25 cub.

  65. Two of the best-known machines of this kind are Roots' and Baker's, both American devices.

  66. Both chauffeurs got all the speed possible out of the machines they drove.

  67. Now the residence district was left behind, and the two machines were passing through the dark wholesale district.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "machines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.