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Example sentences for "higher place"

  • To take rank of, to have precedence over, or to have the right of taking a higher place than.

  • Being in a higher place or region; locally higher; as, the supernal orbs; supernal regions.

  • In a higher place; overhead; into or from heaven; as, the clouds above.

  • In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface; over; Ð opposed to below or beneath.

  • From a lower to a higher place on, upon, or along; at a higher situation upon; at the top of.

  • The genius of Bartholomew Argensola was very like that of his brother, nor are their writings easily distinguishable; but Bouterwek assigns on the whole a higher place to Bartholomew.

  • Rochester, with more considerable and varied genius, might have raised himself to a higher place than he holds.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "higher place" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    but every; combined attack; coming from; higher animals; higher authority; higher forms; higher infant mortality and death rates; higher learning; higher levels; higher life; higher place; higher plane; higher plants; higher position; higher power; higher rank; higher sphere; higher stage; higher state; higher things; higher vertebrates; higher wages; office again; quit rent; scientific basis; setting fire