Here an aqueduct carrying the Pontcysyllte branch of the Shropshire Union canal bestrides the valley; it is a remarkable engineering work completed by Thomas Telford in 1805.
The rebuilding of this bridge, only completed last year, was the last large engineering work accomplished on the Cambrian system prior to its amalgamation with the Great Western.
The contractors were the Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co.
Before that date, engineering and other workshops had been erected at Abadia, which, because of its favourable position, was chosen for a permanent camp and industrial centre.
Bond, Royal Navy, and the engineering staff, as well as of the detachments of the Royal Marine Artillery and the gun crews, who have gained the hearty praise of their commanders.
This maiden track that they were speeding over he was not ashamed of; the work was good engineering yet.
Glover, it may be said, took his final degrees in engineering in the Grand CaƱon; he was a member of the Bush party, and of the four that got back alive to Medicine one was Ab Glover.
We want only to remind you," she went on, "that we hate to be completely ignored by the engineering department even when not officially in its charge.
In future types of large and heavily armed ships this drawback will undoubtedly be largely overcome by an increase in engine-power made possible by the development of engineering science.
This, the most striking engineering achievement of the Chinese, has become practically useless, through fifteen years of neglect.
But if these southern roads are scarcely worthy of the name, the great high road from Kashgar to Aksu, Kucha, Korla, Karashar, and Turfan is a masterpiece of engineering construction.
With such resources every branch of engineering is well represented.
Author of Rivers and Canals; Harbours and Docks; Civil Engineering as applied in Construction; &c.
Shipbuilding on a colossal scale and the enormous developments in the iron industries and engineeringwere practically the growth of the 19th century.
Large numbers of people are employed in engineering works and in the manufacture of machines, chains, conveyances, tools, paper and chemicals.
The construction of canals was another branch of engineering in which he was actively engaged.
A permanent summer engineering camp is maintained at Squam Lake, New Hampshire.
He retained his connexion with the Lancashire & Yorkshire Company until his retirement from professional work in 1888, and was consulted on all the important engineering points that affected it in that long period.
It also has metallurgical and engineering works which construct commercial and war-vessels of every kind as well as engines and machinery, cables, boilers, &c.
He was also engineer of the Severn Tunnel, which, from its magnitude and the difficulties encountered in its construction, must rank as one of the most notableengineering undertakings of the 19th century.
Both in an engineering and a political point of view, the Euphrates route undoubtedly possesses great advantages over any of the others which have been proposed.
Collas, a French writer, experienced in Turkey and the Turks, thinks that, with ordinaryengineering skill, a harbour might be formed here of more than 148 acres in extent.
Privately owned firms account for about 90% of industrial output, of which the engineering sector accounts for 50% of output and exports.
Bourges and Vierzon are metallurgical and engineering centres.
There are agricultural implement and iron foundries, large electric light and engineering works, breweries, tanneries, maltings and extensive corn mills.
The town has breweries, and engineering and rope-making works.
This is a feat of personality and of engineering in human nature.
The veriest tyro in human engineering can see it,--that the way to get a truth noticed about Capital or Labor, the way to make a truth of some use and get it believed and acted on, is to have the wrong people tell it.
What we are going to look for in a man is having an engineering and not a sentimental attitude toward his own mind and the minds of others.
They would not have had the insight necessary to measure their job, to lay out a great engineering project in human nature, determine the difficulties and the working principles and go ahead.
The man who once grasps the secret of modern life as practiced by a really big engineering genius, insists upon having his business allowed all the advantages of sport and religion both.
The subject in this series of handbooks will be treated from the chemical rather than the engineering standpoint.
There is also considerable room for improvement in the methods of chemical engineering usually employed.
It is used also in Poiteoin process for copying engineering drawings, which is based upon the power of a ferric salt to render gelatine insoluble so long as it is not exposed to the actinic rays.
Three companies of an engineering regiment were caught in the early bombardment and ordered to fall back.
As schools in gunnery and engineering they are training thousands of gunners and engineers required for the hundreds of vessels added to the navy and the many merchantmen furnished with arms and gun crews.
On the other hand the State has taken control for the period of the war over certain national industries, such as the railways, shipping, coal, and iron mines, and the great majority of engineering businesses.
Not The Engineering Times of April in the previous year or a Punch of the previous decade, and The Vaccination Record; but such things as the current Tatler, Times, Economist, and La Vie Parisienne.
On leaving college in 1824 he received a post in the ordnance survey, but gradually drifted into engineering work.
In this way he was introduced to engineering and parliamentary practice at a period of great activity which saw the establishment of the main features and principles that have since governed English railway construction.
In consequence there was scarcely anengineering proposal of any importance brought before parliament in connexion with which his services were not secured by one party or the other.
It contains metallurgical and engineering workshops and laboratories, lecture theatres for the teaching of chemistry and physics, a women's department, and rooms for the teaching of machine drawing and building construction.
A few had leave, within the next few months, from engineering corps and base hospitals.
I spent two years in the naval engineering shops at Pola, and I was gazetted as a sub-lieutenant in the engineeringbranch of the Austrian Navy.
I first obtained employment in a marine engineering shop at Southampton, joined a trade union, attended Socialist meetings--I, a member of one of the oldest families in Trieste.
Clay recognized that the time had now arrived in his life when he could graduate from the position of manager-director and become the engineering expert, and that his services in Olancho were no longer needed.
We decide from what the engineering experts tell us whether we will invest in a thing or not.
He came from some little town in the West, and had learned what he knew of engineering at the transit's mouth, after he had first served his apprenticeship by cutting sage-brush and driving stakes.
His father's influence having procured him an opening in an engineering firm of the first importance, his own talent and application maintained the original momentum bravely.
He had been talking about himself, hisengineering prospects--rather proudly--his partnership and the letter he expected daily from Sir William.
His last and most important engineeringwork in Scotland was the survey of the Caledonian Canal, made in the autumn of 1773, through a district then without roads.
His great desire was to be a mechanical engineer; it ended in his devotion to "the mechanical engineering of living machines.
These, however, were erroneous, and it is now well understood that differences of roughness of the solid surface very greatly influence the friction, at such velocities as are common in engineering practice.
Pender Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University of London.