There was frenzy and vacancy in the pale orbs that wandered round the room, wandered and wandered--until they stopped and were fixed, suddenly wild, hallucinated and intent.
The three black figures stood silent and motionless, and Mrs. Mulholland found herself gazing as if fascinated into the depths of three pairs of startled, almost hallucinated eyes, fixed gloomily upon her.
An hallucinated exile in life, his ghost, hallucinated, ever returning, haunts his lost and lovely Gruyère.
Every time a dream is completely comprehensible to us, it proves to be an hallucinated wish-fulfillment.
Dreams are the removal of sleep-disturbing psychic stimuli by way of hallucinated satisfaction.
In this expectant hallucinated state she passed through the early months of her married life, faithfully performing her domestic duties, sad, yet almost complacent in her sadness.
A strange calm descended on her, the calm of a Madonna thrilled by an angelic annunciation--a hallucinated calm that made her remote and independent, utterly unmoved by the commotion into which the household of Roscarna had been thrown.
Of course we may be told that all lookers- on, from Eskimo to Neoplatonists and men of science, know what to expect, and are hallucinated by their own expectant attention.
Granting the survival of a savage exaggeration, granting the hallucinated saint, we may, perhaps, explain the innumerable anecdotes about miraculous levitation of which a few are repeated in our paper on 'Comparative Psychical Research.
When it is asserted that a percentage of living and educated and honourable people are actually hallucinated by gazing into crystals, the President of the Folklore Society (Mr. Clodd) has attributed the fact to a deranged liver.
The senses of a hallucinated person may be deceived as to touch, and as to feeling the breath of a phantasm (a likely story), as well as in sight and hearing.
I see lividhallucinated faces peering at me, towers and mountains tottering above me, undefined horrors all about me, and in the midst of them all I see Vassili--singing!
But, if he is sceptical about things tangible, he is apt to dash off at a tangent and proclaim the existence of that "school of drums kept by the angels," which the hallucinated Arthur Rimbaud heard and beheld.
Nor in Lord Crawford's case is it easy to suppose that three educated men, if hallucinated, would all be hallucinated in the same way.
They can be more easily hallucinated in their normal waking state by suggestion.
But it would follow that in this case observers were not hallucinated, and the presumption would be raised that they were not hallucinated in the other cases.
His old hallucinated eyes See the lit distances rejoice, Whence reaches him the lamentable voice, Under the freezing skies.