This Bassianus being borne of a British woman, succéeded his father in the gouernement of Britaine, in the yeare of the incarnation of our Lord 211.
I may call him, hoping in reward of so great an exploit, to obteine the whole gouernement into his hands.
But Constantine being a man void of ambition, was contented to leaue Italie and Affrike, supposing his charge to be great inough to haue the gouernement in his hands of France, Spaine, and Britaine (as Eutropius saith.
Wherevpon Marcus Antonius that succéeded Pius, sent Calphurnius Agricola to succéed Lollius in the gouernement of Britaine, the which easilie ouercame and subdued all his enimies.
After the death of Claudius the emperor of Rome, Claudius Domitianus Nero succéeded him ingouernement of the empire.
Cronicle they know in what yere euerye thing hapned, and how long euery king raygned: howe many children they had, and all things else that importeth to the estate of the gouernement of the lande.
Hovv the Emperour sent to take accompt of Cortes of his gouernement in the newe Spayne.
Cortes commaunded to proclayme throughout his army, certaine ordinaunces of warre for the good gouernement of his hoste, whiche he had written among others: and were these that followeth: That none should blaspheme the holy name of Iesus.
And if by chaunce his maiestie had already giuen the sayde office of gouernementto any other person, that it might please him to reuoke it.
Howbeit, the earle of Champaigne was easilie reduced againe to his former obedience, by the high wisedome and policie of the queene mother, who had the gouernement of hir sonne the yoong king and his realme committed vnto hir.
And the Vicount of Beaupre stayed behind for the garding and gouernement of all things in the Fort.
The names of those as well Gentlemen as others, that remained one whole yeere in Virginia, vnder the Gouernement of Master Ralph Lane.
Which also this present yeere I saw confirmed in a secrete extract of the particular estate of that kingdome and of euery gouernement and office subiect to the same with the seueral pensions thereunto belonging.
Here endeth the line and gouernement of the Britains, now called Welshmen, which tooke that name of their duke or leader Wallo or Gallo; or else of a queene of Wales named Gales or Wales.
The foresaid Redwald therefore hauing obteined that victorie, found meanes to place Edwin in gouernement of that kingdome of the Northumbers, hauing a title thereto as sonne [Sidenote: EDWIN.
And after the deceasse of Ethelric, one Edelbert or Edelfride surnamed the wild, succéeded in gouernement of the Northumbers.
After Kenrike, his sonne Ceaulinus or Cheuling succéeded in gouernement of the Westsaxons: and after Ida, one Ella or Alla reigned in Northumberland: after Irmenrike followed his sonne Ethelbert in rule ouer the Kentish Saxons.
Penda the sonne of Wilba succéeded in the gouernement of the kingdome of Mercia after Ciarlus, and began his reigne in the yéere of our Lord 636.
This yeare also there were ordinances made for the state and gouernement of the realme, by the prelats, earles and barons, which were confirmed with the sentence of excommunication against all them that should go about to breake the same.
The pope also by the same letters gaue Anselme authorise to absolue Richard the prior of Elie, vpon his satisfaction pretermitted, and to restore him to the gouernement of the priorie of Elie, if the king thought it conuenient.
Richard earle of Chester, who was then vnder the kings tuition and gouernement by reason of his minoritie.
In the meane time, king Henrie visited the north parts of his realme, to vnderstand the state of the countrie, and to prouide for the suertie and good gouernement thereof, as was thought requisite.
In which administration of iustice against euill iusticiaries, the king performed the charge imposed and laid vpon all such as are in gouernement and magistracie; namelie, [Sidenote: Eob.
The king hauing receiued as well the possessions of the realme, castels, manours, as other places belonging to the crowne of Scotland, he committed the gouernement and custodie of the realme vnto the bishops of S.
Sidenote: The king taking vpō him the gouernement of all things displaceth diuerse officers & setteth others in their roomes.
Sidenote: Thirtéene lords appointed by parlement to haue the gouernement of the realme vnder the king.
About the same time also, Walter Gray bishop of Worcester was remooued to the gouernement of the see of Yorke, which had beene vacant euer since the death of the archbishop Geffrey.
For she being bent to prefer hir sonne John, left no stone vnturned to establish him in the throne, comparing oftentimes the difference of gouernement betweene a king that is a man, and a king that is but a child.
Then the archbishop (about the fiue and twentith day of August) came to London, there to take aduise for the reformation of things touching the good gouernement of the common-wealth.
William as yet liuing in gouernement ouer the Scots.
Whervpon the archbishop was discharged of his office of chéefe iustice, and Geffrey Fitz Peter succéeded in gouernement of the realme in his stéed.
Frederike the first, in the eleuenth yere of the reigne of Philip the second king of France, and king William surnamed the Lion as yet liuing in the gouernement of Scotland.
Alderman, or ouerseer, who haue both authoritie sufficient, and large priuileges to mainteine the good gouernement of their portions withall.
The principall of all these seuen ilandes is the Gran Canaria, in the which is a bishoppe and a cathedrall church, and counsell of the Inquisition and royall audience, from the which dependeth the gouernement of all the other sixe ilands.
He hath twelue principall or chiefe captaines, and euerie one of them hath the gouernement of an infinite number of people and hath great rent for the same, for he that hath least rent hath sixe hundred thousand ducats yearely.
Of the maruellous gouernement of the King of honie cap.
Of the maruellous gouernement of the kings of honny Bees, and of the obedience which they vse to him.
Then Gospatrike was assigned by king William to haue the gouernement there: whose mother Aldgitha was daughter to Vthred sometime earle of Northumberland begotten vpon Elfgiua the daughter of king Egelred.
He committed the order andgouernement of things to the hands of his mother Emma, and of Goodwine [Sidenote: A tribute raised.
Englishmen that turned to the enimies side, the discomfiture fell with such slaughter vpon the English host, that king Egelred well perceiued the state of his regall gouernement to bée brought into vtter danger.
These contents published, obedience was promised by generall voyce and consent of the multitude aswell of Englishmen as strangers, praying for continuance of this possession and gouernement begun.
They came from Alger in Barbarie, which is vnder the gouernement of the Great Turke.
A little below this is the towne of Huehuatlan in the selfe same gouernement standing one league from the riuer on certaine high hils: it hath 10.
Indians of the ancient inhabitants: one Grauiel de Chiauez a citizen of Mexico hath the gouernement thereof: it is 4.
Sidenote: MADAN THE THIRD RULER] Madan the sonne of Locrine and Guendoline entred into the gouernement of Britaine in the 2909, of the world.
But being now aduertised of Brightriks death, and required by earnest letters sent from his friends to come and receiue the gouernement of the kingdome, he returned with all [Sidenote: Egbert receiued a king of Westsaxons His linage.
Northumbers, the which had latelie expelled king Osbright, that had the gouernement of those parts, and placed one Ella in his roome: howbeit now they were constreined to reuoke him home againe, and sought to accord him and Ella.
He liued not past fiue yéeres in gouernement of the kingdome, but was taken out of this life to the great sorrow of his subiects whome he ruled right worthilie, and so as they had him in great loue and estimation.
This man prooued right valiant in gouernement of his subiects.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gouernement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.