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Example sentences for "gouernour"

Lexicographically close words:
gouernement; gouerneth; gouernment; gouernor; gouernors; gouernours; gouffre; gouge; gouged; gouges
  1. That day there went out eight horsemen by commandement of the Gouernour into the field, two leagues about the towne to seeke Indians: for they were now so emboldened, that within two crossebow shot of the camp, they came and slew men.

  2. The next day, the Gouernour sent three Captaines euerie one his way with horsemen and footemen to seeke prouision to passe the desert.

  3. How the Cacique of Pacaha came peaceablie to the Gouernour, and the Cacique of Casqui absented himselfe, and came againe to make his excuse, and how the Gouernour made them both friends.

  4. M622) The Gouernour commanded one of them to be burned; and presently another confessed, that two daies iourney from thence, there was a Prouince that was called Cutifa Chiqui.

  5. There they met with the two horsemen which the Gouernour sent vnto them, and they brought newes that in Cale there was plentie of Maiz: at which newes they all reioyced.

  6. Assoone as the Gouernour had passed the Riuer, a little distance thence he found a towne called Achese.

  7. Thus speaking at the entrie of the chariot seate, he went vp, and being set downe, the gouernour of the chariot made fast the seate.

  8. The archbishop of Yorke, in the kings absence, was also appointed cheefe gouernour of the realme.

  9. The foresaid Guie vpon that murther committed, fled vnto his father in law, the earle of Anguilare, then gouernour of Tuskain.

  10. Sidenote: The bishop of Winchester gouernour to the king.

  11. After the decease of Ethelard king of Westsaxons, his coosine Cuthred was made king and gouernour of those people, reigning the tearme of 16 yéeres.

  12. In those daies Cassibelan was kyng of London, this Cassibelan was a prince of high wisedom, of manly stomacke and valiaunt in fight: and for power and valiauntnesse, was chosen of the Britaines, chief gouernour and kyng.

  13. Enter Leonato Gouernour of Messina, Innogen his wife, Hero his daughter, and Beatrice his Neece, with a messenger.

  14. How yet resolues the Gouernour of the Towne?

  15. If Nunio de Gusman had bin so good a gouernour and Iudge, as he was in bloud a Gentleman, he had then enioyed the best plot of all the West India, but he behaued himselfe euill, both with the Indians and Spanyards.

  16. Chololla is a city as Tlaxcallan, and hathe but one person who is gouernour and general Captayne, chosen by the consente of all the Citizens.

  17. In thys meane whyle came Grijalua to the Cittie of Sainte Iames de Cuba: but hys kinseman the gouernour woulde not loke vppon hym bycause he had lefte and forsaken so riche a lande.

  18. And musing with himselfe which waye to take, determined to passe into India, chiefly bycause the gouernour was of his acquaintance, and such a one as would haue care of him.

  19. Nowe Cortez departed from thence, proclayming himselfe for General, and that the gouernour Valasques had nothing to doe wyth hys Nauie, requesting his soldiers to enbarke themselues wyth such victuals as they had.

  20. They prouided also for Gouernour of Panuco, one Nonio de Gusman, and Simon de Alcazaua portingall, for gouernour of Honduras.

  21. The gouernour Iames Valasques reioyced much to behold those principles: And all the Spaniardes of Cuba wondered therat, and likewise to heare the whole relatiö of the iourney.

  22. And the other iourney was to the Weast India, with the Lorde Nicholas de Ouando, a knight of the order of Larez, who was then appointed for gouernour of those parties.

  23. The gouernour Teudilli yet agayne replied, that he shoulde not contende therein, and with those wordes departed from hym.

  24. Yet with the fall he fell into a grieuous Ague, and continued sicke for a long season, so that he could not procéede vppon his voyage with the gouernour Ouando.

  25. For not long before his deceasse, he being gouernour of Aquitaine, [Sidenote: S.

  26. Within a while after, there came other newes of that matter, confirming the first: whereof the Gouernour for the intire loue he bare to his Maister, craued licence either to expel him the countrie, or to put him in warde.

  27. Thus it is apparent, that this land of Britaine was without anie certeine gouernour (after that Gratian the vsurper was dispatched) a [Sidenote: Fabian.

  28. Herevpon a messenger was dispatched vnto Dionethus at that time duke of Cornwall, and gouernour of Britaine vnder Maximianus, requiring him to send ouer into little [Sidenote: Maids sent foorth.

  29. In the yeare of our Lord 923, the same king Edward was president and gouernour of all the people of England, Cumberland, Scots, Danes, and Britons.

  30. Then went he vnto Thetford, and when he had taken and [Sidenote: Vikillus or Wilfeketell gouernour of Norffolke.

  31. Blecca the gouernour of the citie of Lincolne to turne vnto Christ, togither with all his familie.

  32. One Hugh a Norman borne, whome quéene Emma had placed in those parties as gouernour or shirife there, conspired with the Danes, so that all the countrie was ouerrun and wasted.

  33. After the decease of Ethelard king of Westsaxons, his coosine Cuthred was made king and gouernour of those people, reigning the tearme of [Sidenote: 740.

  34. The abbat, which then was gouernour [Sidenote: Henricus Blecensis seu Soliacensis.

  35. At euerie gate of the citie there is a captaine with manie souldiours, that keepeth watch and warde, night and daie, to suffer no stranger to enter in without especiall lycence of the gouernour of the citie or towne.

  36. The fift is called Anchasi;[103] he is president and gouernour ouer iustices both criminall and ciuill: and doth determine with his counsell of matters in difference, whatsoeuer that do appeale vnto him from other meaner iustices.

  37. Then the next day following, the iudge or gouernour that did receiue him dooth go and visite him.

  38. They say that this gouernour was not begotten, but is eternal, and hath no body, but is a spirit.

  39. When he began to speake agayne, and the Lord Gouernour iudge if hee had right by the write, the Accuser cryed: Ad Secundam.

  40. Lorde Hamulton, Earle of Arren, and Gouernour of the Realme of Scotlande aforesaid (castyng a fauour vnto hym) did sue vnto the Archbishop of S.

  41. But the Gouernour was so subiect to the appetite of the cruel priestes, that he could not do that which he would.

  42. Antonie haue complained on me to the lord Gouernour generall, and haue caused great strife and debate betweene him and me touching the gouernment and rule of these Indian townes.

  43. North of Mompatar, which is at this day called Puerto de Tyranno, for that he there slew Don Iuan de villa Andreda, gouernour of Margarita when sir Iohn Burgh landed there and attempted the Island.

  44. But assoone as they knew that the Gouernour was in Tulla, the first night about the morning watch, they came in two squadrons two seuerall waies, with their bowes and arrowes, and long staues like pikes.

  45. And because they had said, that he dwelt three daies journie down the Riuer, the Gouernour supposed that they had plotted some treason against him, and there left them; and went downe with the greatest force of the water.

  46. And touching the Gouernour which he commanded they should elect, he besought him, that it would please his Lordship to name him which he thought fit, and him they would obey.

  47. The Gouernour lodged at a towne of his, and the next day at another neere a Riuer, whither he caused canoes to be brought for him to passe ouer, and with his leaue returned.

  48. How the Gouernour went from Tulla to Autiamque, where he passed the winter.

  49. At that time the Gouernour feared they would set vpon him.

  50. Which saieng causeth me to consider in what case this realme my natiue countrie now standeth, and in what estate and assurance (before this time) it hath continued: what gouernour we now haue, and what ruler we might haue.

  51. The Gouernour and Commissioners putting their hands first vnto it, then the rest of the chiefest adventurers.

  52. The Gouernour being returned, wee Came some nine leagues lower to a river on the North Side of that land, as bigg as the Thames: which wee called Saint Gregorie's river.

  53. Thus departed Captaine Sampson with the saide Messenger to the citie, vvhere he found the Gouernour and people much amazed of such a suddaine accident.

  54. This Gouernour had charge of both places, but vvas at this time in this place, and one of the first that left the same.

  55. First, touching peace or warres the Gouernour said he knevve of no warres, and that it lay not in him to make any, he being so meane a subiect as hee vvas.

  56. Sidenote: The earle of Warwike made gouernour of the yoong king.

  57. Yet were they greatly vrged thereunto by the Gouernour of the said Towne of Gibraltar.

  58. One of them was the Corrigidor himselfe, who is gouernour of a hundred Townes and Cities in Spaine, his liuing by his office being better then sixe hundred pound yerely.

  59. The gouernour of Tercera bade him to dinner, and shewed him great curtesie.

  60. Spaine, named Pedro Sarmiento, gouernour of the Straights of Magelan, which said Pedro we brought into England with us, and presented him to our soueraigne Lady the Queene.

  61. After his departing, there came as ambassadors from the French king, the lord Gronthouse gouernour of Picardie, and the lord Meruelliers bailiffe of Amiens, which declared to the king the getting of Millaine and taking of the duke.

  62. One Hugh a Norman borne, whome queene Emma had placed in those parties as gouernour or shirife there, conspired with the Danes, so that all the countrie was ouerrun and wasted.

  63. Pelagius, borne in that part of Britaine which is called Wales, was head or gouernour of the famous Colledge of Bangor, not farre from Chester, wherein liued a Societie of 2100.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gouernour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.