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Example sentences for "gouerned"

Lexicographically close words:
goud; goude; gouden; gouernance; gouerne; gouernement; gouerneth; gouernment; gouernor; gouernors
  1. Sidenote: In the daies of this our Brute Saule and Samuell gouerned Israell.

  2. Sidenote: He gouerned the third part of Gallia as Gal.

  3. This Riuall gouerned the Iland in great welth and prosperitie.

  4. He gouerned this Ile well and honourablie for the tearme of 33 yeares, and then dieng, his bodie was buried at Troinouant or London.

  5. The earle of Richmond himselfe, with aid of the lord Stanleie, gouerned the battell, accompanied with the earle of Penbroke, hauing a good companie of horssemen, and a small number of footmen.

  6. That Tutan that was condemned for our cause, of whom I spake before, was borne in this Countrey, but he gouerned Foquien shire: nothing it auailed him to be so great an officer.

  7. By these meanes so vprightly things are ordered there, that it may be worthily accompted one of the best gouerned prouinces in all the world.

  8. The middle ward was gouerned by the king himselfe, with his brother the duke of Glocester, and the earles of Marshall, Oxenford, and Suffolke, in the which were all the strong bilmen.

  9. And yet in all their rule I find not that anie mention is made of their deferring of iustice, or of anie polling or briberie: as was openlie prooued by such as gouerned before their time.

  10. The earles of Warwike and Suffolke did lead the fore ward: the two dukes of Lancaster and Britaine, the middle ward or battell, and the rereward was gouerned by the lord Spenser constable of the host.

  11. But this ordinance continued not long: for the queene, and the lord Roger Mortimer tooke the whole rule so into their hands, that both the king and his said councellors were gouerned onelie by them in all matters both high and low.

  12. Within a while after, William archbishop of Yorke died: in whose place succeeded Iohn Torsbie, being the 44 archbishop that had gouerned that church.

  13. Herevpon fleeing home to his house, he tooke his wife, and a sonne which he had, and fled with them into France, so forsaking his countrie which was now gouerned by Iaques van Arteueld, as though he had beene immediatlie lord thereof.

  14. The first battell was gouerned by the duke of Orleance, wherein were six and thirtie banners, and twise as manie penons.

  15. Basora is a city of the Arabians, which of olde time was gouerned by those Arabians called Zizarij, but now it is gouerned by the great Turke where he keepeth an army to his great charges.

  16. Thirty yeeres was this kingdome gouerned by three brethren which were tyrants, the which keeping the rightful king in prison, it was their vse euery yeere once to shew him to the people, and they at their pleasures ruled as they listed.

  17. This city of Babylon is situate in the kingdome of Persia, but now gouerned by the Turks.

  18. The citie of Satagan is a reasonable faire citie for a citie of the Moores, abounding with all things, and was gouerned by the king of Patane, and now is subiect to the great Mogol.

  19. In thirteene yeeres that this Ragine gouerned this Iland, he became a great tyrant.

  20. This citie is gouerned by a Basha, which ministreth iustice, together with the Cadie throughout the whole kingdome.

  21. And from vnder the tilt where the chiefs man sat, hee gouerned and commanded the other people.

  22. And they made them with all diligence and speed, and they gouerned them; and because the water went very slow, the Gouernour and his people passed very well.

  23. The Kinge himselfe and his Baronye, the king was With Dukes And Erilles roialle, 736 Gouerned alle the medil partye.

  24. For be thou neuer so great, and puissant ouer other, yet there be none that can indure to be gouerned by straungers.

  25. After him succéeded one Swithed or Swithred, the 11 and last in number that particularlie gouerned those people.

  26. Egfrid to be ordeined king in his life time: and shortlie after departing out of this world, left the kingdome vnto him, after he had gouerned it by the space of 39 yeares.

  27. After that Selred king of the Eastsaxons had gouerned [Sidenote: H.

  28. He gouerned the church of Canturburie by the tearme of nine yéeres, foure moneths, and two daies.

  29. Reason maketh a man: that hathe no place where all thynges are gouerned after affection.

  30. The tale is laughed at, and yet for al that he lerneth that thing that is the chiefest poynte in al morall philosophye: Those whyche be not gouerned by ryght reason, but are caried after the wyll of affeccions, not to be men, but beastes.

  31. Nature requyreth good order and fashionynge: exercyse, except it be gouerned by reason, is in daunger to manye perylles and erroures.

  32. By these meanes so upryghtly thinges are ordered there, that it may bee worthely accompted one of the best gouerned prouinces in all the world.

  33. You do vnderstande howe the two prouinces, Paguia and Tolanchia are gouerned by the supreme counsell of the king, and such ministers as they doo send to gouerne.

  34. The foresaid Thomas was the fiue and twentith bishop that had gouerned in that see of Yorke, & Lanfranke the thrée & thirtith in the see of Canturburie.

  35. Polydor saith) of his age, hauing gouerned Normandie about 51.

  36. The well gouerned and prosperous voyage of M.

  37. In like manner, Peter des Roches bishop of Winchester died this yeare in his manor at Farnham, about the ninth of Iune, which prelat had gouerned that see about 32 yeares.

  38. The death of Walter archbishop of Yorke followed these prodigious wonders, who had gouerned that see the space of fortie yeares.

  39. Earle Vthred, who gouerned that countrie, greatlie furthered the bishop in this [Sidenote: Durham town and minster builded.

  40. For Normandie in that season was gouerned by the French king, by reason of the minoritie of duke William, surnamed the bastard.

  41. Danes and Englishmen should be gouerned in equall state and degrée.

  42. Thus haue Geffrey of Monmouth and our common chroniclers written of Carausius, Alectus, and Asclepiodotus, which gouerned héere in Britaine.

  43. The one halfe of the Ile or little lesse was subiect vnto the Romans, the other was gouerned of themselues, the people for the most part hauing the rule in their hands.

  44. After this (as the British chronicle affirmeth) Octauius gouerned the land right noblie, and greatlie to the contentation of the Britains.

  45. Now it resteth to speake somewhat of the Romans which gouerned here in the meane while.

  46. He gouerned the sée of Shireborne the space of 50 yéeres, by the good counsell and faithfull aduise of those two prelats.

  47. King Ethelwulfe gouerned his subiects verie politikelie, and by himselfe and his capteins oftentimes put the Danes to flight, though as chance of warre falleth out, he also receiued at their hands [Sidenote: Simon Dun.

  48. This man gouerned a long time without anie notable trouble: some warres he had, and sped [Sidenote: Ran.

  49. The prouince of the Westsaxons was gouerned by the foresaid Daniell and by Forthere, who succéeded next after Aldhelme in the sée of Shereburne.

  50. Guthrun, one of their owne nation, who gouerned both the Eastangles and the Eastsaxons.

  51. The other wing was gouerned by the earle of Albemarle, and William de Ypres.

  52. Germanie and Italie are in our time, where some cities are gouerned by one onelie prince, some by the nobilitie, and some by the people.

  53. They are gouerned by a Maior, and his scarlet-robde brethren, and reape benefit by their fayres and markets, and the County Assizes.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gouerned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.