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Example sentences for "daunger"

Lexicographically close words:
daula; daulah; daunce; daunced; dauncing; daungerous; daungers; daunt; daunted; daunting
  1. For if I loue hir as I do in deede, must not I likewise loue all that which she earnestly loueth, as him that is nowe in daunger of death for a simple fine of a thousand Florens?

  2. And where I was in daunger to loose my Limmes, and life, thou wilt renew thy Beauty like the Serpent that casteth his Skin once a yeare.

  3. Who notwithstanding, knowing hymselfe innocente, althoughe in extreame sorrow and pensifenes of mynd determyned to obey hys Father's Commaundement although he shoulde stand in Daunger of hys Lyfe.

  4. The forward goeth forth, feare ryses, daunger might have bin scene on every side.

  5. He began also an other oracion for one Sext[us] Roscius / out of the daunger of the season that he spake in.

  6. Or els we may begyn at the greatenes of the mater / or daunger of the thyng that we speke of / as in the fyfte boke of Liuius.

  7. So here, we are told that although Daunger (i.

  8. Feare nought: (quoth he) no daunger now is nye.

  9. V Then bad the knight his Lady yede aloofe, And to an hill her selfe withdraw aside: From whence she might behold that battailles proof, And eke be safe from daunger far descryde: 40 She him obayd, and turnd a little wyde.

  10. XXXI But if of daunger which hereby doth dwell, And homebred evil ye desire to heare, Of a straunge man I can you tidings tell, That wasteth all this countrey farre and neare.

  11. The next day following they went to sea, to prosecute their voyage, whereas they were taken with so terrible and foule weather, that the ship did driue they knew not whither, and many times in daunger to be drowned.

  12. Into the lake he lept, his Lord to ayd, 2 (So Loue the dread of daunger doth despise) And of him catching hold him strongly stayd 4 From drowning.

  13. Therefore doe them shonne; 8 For they haue oft drawne many a wandring wight Into most deadly daunger and distressed plight.

  14. But if of daunger which hereby doth dwell, 2 And +homebred euill ye+ desire to heare, Of a straunge man I can you tidings tell, 4 That wasteth all this countrey farre and neare.

  15. It is understand ryght now in this countre be such as cleyme to be frendly to you in what grete daunger and nede ye stande in, bothe to diverse of your frendis and to your elmyse.

  16. I wuld not in no wyse ye shuld put your self in no daunger to hym but as litill as ye may; for if ye do, it shall be right wele remembred you her after.

  17. And as for delyveryng of money to Dawbeney, I do that I may do, and more thenne I may weele doo, for I have put my selfe in gret daunger for that I have borwyd, &c.

  18. Abbey of Seynt Albons; and by the said appoyntement schall not be reputed, nor taken, but as an Englyssheman, and if he come in the daunger of Scotts, they to sle hym.

  19. The hony also helpeth those which haue drunke vnwares the iuyce of blacke Poppie, so that againste the same euill and daunger they drinke rosed honny warme.

  20. Also the same drunke helpeth the malice and daunger of Mushromes eaten, and the byte of a madde dogge, or otherwise melting in the mouth, after the forme of an Eclegma.

  21. And if the Winter be hote and moyst, then the same doth pronounce an vnhealthfull yeare, and daunger to séedes and fruites of the earth.

  22. But the prophet of the City whom the Cytizens had wel tryed and proued to be faithfull and trusty, manifested vnto them the great daunger that hong ouer the tyrant's head, sutch as the lyke neuer before.

  23. He marking the great loue that she bare him, feared not to say vnto her: "Madame, you see the daunger which I hasard for your seruice, and the warnings that the Queene hath giuen for our talke.

  24. But ye han pleyed tyraunt neigh to longe, 1240 And hard was it your herte for to grave; Now stint, that ye no longer on it honge, Al wolde ye the forme of daunger save.

  25. A-wey, thou foule daunger and thou fere, And lat hem in this hevene blisse dwelle, That is so heygh, that al ne can I telle!

  26. But alwey, goode nece, to stinte his wo, So lat your daunger sucred ben a lyte, That of his deeth ye be nought for to wyte.

  27. So hath your beaute fro your herte chaced Pitee, that me ne availeth not to pleyne; For Daunger halt your mercy in his cheyne.

  28. In daunger hadde he at his owne gyse The yonge girles of the diocyse, And knew hir counseil, and was al hir reed.

  29. With daunger oute we al our chaffare; Greet prees at market maketh dere ware, And to greet cheep is holde at litel prys; This knoweth every womman that is wys.

  30. It was ordered that the gunpowder directed by another precept to be provided by the Company, should be bought and that it should be kept “in the Armorie howse in convenient place for feare of daunger of ffier.

  31. This day Stephen Abraham a Barbor was fined for not makeing pˀentac͠on of his cure in daunger of death and it was forgeven him.

  32. But the Lorde came to deliuer them out of that present daunger wherein they were.

  33. Many Noble nations fighting couragiously, haue put themselues in present daunger of life, to obtaine and kéepe this swéete eternall libertie.

  34. Who in the night season being in greate daunger in the Sea, when they sawe Christe walking on the water approching towards them wer maruelously appalled.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daunger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.