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Example sentences for "garbling"

Lexicographically close words:
garantir; garb; garbage; garbed; garbled; garboard; garbs; garcon; garcons; gard
  1. The rest is garbled, and for the garbling my friend and Sir Oliver are about equally responsible.

  2. As a test of unintentional garbling I asked a professional man, who had read Raymond sympathetically, to give me a short account of what the medium said about the photograph.

  3. Against such garbling there could be no guarantee, in the profound secrecy enveloping every act of the tribunals.

  4. For let it be observed first, that all knowledge of the Latin classics comes to us from the medieval transcriptions of them, and they who transcribed them had the opportunity of forging or garbling them.

  5. But the garbling of a passage cited as a testimony is a precisely analogous process.

  6. Its original signification is correctly stated: the garbling of spices, drugs, &c.

  7. One of the most serious offences against literacy accuracy which this writer has apparently committed appears in the garbling of the opinions of Dr.

  8. As he can no longer deny his own words, he uses the only defense which remained, he now accuses me of garbling quotations and thus misrepresenting him.

  9. There was no garbling on my part, but something worse than garbling on his, and all this for no purpose whatever, except for one which I do not like to suggest.

  10. But the objection is again based on a blunder, and a garbling of the text of Scripture.

  11. Moses' account is quite self-consistent, and the bishop's garbling of it is dishonest.

  12. I had complained, not of this merely, but of monstrous indefensible garbling and misrepresentation, pervading the whole work.

  13. A second writer goes into detail, and exposes some of the garbling arts which have been used against me; it is imputed[4] to ill temper, and is insinuated to be from a spirit of personal revenge.

  14. Yet, in this same letter which attempted to justify the garbling of a quotation so as to make a critical review appear a laudatory one, Dr.

  15. Garbling quotations, distorting statements, separating phrases from their contexts and omitting qualifying clauses, all for the purpose of making out a case for some proprietary remedy is a trick as old as quackery itself.

  16. Garbling statements from scientific works for the purpose of puffing proprietaries is not unusual in nostrum exploitation.

  17. It will sometimes, no doubt, minimise facts unfavourable to its political side by garbling them.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garbling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    coloring; distortion; error; exaggeration; falsification; gloss; hyperbole; inaccuracy; injustice; misapplication; misapprehension; misconception; misconstruction; misjudgment; misreading; misstatement; misunderstanding; perversion; slanting; squeezing; torturing; twist; twisting; understatement