Perhaps that very prank had saved Stacy's life, or would save it, for Tad had already made up his mind what he was going to do.
In speculating about the greater mystery they appeared to have forgotten the recent ghostly disturbances in the camp, though it was pretty generally understood that the latter incidents were due to a prank of one of the boys.
Many a jolly ride I had and many a boyish prank was perpetrated after getting well away from and out of the sight of home with the horse.
I never knew, certainly, whether or not Halstead and Ellen had any previous knowledge as to the prank Addison played with the Vermifuge, but I rather think not.
They were brimming over with hay-makers' tricks, and I well remember what a prankthey played on me during the second week.
She obediently descended, and made as light of the prank as she could without betraying Meg or forgetting the truth.
Jo stoutly, feeling much relieved that her prankwas not entirely condemned.
As Mr. Buckham himself holds no hard feelings about the foolish prank of last May, I shall say no more about it.
None of the girls who had entered into the reprehensible prank on the way back from the basket ball game at Fleeting could have any part in the performance of The Carnation Countess.
There was some excuse for this latest wickedest prank of all.
After all, it might not have been a prankof Elsie's.
Why, here you are in one of the grandest and best houses in the country, petted and fussed over, and just because my cousin Hollyhock chose to play a prank on you.
You must promise me, Holly darling, that you 'll never play such a wicked prank again.
When we laugh at the prank of the child, love is mixed with the laugh.
If he was fond of money, some prank was invented to make him disburse more than he could spare.
Emily smiled herself, less at the prankhe had played than because she thought she had good reasons to be cheerful.
So perhaps by my officiousness I converted an innocent prank into something more serious," she concluded.
Indeed, Miss Eliza Bolles, who was of a lively, mischievous temper, was not herself above playing such a prank should the occasion offer.
Then, ordering some rum and water and a pipe of tobacco, he composed himself to watch for the arrival of those witty fellows whom he suspected would presently come thither to see the end of theirprank and to enjoy his confusion.
Whatever else has been attributed to Devil Anse he liked to prank as well as anyone.
It is but a devilish prank that thou usest; thy father was hanged for a traitor, and thou deservest no better reward.
How soberly above the rest Of those that prank it with their plumes, And jet it with their choice perfumes!
I hope I 'm ready for the worst, Whatever prank betides!
You'll but drive her on in any prank she's bent on.
Perchance someprank is at the bottom of all this, but you will pardon me if I but fulfill my duty to the crown.
The officers of the flagship, in spite of the fact that they were indignant at the prank that had been played upon them, were good-natured fellows.
Yes, I believe I do," replied Dacres grimly, with a lively recollection of his prank on the midshipmen on H.
When only seven or eight years old I heard a boy--I still remember his name--tell his mother a shameless lie about someprank in which I had shared.
This boyish prank is characteristic of our relations.
I always believed that those words made him harder upon every prank of poor Hal's, till any son save Hal would have become his foe!
She is awfully game--there is no prank going that she stays out of, but she kind of holds us down if our idea of a good time is too wild.
They had really been greatly shocked by the serious results that might have followed this latest prank of Teddy's.
More often, however, the search found him only too certainly to be the moving cause of the prank in question.
Rhinoceros Daun did play his Leo a bad prank more than once; and this of barring him out from Olmutz was one of them, perhaps the worst after Kolin.
That Dauphiness would play the prankshe did next morning, Friedrich had not ventured to calculate.
She actually laughed aloud when she thought of the prank they had played upon her.
Then his pleasant face wrinkled into a smile as he thought of the prankwhich those same wholesome girls had played only the day before upon the poor, unsuspecting city maiden.