The couple couldn't claim to be comfortable as freaks although freakishness was their natural order.
He was not able to distinguish if his freakishness was exceptional, deficient, or exceptionally deficient to the point of being inept.
And I dare say you recall the outstanding biological freakishness of Peter.
I trust you recall the outstanding biological freakishnessof Peter.
By some freakishness in the handling of the post at this port or that a batch of the older papers and a larger batch of the newer letters had failed of ultimate delivery to the steamer; so he figured it.
In outer and visible freakishness the French romanticists of 1830 probably bore away the palm, though in inner and spiritual remoteness from normal human experience they can scarcely vie with the early German romanticists.
The lesser New England men showed a rare incapacity to distinguish between originality and mere freakishness either in themselves or in others.