The tan vertebral stripe is diffuse and nearly fills the paravertebral dark fields; the paravertebral stripes are faint posteriorly; throughout their length they are scalloped--the beginning of their fragmentation into spots (Fig.
The pale spots present in the dark fields in smaller individuals are either absent or fused with spots resulting from the fragmentation of the stripes (Fig.
It set up a vast process of fragmentation among Christian associations.
And so I think that to leave any organization or human association except for a wider and larger association, to detach oneself in order to go alone, or to go apart narrowly with just a few, is fragmentation and sin.
Under our own scrutiny, writing becomes a form of praxis in itself, contributing to the general fragmentation of society, not to its unification.
In other words, they contribute to the fragmentation of society, although they are all devoted (some passionately) to the cause of its unity.
With the evident demise of philosophy as the science of sciences, began fragmentation of knowledge.
Embodied in literacy, language accounts for the ever-deepening specialization and fragmentation of human praxis.
Fragmentation and interconnectedness of the world, the new technology of synchronization, the dynamics of life forms or of artificial constructs elude the domain of literacy as they constitute a new pragmatic framework.
Characteristic of the context of change in the status and function (communication, in particular) of literacy are fragmentation of everything we do or encounter and the need to coordinate.
Nations replaced the coarse fragmentation of the world.
It takes the appearance of availabilities, fragmentation and global integration, of increased mediation.
Multiple levels of security will produce the fragmentation of the society.
The fragmentation of the story-type models can be seen when a person describes a complex situation.
And why did they eat the teenager's hot rod, and our gas and fragmentation grenades?
They eat our gas grenades and our fragmentation grenades, and they're impervious to our tank killers and our antitank mines.
Fragmentation of the bullet was comparatively common when the metacarpal bones were struck, also free comminution of a somewhat coarser variety than that seen when bones offering greater resistance were struck.
The occurrence of this gross form of fracture is of some interest in relation to the extreme fragmentation sometimes undergone by the hardened leaden cores of the small-calibre bullets.
The fragmentation is somewhat coarse at the periphery, but very fine in the track of the bullet.
Fragmentation of the mantle of the bullet has occurred.
Some fine fragmentation of the mantle of the bullet is indicated, and very fine comminution of the bone.
Fragmentation is exhibited in the skiagram forming the subject of plate XI.
The bullet had undergone fragmentation on impact, probably on the last one (teeth of mandible), and still retained sufficient force to enter the neck.
They were less common, however, and I am under the impression that fragmentation of the bullet was not such a marked feature, probably on account of the lower degree of density of the bones, and their greater fixity of position.
Barbarism is a social order of an elementary type, orderly within its limits; the state of Europe beneath its political fragmentation was a social disorder.
I make the latter remark as was developed earlier, in that the size of the large defect in the skull was so great and the fragmentation was so complex that it was impossible to accurately pinpoint the exit of the missile in the head wound.
Is the incidence of clean entry as indicated there, and then great fragmentation on exit, is that a normal consequence of this type of wound?
The missile struck the wall of the shaft without passing through the medullary canal, but a secondary fragmentation of the two large fragments did not follow except for the breaking of the tip of the distal fragment.
The course of the missile was from within outward and from before backward, striking both the fibula and the tibia, with fragmentation and displacement of both bones.
The missile struck the bone and caused a long, splitting fracture, with some fragmentation of the proximal fragment.
The direct subtrochanteric impact disintegrated the missile and delivered all of its energy to the bone, with a resulting transverse fracture of the upper end of the shaft of the femur and longitudinal fragmentation of the shaft.
The fragmentation of the missile, through its contact with the bone, indicates the great striking force of a missile which ricocheted from the bone.
Such wounds, with laceration of soft parts and fragmentation of the bone, are prone to infection, against which treatment is directed.
The nature of the fracture, without much fragmentation and with no displacements of fragments, indicates a slight striking energy of the missile, which was disintegrated by ricochet before striking the bone.
The course of the bullet was anteroposterior, striking the fibula from behind with a velocity of long range, and causing some slight fragmentation without displacement of the fragments.
The longitudinal fragmentation and splitting indicates a considerable energy of the projectile, which may have been deflected, as its long axis was turned somewhat from the trajectory at the time of impact.
In this case the energy of the missile was transmitted to the tibia, with fracture and great fragmentation of the bone.
The fissures in the lower fragment and the finer fragmentation at the seat of impact, indicate a great striking energy, that more often resides in the high velocity of a rifle bullet than the low velocity of a shrapnel ball.
This plate furnishes another example of the fragmentation of a shrapnel ball by ricochet on a near-by object before striking the body.
The course of the shrapnel ball was from within outward, striking the femur with the energy of high (shrapnel) velocity, with fragmentation of the missile by impact on the bone.
Gunshot Fracture of the Body of Lower Jaw, with Great Fragmentationand Displacement.
The fragmentation of the fibula, lying close to the skin, would produce considerable laceration in the wound of exit.
Spectacular achievements of socialism-communism, particularly in East Europe and Asia, added to the previous fragmentation a new line of division between capitalist West Europe and socialist East Europe.
Break-up of the European empires after two general wars led to the fragmentation of each empire into self-determining sovereign units.
Minor changes were made in boundary lines and in internal relationships of property and privilege, but the European maps of the period present a record of persistent fragmentation of the continent into strongly frontiered sovereign segments.
If western civilization has passed the zenith of its development and entered a period of decline and fragmentation even a figure of Napoleonic capacities would be sorely pressed to breathe new life into its disintegrating social structure.
Unrestrained and undirected socialfragmentation leads to conflict, destruction, perhaps to chaos.
This process of fragmentationis giving separatist forces ascendancy over the forces of integration and unification.
Judge Greene's fragmentation of the phone company is driving law enforcement nuts.
If there were one thing Thackeray would like to have, it would be an effective legal end-run through this new fragmentation minefield.
The great increase in length of these cells is accompanied by the fragmentation of the originally single nucleus.
Meves, however, maintains the possibility that the numerous centrosomes appearing in the egg arise by the rapid fragmentation of a centrosome already present.
A proof of this fragmentation is the declining power of cartels - trade unions, on the one hand and business trusts, monopolies and cartels, on the other hand.
Market Fragmentation In a fragmented market with a myriad of mutually exclusive market niches, consumer preferences and marketing and sales channels - economies of scale in manufacturing and distribution are meaningless.
Fragmentation ensues, more social and psychological than economic in nature.
The fragmentation of a hitherto unified market is detrimental.
The Government discovered that 3-inch shell rejected for various reasons could be re-machined and used to make these airplane fragmentation bombs.
The earliest American requirement in this production was for defensive grenades, of the fragmentation type.
The fragmentationbombs were a late development in this class of work.
Had the war continued the fragmentation grenade program, in spite of the delays encountered in its development, would have produced a sufficient quantity of these weapons.
Fragmentation bombs always have instantaneous firing mechanisms, while demolition bombs are usually provided with delayed fuses, allowing them to penetrate the target before explosion.
Some idea of the quantity of fragmentation bombs in our program may be gained from the fact that the contract for the Cordeau-Bickford fuse used in the fragmentation bomb, let to the Ensign-Bickford Co.
The fragmentation bombs produced by the Ordnance Bureau were smaller than the demolition type, the size most commonly used weighing 24 pounds.
A 20-pound fragmentation bomb, made from a converted 3-inch artillery shell, carries 1½ pounds of explosives to be used against troops.
Other concerns which manufactured various parts for the fragmentationbombs were the American Seating Co.
All of the bombs used by our fliers and by the fliers of the other nations at war were of three distinctive types--demolition bombs, fragmentation bombs, and incendiary bombs.
Two Mark II-B fragmentation bombs suspended--one arming vane retained, the other free.
In the period of political fragmentation Szechwan, as the principal tea-producing region and at the same time an important producer of salt, was much better off than any other part of China.