Dependency has become the one enduring heirloom, passed from one generation to the next, of too many fragmented families.
The new relationship between Egypt and Israel stands as an example of peaceful cooperation in an increasingly fragmented and turbulent region.
The course of the shrapnel ball was antero-posterior, with an impact on the shaft of the femur, which fragmented both the ball and bone through the imparting or the entire striking energy of the ball to the bone by the lodgment of the ball.
A fragmented shrapnel ball, coursing from without inward, struck the upper third of the shaft of the radius and caused a green-stick fracture.
The missile probably was deformed before striking the skull, upon which it was fragmented by impact, with several fragments following the internal contour of the vertex and others remaining spattered about the wound of entrance.
Their language experience testifies to an identifiable set of concerns, questions, and knowledge which is, despite the fragmented picture of the world, more homogenous than we could expect.
Examination of the various elements affecting the status of literacy in the contemporary world of fragmented practical experiences opens a new perspective on language.
Changes in the pragmatic framework brought about the realization that literacy today might be better suited to bridging various fragmented bodies of knowledge or experiences, than to actually embodying them.
The longitudinal dark lines on the dorsum are continuous to the groin in 95 specimens andfragmented in two specimens.
In two others the lines converge and fuse in the scapular region, and in four specimens auxiliary, fragmented lines are present dorsolaterally.
The minute the war ends - the USA will vanish, leaving the resulting mess to the natives, to a fragmented Europe and to Russia, who asked for it by getting involved.
Market Fragmentation In a fragmented market with a myriad of mutually exclusive market niches, consumer preferences and marketing and sales channels - economies of scale in manufacturing and distribution are meaningless.
Brain drain - skilled people desert, en masse, the fragmented economic system and move to more sustainable ones.
Such a model could be fragmented and some components can lose the normal connection with the structure.
In this case the brain prefers to build fragmented ZM models (several ZMs associated to pieces of the primary M-model).
At what point on the skull did the bullet, which fragmented into Commission Exhibit 857, strike?
Yes, sir; where the bullet fragmented into pieces in 857.
A gust sent the fragmented leaf to be buried unceremoniously in the midst of thousands of other leaves, which were rustling their distaste for their hapless plight.
These were the ingredients of my foremost impressions, and the forerunners of memories; thesefragmented images would survive outside the confines of the yearbook, and generate fleeting smiles for years to come.
In that second his dreamfragmented into many dreams and spun out of control.
The second he does that, I transfer all the fragmented stock to you.
Forty-seven percent of the stock I had fragmented in a dozen different outfits; the other two percent outstanding belonged to rich widows who wouldn't sell.
Those on the right were too fragmented and distorted for satisfactory description.
As I examined that exhibit today, sir, the threads are fragmented and distorted in such a fashion which would indicate to me that the missile passed through the shirt from the rear to the front.
In every instance of which history provides a legible record, centralized, universalized institutions and practices havefragmented into diversity and stubborn localism.
Meanwhile the West fragmented into smaller and smaller units, increasingly self-contained and increasingly isolated.
In practice it is so fragmented by national boundary lines and ideological differences that its members have not been able (during recent years) to get together and discuss their major common problems.
During the century and a half from 1815 to the present day, as facilities for co-ordination were multiplied by discovery and invention, Europe remained stubbornly fragmented into more than a score of sovereign states.
Despite several attempts to unify the continent politically, Europe was disrupted, fragmented and weakened by two general wars in a single generation.
The resulting economy was thereforefragmented at the household level with virtually all of the energy supplied by human beings and domestic animals.
Once the process is reversed, the decline may move quickly or slowly, but as it proceeds the civilization is fragmented and eventually dissolved or taken over by a more vigorous rival.
While we have no precedent that would enable us to gauge the consequences of an extensive nuclear war it seems reasonable to assume that it would further fragment an already fragmented European continent.
Every community is more or less fragmented by deviations, contradictions, confrontations and conflicts.
I found much of it at several "horizons" of the slope back of French Hill, and also as a cap overlying the badly cleaved and fragmented schists of the summit (three thousand feet?
It fragmented and its shreds fought each other in the streets of Sofia, Chicago- style.
Another hillbilly man Has lifted his head above the rest--a foot up from the jug-- And has blown his breath into the air Which 'naps another young and fragmented one To the call of being holy.
In specimens from the southern part of the range the dorsal dark markings are often fragmented into small spots, especially posteriorly.
More apparent from the field notes than in the course of excavation was the repeated occurrence of fragmented sets of long bones still in semiarticulated position.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fragmented" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.