The typescriptfollows the original accurately except that italics (crazily profuse in the 1697 edition) are omitted, the use of quotation marks is normalized, and three obvious typographical errors are silently emended.
Our reproduction of the second item was made from a typescript because the printing of the original lacks the size and clarity which are necessary for satisfactory results In lithoprinting.
She took up thetypescript which the old actor had brought in his packet, and held its title-page significantly before him.
The typescript copy of the Present State of Wit is taken from the pamphlet owned by the Henry E.
In the preparation of the typescript for these remaining two plays, certain problems had of necessity to be decided arbitrarily.
Occasional marks of the Licenser on the manuscript, most notably opposite Shark's lines about statesmen at the end of Act I, are all underscored in the typescript of the play.
The other two plays are here reproduced in typescript since the condition of the manuscripts made facsimile reproduction unfeasible.
One day he threw the bundle of typescriptacross to Paul.
When the typescript came down, Paul signed and dispatched it and gave the Chief Whip a duplicate.
Whereupon Paul, with his swift intuition, saw that in the case of a proud, earnest gentleman like Colonel Winwood the tempting emendations of typescriptwould not do.
Nancy held out the typescript to the waiting man whose eyes had none of the smiling welcome they would have had in Hellbeam's absence.
She was carrying a large typescript of many pages.
Charles Nisson picked up a typescript and held it out to the child.
I read in the typescript that in my trance I heard cows low and water swirling level with my ears and the creaking of wood.
He is now reading his wife's typescript of my diary.
There exists in the British Museum in typescriptan essay that Brooke wrote in 1910 for the Harness Prize.
A freely corrected typescript of Tomlinson fetched L81, the MS.
A typescript report of 13 pages by Wildlife Technician H.
The typescript appeared as "Appendix I" of my unpublished New York University dissertation on William Hogarth with permission of the Trustees of the British Library.
Reprinted here in typescript form from a manuscript difficult to reproduce legibly.