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Example sentences for "fewness"

Lexicographically close words:
fevers; few; fewe; fewer; fewest; feyned; feyr; feyre; feyth; feythe
  1. Considering the fewness of his soldiers he thought it best to seek an ally in the natural advantages of his position.

  2. Three fewnesses that are better than plenty: a fewness of fine words, a fewness of cows in grass, a fewness of friends around ale.

  3. Their fewness is usually charged to the destruction which was publicly made of them under the domination of the Church in the years following the Conquest.

  4. The early attempts to disclose the ethnological relations of the moundbuilders on cranial evidence were embarrassed by the fewness of the skulls then known.

  5. But to plead the fewness of thy sins, or the comparative harmlessness of their quantity before God, argueth no sound knowledge of the nature of thy sin, and so no true sense of the nature or need of mercy.

  6. He answered him in the way of his strength: Declare unto me the fewness of my days.

  7. Shall not the fewness of my days be ended shortly?

  8. As, from the nature of our climate, and the fewness of our inhabitants, we are undoubtedly weak, should we not endeavor to form a close union with the Eastern States, who are strong?

  9. Mr. James Galloway said, that he did not object to the representation of negroes, so much as he did to the fewness of the number of representatives.

  10. Japanese landscape-drawing reduces things seen to such fewness as must have made the art insuperably tedious to any people less fresh-spirited and more inclined to take themselves seriously than these Orientals.

  11. Besides revealing the fewness of the native Christians, the Northwestern census has shown us plainly the weakness of the Europeans.

  12. Their disregard of the ceremonial regulations and the fewness of the offerings are not (in themselves) deserving of severe blame, but they show a want of respect to the Gods.

  13. Mr Davidson urged that they might be deposed, but the synod, because of the fewness of the ministers present, &c.

  14. These considerations lead to the conclusion that fewness of parts is, in timber construction, as in structural work generally, an excellent principle to observe.

  15. Their fewness as compared with Irish place names is what strikes a native of Ireland with astonishment.

  16. The lack of stimulus to his mind from his surroundings at this time is also manifested by the fewness of his letters.

  17. When this fewness is allowed its due significance, we must see and confess that the nominally Christian condition of this country is but an illusion and an untruth after all.

  18. When we bear in mind the fewness of the agents, and the very limited tract of country which they occupied, it is a matter of considerable astonishment that so many converts were every year baptized in the various missions.

  19. Natural Selection, owing to the fewness of individuals which can inhabit small areas; and where there are few individuals variation at most must be slower.

  20. Waterhouse (who knows the group well, and who has published on fewness of species in aberrant genera) has given me a list of 62 aberrant genera, and these have on an average 7.

  21. Three fewnesses that are better than plenty: a fewness of fine words; a fewness of cows in grass; a fewness of friends around good ale.

  22. Man's happiness in this world is but a negative state; it must be reckoned by the fewness of his ills.

  23. So it is the fewness of his needs, the narrow limits within which he can compare himself with others, that makes a man really good; what makes him really bad is a multiplicity of needs and dependence on the opinions of others.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fewness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    baseness; daintiness; deficiency; delicacy; failure; imperfection; inadequacy; incompetence; infrequency; insignificance; insufficiency; littleness; meanness; mediocrity; paucity; pettiness; rarity; scantiness; scarcity; smallness; sparsity; stringency; thinness; tightness; triviality; unimportance; vulgarity