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Example sentences for "feyth"

Lexicographically close words:
fewest; fewness; feyned; feyr; feyre; feythe; feyther; fez; fezes; fezzes
  1. For thus ferforth I have thy work bigonne, 960 Fro day to day, til this day, by the morwe, Hir love of freendship have I to thee wonne, And also hath she leyd hir feyth to borwe.

  2. Sparham owt to hym; and in gode feyth he hath had so moche sorow and hevynesse that he wyst nowth qhat he myth don.

  3. I beseche zow holde me excusyd, thow I wryt no better to zow at thys tyme, for in good feyth I had no leysere.

  4. I sopose it is almas to comfort hym, for in gode feyth he is ryth hevy, and hys wyf al so.

  5. Here is what he printed:-- 'Whan feyth failleth in prestes sawes And lordes hestes ar holden for lawes And robbery is holden purchas And lechery is holden solas Than shal the lond of albyon Be brought to grete confusioun.

  6. Thys letter was wreten with as greete peyne as ever wrote I thynge in my lyfe, for in goode feyth I have be ryght seke, and yet am not veryly weele at ease, God amend it, &c.

  7. And thus yor said suppliant hath loste alle his coste and labour, to his charge by his feyth this iiij.

  8. And some in lyke wyse to feyth & hope sought.

  9. Wherof in gode feyth I am ryght sory, for I fynd hym ryght fayth full to you.

  10. And please youre maistir ship to wete that my maistresse hathe dyverse tymes spokyn to me to helpe to purvey a merchaunt for sum of youre malt; but in good feyth I can gete no man that wyll geve at the most more than xxijd.

  11. Master Constantyn and hym; and he seyth that as for that mater, Master Constantyn sewyd hym for feyth and trowth brekyng, and he sewed Master Constantyn in the Temporall Curte uppon an obligacion of xli.

  12. Please it you to wyte that I was at Haylesden uppon Thersday laste passyd, and sey the place ther, and in gode feyth ther wyll no cryatur thynke how fowle and orubelly it ys arayed but yf they sey it.

  13. I shuld have, and what colour that pleaset yow, for in gode feyth I have do sowte all the draperis schopis in this town, and her is right febill cheys.

  14. Sidenote: Lete yowr counsell comone with hym, but thei may sey they knowe not myn evidens nor titell,] And in good feyth me thynkyth by hym that he is ryght ille plesyd that the mater was so gydyt.

  15. Item, I have spoke with [John] Strange of the mater that ye wrote to me of, and in gode feyth I[148.

  16. In good feyth men fere sore here of a comone rysyng but if [i.

  17. And in god feyth ye aquyt yow rygth wel and discretly and hertyly to yowr wurchep and myn, and to the shame of your adversarijs, and I am wel content that ye avowid that ye kept possession at Drayton and so wold doo.

  18. In gode feyth I hyre moch langage of the demenyng betwene you and herre.

  19. And as for tytyngs, in good feyth we have non, seve the Erle of Wylchir[271.

  20. Syr, in feyth I was sore aferd that ze had a gret lettyng that ze come not on Wednysday to met, &c.

  21. I' good feyth it ys told me hys leggs ar all .

  22. Womman forsook him noght; for al the feyth Of holy chirche in womman lefte only.

  23. Whan feyth failleth in prestes sawes, And lordes hestes ar holden for lawes, And robbery is holden purchas, And lechery is holden solas, Than shal the lond of Albyon 5 Be brought to grete confusioun.

  24. Wulfade prayd Chad, that ghostly leech, "The feyth of Christ him for to teach.

  25. Wulfade, Rufine to Seynt Chad leadeth, "And Chad with love of feyth him feedeth.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feyth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.