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Example sentences for "feares"

Lexicographically close words:
fear; feard; feare; feared; fearefull; fearest; feareth; fearful; fearfull; fearfully
  1. You are too great, to be (by me) gainsaid: Your Spirit is too true, your Feares too certaine North.

  2. You shall never see him melancholy, but when he wants a new suit, or feares a sergeant.

  3. Detraction's a bold monster, and feares not To wound the fame of Princes, if it find But any blemish in their liues to worke on.

  4. No, he feares his cloaths, More then his flesh Cha.

  5. I have heard, & thought you by what I had heard Free from feares passion: still continue soe, Depending on heavens mercy.

  6. I charge thee, As thou respects thy duty, not to question The cause of my distemper; my iust feares Prohibits thee the knowledge of it.

  7. Tis the Mode to express our fancie upon every occasion; to shew the turne and present state of our hope or feares in our Affection.

  8. My feares pointed wrong: You are no enemy, no wolfe; it was A villaine I disturbed: oh, make me not Find in your presence that destruction My thoughts were so affrighted with.

  9. We forget Our fleetes arrivall; send your feares away; Nothing but wine and mirth should crowne this day.

  10. Is hid in ragges; feares argues a base spirit; In him what courage and contempt of death!

  11. My feares become my hopes; O would I might.

  12. The Curriers came so fast with fresh alarmes Of new revolts that he, unable quite To beare his feares which he had long conceal'd, Is now revolted from himselfe and fled.

  13. Let your feares thus dye: By all the sacred relliques of the Church And by my holy orders, what I minister Is even the spirit of health.

  14. In the mean time, notwithstanding his pretences, I kept walking up and downe the roome full of feares and suspitions till eleven of the clock, and then I layd myselfe downe upon the bed in my cloathes.

  15. I alsoe, Mr. Speaker, have my pressing feares too, and I am seriously afraid to offend him, who by all Englishmen is confessed to be in a naturall politique capacity of being a Supreame power.

  16. My cares & feares are past, but Ganelons Thys letter woulde revyve if t'were reveald, Nay begett newe ones to hym of suche wayghte That he must synke beneathe theym.

  17. My Lord, he feares you will be angry with him.

  18. All my cares and feares Thou hast dyspeyrct for ever; from hys deathe My future honors take a glorious byrthe.

  19. Still of the same, Knight, and is never in any sociable veine till she be typsie, for in her sobriety she is madd, and feares my good little old Lord out of all proportion.

  20. The gold that on his quiver smiles, Deceives men's feares with flattering wiles.

  21. Thus, o thus fondly doe wee pitch our feares Farre distant from our fates, our fates, that mocke Our giddy feares with an vnlook't for shocke.

  22. Now's but the nonage of My paines, My feares Are yett but hopes, weake as my infant yeares.

  23. Hercules, and out-brave Mars and feares not the Devil; passe, bladder, ile make ye swell.

  24. As thou dost hope of kindnesse in thy choyse If ere thou love, give eare unto my voice; Turne not aside thy eye, the feares I feele Makes me to bow, where tis thy part to kneele.

  25. Now have my feares brought forth this fearefull childe Of endlesse care, and everlasting griefe!

  26. Would you were halfe so honest: Mens prayers then would seeke you, not their feares Gard.

  27. Be Spite a Sprite, a Termagant, a Bugg: Truth feares no ruth, and can the Great Diu'll tugg.

  28. Hang pawning, sell outright, and the feares over.

  29. I blush while I converse with my owne thoughts, Some strange fate governes me, but I must on, The wayes are cast already, and we thrive When our sinne feares no eye nor perspective.

  30. Take him away, My fore-past proofes, how ere the matter fall Shall taze my feares of little vanitie, Hauing vainly fear'd too little.

  31. I beseech you Sir, Harme not your selfe with your vexation, I am senselesse of your Wrath; a Touch more rare Subdues all pangs, all feares Cym.

  32. She entertaines not every parley offer'd, although the Articles pretended to her advantage: advice and her own feares restraine her, and woman never owed ruine to too much caution.

  33. Did not the pittious night, whose eares Have oft beene conscious of my feares Distill you from her eyes as teares?

  34. Thy feares abuse thee, for those lights In Hymens Church shall shine, When he by th' mystery of his rites, Shall make Castara thine.

  35. Will not each trembling Virgin bring her feares To th' holy silence of my Urne?

  36. No, nor a man that feares you lesse then he, That's lesser then a little: Drum a farre off.

  37. He that hath a will to die by himselfe, feares it not from another: Let your Generall do his worst.

  38. Here's nought but whispering with us; like a calme Before a tempest, when the silent ayre 110 Layes her soft eare close to the earth to hearken For that she feares steales on to ravish her; Some fate doth joyne our eares to heare it comming.

  39. But a great resolution, thinking that there is no more harme in fearing, then in the thing that causeth feare, feares extremely to make shewe that hee hath any feare.

  40. But a great resolution, thinking that there is no more harme in fearing then in the thing that causeth feare, feares extremely to make shewe that hee hath any feare.

  41. The Violet smels to him as to vs:[5523] Therefore if he see reasons, he feares as we do.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feares" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.