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Example sentences for "faste"

Lexicographically close words:
fasse; fassen; fasst; fast; fasta; fasted; fasten; fastened; fastener; fasteners
  1. And faste by is yit the tree of eldre that Judas henge himself upon for despeyr that he hadde, whan he solde and betrayed oure Lord.

  2. And he may well faste fro drynk 2 dayes or 3: and that may non hors don.

  3. And faste besyde Damasce, is the Castelle of Arkes, that is bothe fair and strong.

  4. And faste besyde that chirche, a 60 fedme, [Footnote: Fathom.

  5. And zee schulle undirstonde, that the peper growethe, in maner as dothe a wylde vyne, that is planted faste by the trees of that wode, for to susteynen it by, as dothe the vyne.

  6. And faste by, is Kyng Heroudes hows, that leet sle the innocentes.

  7. And righte faste by that place is a cave in the roche, where Adam and Eve duelleden, whan thei weren putt out of Paradyse; and there goten thei here children.

  8. And faste besyde is another yle, that is clept Betemga, that is a gode yle and a plentyfous.

  9. And faste by is the cytee of Any, in the whiche were 1000 chirches.

  10. And faste by, is zit the tree of eldre, that Judas henge him self upon, for despeyr that he hadde, whan he solde and betrayed oure Lord.

  11. Faste by that cytee, is the Feld Magede, in the whiche the Kyng Joras was slayn of the Kyng of Samarie, and aftre was translated and buryed in the Mount Syon.

  12. And thei faste not on the Satreday, no tyme of the zeer, but it be Cristemasse even on Estre even.

  13. The other story is of a ladi that dwelled faste by the chirche, that toke every day so long time to make her redy, that it made every Sunday the parson of the chirche and the parisseners to abide after her.

  14. This Absolon that jolly was and gay Goth with a censor on the holy day Censing the wives of the parish faste And many a lovely loke he on hem caste.

  15. And the[AZ] cite dide faste encrece Of brede and wyne, fisshe, and fflesshe.

  16. And aftir long many a day, Thay deyde as[V] faste as[W] they myght be lad away.

  17. This wyn of Spayne crepeth subtilly In othere wynes, growing faste by, Of which there ryseth swich fumositee That when a man hath dronken draughtes three And weneth that he be at hoom in Chepe, He is in Spayne, right at the toune of Lepe.

  18. Lo, whan 100 thou were emprisonned, how faste they hyed in helpe of thy deliveraunce!

  19. The storm so straungely and in a devouring maner gan so faste us assayle, that I supposed the date of my 60 deth shulde have mad there his ginning.

  20. The frosty grave and cold must be my bedde, Without ye list your grace and mercy shewe, Deth with his axe so faste on me doth hewe.

  21. Me thinketh, the palasy-yvel 40 hath acomered thy wittes; as faste as thou hyest forward, anon sodaynly backward thou movest!

  22. They swapped together, whyll that they swette, Wyth swordes scharpe and long; Ych on other so faste they beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn.

  23. The line is printed as in the Specimens, but a better order would be, He bad him sperd ben faste dun.

  24. Telling his tale alwey, this olde greye, Humble in speche, and in his lokinge eke, The salte teres from his eyen tweye Ful faste ronnen doun by eyther cheke.

  25. And that ye me wolde han as faste in minde As I have yow, that wolde I yow bi-seche; And, if I wiste soothly that to finde, God mighte not a poynt my Ioyes eche!

  26. The gaoler threatened She sued him as faste as she myghte go, to complain to her For to gif him harde grace.

  27. He clepede his Engyno«ur» sir mavone, The soudan calls for To counsaile he did him faste calle.

  28. The Soudan gives them Do feter hem faste in Iren̄ and stele into her guard.

  29. To Roulande she gan faste crye of France Tidynges of goode chaunce: “Kinge Charles is comen and Ferumbras, and tells the others.

  30. Charles had “The laste day ye preised faste praised the old The oolde knightes of he[rh] worthynes.

  31. Hye the faste forth in thy way, [leaf 34] That the Saresyns the not hente.

  32. And fille the Dikes faste anoon̄ With alle, that we may ther fynde.

  33. That Ferumbras aspied welle, He rode a-waye than ful faste 1216 And tiede him to a grene hasel, but Ferumbras rides And come ayen to him in haste off and ties it to And saide “nowe yelde the to me!

  34. Distreyne hir herte as faste to retorne As thou dost myn to longen hir to see; Than woot I wel, that she nil nought soiorne.

  35. And thanne Reson rood faste The righte heighe gate, As Conscience hym kenned, Til thei come to the kynge.

  36. Bidderes and beggeres Faste aboute yede, 80 With hire belies and hire bagges Of breed ful y-crammed; Faiteden for hire foode, Foughten at the ale.

  37. They swapped together whyll that they swette, Wyth swordës scharpe and long; Ych on other so faste thee beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn.

  38. Fflorent and Floridas with fyve score knyghttez, ffollowede in the foreste, and on the way foundys, Fflyngande a faste trott, and on the folke dryffes.

  39. But lat us leven these prechoures, And speke of hem that in her toures 5770 Hepe up her gold, and faste shette, And sore theron her herte sette.

  40. Wherto constreyneth he his folk so faste 225 Thing to desyre, but hit shulde laste?

  41. But forth they romed wonder faste Doun the wode; so at the laste I was war of a man in blak, 445 That sat and had y-turned his bak To an oke, an huge tree.

  42. And faste than I avysed me To drawen out the shafte of tree; But ever the heed was left bihinde For ought I couthe pulle or winde.

  43. The houndes had overshote hem alle, And were on a defaute y-falle; Therwith the hunte wonder faste 385 Blew a forloyn at the laste.

  44. By my treget, I gadre and threste 6825 The greet tresour into my cheste, That lyth with me so faste bounde.

  45. Greet faute in thee now have I founde; By god, anoon thou shalt be bounde, And faste loken in a tour, Withoute refuyt or socour.

  46. And yee fayr dames of merrye Englande, As faste youre teares muste poure; For manye's the valiante Englisheman That yee sall see noe more.

  47. Oh then prynce Henrye sad dyd sighe, Hys hearte alle fulle of woe: That haplesse prince ybeate hys breaste, And faste hys teares 'gan flowe.

  48. Fayre Alice was gone to the holye kirke, With a sad hearte dyd shee goe; And ever soe faste dyd she crye to heav'n, "Prynce Henrye save from woe.

  49. Alice cry'd, And tore her golden hayre; And soe faste shee wrang her lilly handes, Alle woo'd with sad despayre.

  50. If agayne they enclose it never so faste Agayne asondre it shall be wraste.

  51. The acquaintances made at "the Tabard faste by the Belle" are not of those that can be forgotten; they are life-long remembrances.

  52. Maboun and Lybeauus Faste togedere hewes, And stente for no synne.

  53. He slepen faste alle fiue, 2128 So he weren brouth of liue; [Sidenote: Havelok and Goldborough are fast asleep.

  54. And þe oþre shal ich kesten 1784 In fet{er}es, and ful faste festen!

  55. I remember overhearing you say to Faste that the reason you would not bring your news forward in the hall was because you did not want the chiefs to take the power out of your hands.

  56. Faste the Fat marveled, when they had sat a long time watching it in silent fascination.

  57. Their first expression was disappointment, for the language spoken was nothing more novel than Norse, and the voice was the hoarse one of the vagabond Greenlander known as Faste the Fat.

  58. And to a grove faste there beside he must cast about, or contrive, With dreadful foot then stalked Palamon.

  59. The night was short, and *faste by the day *close at hand was That needes cast he must himself to hide*.

  60. Wherefore she spedde hir as faste in her weye, Almost in oon day, as he dide in tweye.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fasten them; fastened together