In which worke hee had framed a stone by cunninge, that mighte be remoued at pleasure, and no man perceiue it: meaning thereby to goe into the Chamber when he liste: whereunto none in all the world was priuie but himselfe.
Wherfore he caused the curtaines of his bed to be drawen, that they which came into the chamber mighte not see him, complayning of sicknes more than he was wont to do, wherby they of the house thought he would not haue liued XXIV.
There was no place where honour mightebe gotten, but thereunto the bastarde made his repaire with so great delight, as he thought he could neuer be poore for respect of that riche wife which God had prouided for him.
And atte last the feend, oure enemy, Put in his thought that he schulde poysoun beye, buy With which he mighte sle his felawes tweye.
O Lord, quoth he, if so were that I mighte Have all this gold unto myself alloone, Ther is no man that lyveth under the troone throne Of God, that schulde lyve so mery as I.
But mighte this gold be caried fro this place Hom to myn hous, or ellis unto youres, (For wel I wot that this gold is nought oures), know Than were we in heyh felicite.
Doun ran of hem that stooden hir bisyde, down, stood, beside Unnethe aboute hir mighte thay abyde.
What I may gete in counseil prively, get No more consciens of that have I; conscience Nere myn extorcions I mighte not lyven, were it not for Ne of such japes I wil not be schriven.
And if I mighteexcuse hir any wyse, For she so sory was for hir untrouthe, Y-wis, I wolde excuse hir yet for routhe.
By worde eterne whylom was hit shape That fro the fifte cercle, in no manere, Ne mighte a drope of teres doun escape.
And surely if they had planted the gospell of Christe purely, as they did not, they mighte justly have more rejoyced in that deede of theirs, then in the conqueste of the whole contrie, or in any other thinge whatsoever.
Kinge Phillippe mighte either be deprived of his governmente there, or at the leaste of the takinge of his yerely benefite of the mynes.
One mighte as lief be an angel shut up in a nutshell as bide here.
Ful many a deynté hors hadde he in stable: And whan he rood, men mighte his bridel heere Gynglen in a whistlyng wynd as cleere, And eek as lowde as doth the chapel belle.
Citie of Babilon was taken, was very wroth wai- ynge with him selfe, that there by, the ruyne of the Persian kyngdome mighte happen.
To speke ne mighte he forgo And said the queen before: 'I have loved a fairer woman Than thou ever laidest thine eye upon, This seven year and more!
This was the tale: Ther was a king That highte Seys, and hadde a wyf, The beste that mighte bere lyf; And this quene highte Alcyone.
Ther mighte men the royal egle finde, 330 That with his sharpe look perceth the sonne; And other egles of a lower kinde, Of which that clerkes wel devysen conne.
Hardely, your love was wel beset, I not how ye mighte have do bet.
For she that mighte me out of this bringe Ne reccheth nat whether I wepe or singe; So litel rewthe hath she upon my peyne.
Now wol I speke of Mars, furious and wood; For sorow he wolde have seen his herte blood; Sith that he mightehir don no companye, 125 He ne roghte not a myte for to dye.
And Bialacoil me served wel, Whan I so nygh me mighte fele Of the botoun the swete odour, And so lusty hewed of colour.
But o thing lyked me right wele; I was so nygh, I mighte fele Of the botoun the swote odour, 1845 And also see the fresshe colour; And that right gretly lyked me, That I so neer itmighte see.
Some men will saye peraduenture, I mighte haue better imployed my tyme in some pleasaunte historye, comprisinge matter of chiualrye.
That if annye one argumente mighte please them all, then should thei be thankfull vnto me for this kind of matter.
As she that hadde hir herte and al hir minde On Troilus y-set so wonder faste, That al this world ne mighte hir love unbinde, 675 Ne Troilus out of hir herte caste; She wol ben his, whyl that hir lyf may laste.
Al mighte a geaunt passen him of might, His herte ay with the firste and with the beste Stood paregal, to durre don that him leste.
But if a fool were in a Ialous rage, I nolde setten at his sorwe a myte, 900 But feffe him with a fewe wordes whyte Another day, whan that I mighte him finde; But this thing stant al in another kinde.
But who-so mighte winnen swich a flour From him, for whom she morneth night and day, He mighte seyn, he were a conquerour.
And that ye me wolde han as faste in minde As I have yow, that wolde I yow bi-seche; And, if I wiste soothly that to finde, God mighte not a poynt my Ioyes eche!
What mighte or may the sely larke seye, Whan that the sperhauk hath it in his foot?
For he bicom the frendlyeste wight, The gentileste, and eek the moste free, 1080 The thriftieste and oon the beste knight, That in his tyme was, or mighte be.
What mighte I wene, and I hadde swich a thought, 1065 But that god purveyth thing that is to come For that it is to come, and elles nought?
He rong hem out a proces lyk a belle, 1615 Up-on hir fo, that highte Poliphete, So heynous, that men mighte on it spete.
The archbishop mighte well say, "That man is drunk with too much prosperitie.
At table, discourse flowed soe thicke and faste that I mighte aim in vayn to chronicle it--and why should I?
This Edinburgh romance of Rembrun begins thus: "Jesu that erst of mighte most Fader and sone and Holy Ghost.
That bothe the humblenes of the lorde in goinge to synners / and the power of hys doctrine in conuertinge the penitents / mighte be declared.
For if they do yt not / it is certeyne that they loue not God with all their harte / bycause they sholde then leaue vndone somewhat that they mighte do / to the glorie of his name / and wolde not.
If this thy reason and excuse were of any force / then mighte the Corinthians haue sayde to Paule / why doest thou so reproue vs?
Like is to be saide of thẽ / which mighte preache the gospell frelye / and do se that it shalbe for the increase of the kingdõ of Godd / and do it not.
Constitu]] Iustiniane the Emprour determineth / that all thinges shulde be spoken openlye and plainlye in the Temples / that they mighte bothe be hearde and vnderstonded / But this the papistes regarde not.
But if I wolde spẽde more tyme here / I mighte reherce many other doctrines of the papistes in which they do shãfully swarue frõ the truithe of Godds worde.
And eke he was of such discretion, That there nas no man in no region, That him in song or wisdommighte pass.
And the last the fiend, our enemy, Put in his thought that he should poison bey,[246] With which he mighte slay his fellows twaye.
What mighte or may the sely larke seye, Whan that the sparhauk hath it in his foot?
Now mighte som envyous Iangle thus, 'This was a sodeyn love, how mighte it be That she so lightly lovede Troilus Right for the firste sighte; ye, pardee?
And thus seyde he, 'now wolde god I wiste, Myn herte swete, how I yow mighte plese!
For no wight but thy-self ne 10 mighte never han don that to thee.
Soth is, that whan they gonne first to mete, So gan the peyne hir hertes for to twiste, That neither of hem other mighte grete, 1130 But hem in armes toke and after kiste.
But if a fool were in a Ialous rage, I nolde setten at his sorwe a myte, 900 But feffe him with a fewe wordes whyte Another day, whan that I mighte him finde: But this thing stont al in another kinde.
Then, in a graver mood, he added, "One mighte envie you, but that your precious privileges are bound up with soe paynfulle anxieties.
Englishe Catholiques in these our dayes, affirminge not onely they mighte use this libertye of admittinge or rejectinge the next pretender, whatsoever his tytle were by meanes of bloud, in respecte of his false religion.
And soe I cannot tell whether ever any of them were broken by him to the Pope, Kinge of Spaine, or other Prince to whome they mighte apertayne.
No; the Greeks and Romans mighte speake of chance and of fate, but we must not.
And that is more to the purpose, you mighte have said," returned the other.
I mind me of her saying one day to her own daughter Daisy, "Your tucker is too low," and giving her a slap, mighte have beene hearde in Chelsea Reach.
Ah, Meg, that is just such an answer as Father Francis mighte give--it solves noe difficultie.
Castill, tower ne manere Had I never in my power; But as a simple carpentere With these what I mighte gette.
In the faireste lond huy weren · that evere mighte beo.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mighte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.