Myn herteis now in tribulacioun, And ye in armes bisy, day by day.
His olde wo, that made his herte swelte, Gan tho for Ioye wasten and to-melte, And al the richesse of his sykes sore At ones fledde, he felte of hem no more.
Lat not this wrecched wo thin herte gnawe, But manly set the world on sixe and sevene; And, if thou deye a martir, go to hevene.
Al this Pandare in hisherte thoughte, 1070 And caste his werk ful wysly, or he wroughte.
And in him-self he lough right at the wo Of hem that wepten for his deeth so faste; And dampned al our werk that folweth so The blinde lust, the which that may not laste, And sholden al our herte on hevene caste.
So though ther nere comfort noon but this, That men purposen pees on every syde, 1350 Ye may the bettre at ese of herte abyde.
And lord, so that his herte gan to quappe, Heringe hir come, and shorte for to syke!
For-why good hope halt up hir herte on-lofte, And for they can a tyme of sorwe endure; As tyme hem hurt, a tyme doth hem cure.
XLIV The blodye herte in the Douglas arms His standard stood on hie, That every man might full wel knowe; Bysyde stood starrès three.
LIX But he cold neither goe soe fast, Nor away soe fast cold runne, But Little John with an arrowe soe broad, Did cleave his herte in twinne.
CI Cloudesley walked a lytle beside, Looked under the grene wood lynde, He was ware of his wife and chyldren three, Full wo in herte and mynde.
But well I wot, a broche of gold and assure In which a rubie set was like an herte Creseide him yave, and stacke it on his sherte.
Yet sang the larke, and Palamon right tho With holy herte and with a high corāge He rose.
I, 'and speke no more of this; myn herte breketh, now thou touchest any suche wordes!
Thus arn ye al nighe untrewe; for al your fayre speche, your herte is ful fickel.
The +leving of the first way with good herte of continuance that I see in thee grounded, this purpose to parfourme, draweth me by maner of constrayning, that nedes muste I ben thyne helper.
Whan oon hath set his herte in stable wyse In suche a place as is both good and trewe, He shuld not flit, but do forth his servyse Alway, withouten chaunge of any newe.
For ever the better that in trouthe I mente With al my mighte faythfully to serve, With herte and al for to be diligent, The lesse thank, alas!
Certes,' quod I, 'these ben good wordes of comfort; a litel myneherte is rejoyced in a mery wyse.
These thinges to thinke in myn herte maketh every day weping in myn eyen to renne.
Hee then was yothe of comelie semelikeede, And hee had made a mayden's herte to blede.
The blisse which that is bitwixe hem tweye Ther may no tonge telle, or herte thinke.
Such a burre myȝt make myn herte blunt, Such a blow might make mine heart faint.
For ous he spradde is herte blod, { His woundes were so wyde.
Your eyen two wol slee me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene, So woundeth hit through-out my herte kene.
So hath your beaute fro your herte chaced Pitee, that me ne availeth not to pleyne; For Daunger halt your mercy in his cheyne.
Giltles my deeth thus han ye me purchaced; I sey yow sooth, me nedeth not to feyne; So hath your beaute fro your herte chaced Pitee, that me ne availeth not to pleyne.
Let me remembre now I you pray ¶ My barayn is so thynne I deme in my herte ¶ Some of the felyshyp that I there say.
And be cause my maister attorneys in that parties toke not to herte to make the payementes here so hastely as they ded there, I had no comffortable answere of spedyng the seid paymentes here.
I beseke Almyghti Jesu have you in hese mercyfull governaunce, and graunt you evyr that may be to your most herte plessaunce, &c.
And thei seide with a good herte ya; these wordes wern seide in secreta confessione to v.
To the right worshipful, and with all myn herte right entirely belovid brother, the Viscounte Beaumont.
And there as any freelte maketh you to falle, be secheth hys mercy soone to calle you to hym agen with repentaunce, satisfaccion, and contricion of youre herte never more in will to offend hym.
Right worshipfull, and with all myn herte right entirely belovid brother, I beseche the blissed Trinite, preserve you in honor and prosperite.
Sidenote: 1436] Paston recomaund hym to youre good lordeship, willyng with all his herte to doo yow servise to his symple power.
It febleth the ioyntis and the body within Wastynge the brayne makynge the wyt full thyn It engendreth in the hede infirmyte Blyndynge the herte wyt and discression The mynde it demynyssheth, coloure and beaute.
Mrs. Sorel had suggested that Herte himself might have contributed the lovely specimen of his work, to complete the decoration of the room.
If there were no accompanying poem, or at least a card, Herte wasn't guilty.
But evidently that was what Hertethought she was, and his conception of her temperament made the girl feel subtle and mysterious.
Belloc was giving a supper for her after the theatre, and Herte was there; a dark, haggardly beautiful young man who looked as if he had detached himself from one of his own wall decorations.
It was in her dressing-room at the theatre--the marvellous dressing-room which Belloc had engaged Herte to re-decorate as a tribute and a surprise to the star.
My lady of Sinadoune Is brought in strong prisoun That was of great valour; Sche praith the sende her a knight With herte good and light To winne her with honour.
To whom shall any sorwful herte calle, Now Crueltee hath cast to sleen us alle In ydel hope, folk redelees of peyne?
Bot if I speke with [gh]one lady bryghte, I hope myne herte will bryste in three; Now sall I go with all my myghte, Hir for to mete at Eldoune tree.
It breaks true herte to see him stert, When as the small birds sing, And then to hear his sighynges drere, Whereas his fetters ring.
Wherefore adew, my owne Herte true, None other red I can; For I must to the greene Wode goe, Alone, a banishyd man.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "herte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.