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Example sentences for "fasta"

Lexicographically close words:
fass; fasse; fassen; fasst; fast; faste; fasted; fasten; fastened; fastener
  1. Hja staldon ak famma vnder hjara hode, tha skinber vndere hoda fon Fasta [19] vsa forma ere moder, vmbe over that frana ljucht to wakane.

  2. Fasta has advised us, and it is engraved in stone over all our doors.

  3. That was Frya his dei and to there stonde was et vrleden sjvgun wara sjvgun jer, that Fasta was anstald as folksmoder nei Fryas jerta.

  4. Tha Yra ne sind nene yra mar goda minska ther nena byldon to leta nach onbidda, ak willath se nena charka nach prestar doga, and evin als wi-t frana ljucht fon Fasta vpholda, evin sa holdon se ollerwechs fjur in hjara husa vp.

  5. Upon my servant Fasta I have placed all my hopes.

  6. Nw skolde Fasta thju neja foddik vpsteka, and tha that den was an ajnwarda fon that folk, tha hrop Frya fon hira wakstare, sa that allera mannalik that hera machte: Fasta nim thinra stifte and writ tha thinga ther ik er navt sedsa ne machte.

  7. Vppa minre fam Fasta hav ik min hap fastegth, thervmbe most j hja to eremoder nema, Folgath j min red, than skil hju nemels min fam bilywa and alla frana famna ther hja folgja; than skil thju foddik namer utga ther ik far jo vpstoken hav.

  8. Tha kemon tha Gola mith hjara skepum ut-a Middelse Kadik bifara and el vs uter land, forth fylon hja vp and over Brittannja thach hja ne mochton ther nen fasta fot ne kreja, vmbe that tha sjvrda weldich and tha bannalinga jeta fryas weron.

  9. Fasta het vs reden and buppa tha dura fon alle burgum is t in sten ut wryten: bist arg batsjochtig seide Fasta, bihod than jvwe nesta, bithjod than jvwe nesta, help than juwe nesta, sa skilun hja t thi witherdva.

  10. When Fasta was Eeremoeder she made a running hand out of it.

  11. The remark of the good Cura de los Palacios in describing the quemadero is "en que los quemaban y fasta que haya heregía los quemarán.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fasta" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.