But we should not be overly cast down by the like o't, but lippen to eternity; for the sorrows of perishable human nature are erls given to us of joys hereafter.
For she was overly pleased at the description of her champion.
With him was the faithful Walker who was overly pleased to be on his way and also Charles, the young son of Sir Guilbert.
So he would dream, this youth with eager eyes, and his father, Sir Gaunt, soon came to know of his son's fancies and was overly proud and pleased with them.
Yet was his tongue overly sharp and too oft disposed to sting and mock.
They don't botheroverly about their eatin' up in Vermont.
They ain't overly good eatin'," he observed, tying the birds to his saddle.
He didn't know Kingston overly well, but by the appearance of the building and by the entry, it was probably the swankiest hotel in town.
Max screwed up his already not overly handsome face.
He was antagonistic to some extent, not overly so.
Neither of her novels was overly successful, making one wish she had held fast to her earlier love, verse-making.
This novelette pitted a man of the Blue Grass against a man of the Kentucky hills, and the struggle was not overly severe; the reading world did little more than remark its appearance and its passing.
The three officers murmured some things stiffly to Max, who, a Lower born, was not overly nonplused by the situation.
XXI His wounds were clean, straight slashes not overlydeep and which should heal readily enough.
I thought you called it--" The colonel was indicating a hoverlimousine with a sweeping gesture that would have seemed overly graceful, had not Joe felt the grip of the man only a moment earlier.
None of the wounds were overly deep, but combined they were costing him blood.
It may be that you and I have not overly many minutes of life left.
Therefore it was I led the way to my house, and said when we were come to the door: "You are free here to do as you will; but I'm thinking it may be wiser if we two are not seen together overly much.
I haven't seen overly many of the king's men; but those I have come across took good care of their bodies, and hated like the mischief to do that which might mar the beauty of their flashy uniforms.
Set down an' rest, Mrs. Cartwright; you don't look overly stout.
Overly contrived shocker about Gina, a young girl who falls simultaneously into narcotics, lesbianism, prostitution and the hands of a weird couple dabbling in incest.
Story of a girl conditioned from childhood to lesbian affairs, first by an overly seductive mother, then by a school friend.
For once the plus is used to promote personal prejudice; various authorities call this book overly sentimental.
These trees were growing under a sod mulch, were not overly vigorous, and for the most part had not come into fruiting.
She trusted that I might not think her overly bold, but if I did, it made no difference to her, for she was rendered desperate on all sides.
Thee is overly quick," said her father, rather displeased, I thought.
But still he was wont to say, even with such as these, it was overly mingled with temporal concernments, and that they longed for it less on account of its immortal issues than for its sensual emancipations.
His name was Andrew Dornock; and, poor fellow, being eschewed among us on account of his spiritual leprosy, he drew up with divers loose characters, that were nae overly nice of their company.
All around the base of the tree he looked, missing, as I thought, not a leaf or twig or stone, I wondering now at the patience of him who never since I had known him had been overly patient.
Ye need not come in such haste and violence; our good neighbors, though they seem overly anxious to help thee in this, must say we have never done violence toward any one.
I said boldly, although I had not overly much stomach for the venture.
Overly optimistic, Luke's new boss had struck out at the chunky, red-headed Earthman during an inconsequential argument and had promptly measured his length in a sand pile as a hamlike fist crashed home in return.
He didn't care particularly for Novak, nor was he overly concerned by what might happen to him.
It's my notion ye got an overly hard dose this time.
The Romping Betsy was a large, full-rigged brig, not overly clean, and had evidently been in commission for some time.
Fighter escorts were always in danger, and though Tomas was a good pilot, he had never before flown in combat, and seemed overly determined to make his mark before the war ended.
Seeing the tardy vessels in his rear viewscreen, the Colonel thought at first there must be some mistake, or mechanical problem, and so was not overly concerned.
She don't look overly well; I reckon that's why she quit workin' at the hotel.
In short, life is not overly pleasant in this place.
Also I have heard that they are in debt to our landlady, as well as that she is not overly kind to them.
Yes, every letter tells me that you have a kind heart; but I tell YOU that that heart is overly kind.
Cassca didn't seem to be overly impressed with Lurgha's curse, not as much as the man was.
He was notoverly surprised to see figures moving leisurely about the village examining the cabins, perhaps in search of the inhabitants.
I have given this a great deal of thought," Rhoa said coldly, "and I think you're being overly cautious.
He would have liked to call Tharn's attention to the faint sound but hesitated to do so lest he appear overly nervous.
Was she being overly careful--running from shadows?
He had a goodly store of beads and trinkets with which to make payment for what he might be able to buy, for these brown men are overly fond of what among English people would be little more than toys.