Biela's comet had not been seen since its duplicate return in 1852.
Just so the Omnipotent, who turns The system of a world's concerns, From mere minutiƦ can educe Events of most important use; And bid a dawning sky display The blaze of a meridian day.
Non fumum ex fulgore, sed ex fumo dare lucem=--Not to educe smoke from splendour, but light from smoke.
Life just the stuff / To try the soul's strength on, educe the man.
Given a world of knaves, to educe an Honesty from their united action, is a problem that is becoming to all men a palpably hopeless one.
I count life just a stuff To try the soul's strength on, educe the man.
Education gives to Man nothing which he might not educe out of himself; it gives him that which he might educe out of himself, only quicker and more easily.
Thus from poverty does the strongeduce nobler wealth; thus in the destitution of the wild desert does our young Ishmael acquire for himself the highest of all possessions, that of Self-help.
In its semblance of simplicity this form of Evolution-philosophy shows itself kin to those other old-world attempts to dispense with a governing mind, and to educe the existing cosmos from the blind strife of primordial atoms.
The conflict between this "struggle-theory" and ethics has been freely acknowledged by Professor Huxley and others; every attempt to educe unselfishness from selfishness has failed.
It was planned by one of the autochthonous inhabitants with the most ingenious combination of inconveniences that the natural man could educe from his original perversity of intellect.
He prefers it on account of the great good he intends to educefrom it.
We are told by Leibnitz and Edwards, that we should not presume to act on the principle of permitting sin in others, or of bringing it to pass, on account of the good that we may educe from it; because such an affair is too high for us.
But the powers always resided in living forms which he detected and measurably learned to educe and control.
The methods of Providence often educe choicest good from most direful evils.