One of the entrances ~to the Church~ lies in this street.
Near Bangor one of the entrances to the park surrounding Penrhyn Castle is seen upon the right, and here is the Model Village of Llandegai, interesting to those engaged in the social problems of the day.
In 1833, three of the entrances were closed, and a regular channel, sixteen feet long and three feet wide, with a fall of three feet, was cut into the mouth of a larger cavity.
This entry is of great interest, as entrances from the outside to the basement of keeps were exceptional in the 12th century; but the basement entrance of Colchester keep has every appearance of having been added by Henry I.
This bailey is of very unusual size, covering 8-1/4 acres; its banks still retain the name of the Baile Welts, and one of the entrances is called the Baile Gate.
Ground entrances occur in several much earlier keeps, as at Colchester (almost certainly an addition of Henry I.
In England we find ground entrances to many round keeps of the 13th century, as at Pembroke; but the older fashion was sometimes retained; Conisburgh, one of the finest keeps in England, has its entrance on the first floor.
Until two o'clock in the morning, the entrances to the hospital were beset with persons anxiously seeking for their lost relatives and friends.
The doors and entrances were broken open with crowbars and sledge-hammers; and it is scarcely to be credited with what rapidity this strong prison was destroyed.
There are also beautiful frescoes by Simone Martini, or Simone Memmi, as this Sienese painter is often called, between the entrances to the chapels of the Sacrament and that of St. Mary Magdalene.
The entrances to the house were through small apertures in the bases of the trees and thence upward by rude ladders through the hollow trunks to the rooms above.
The numerous lofty, granite towers which mark the several entrances to the subterranean city were all in front of me--behind, the plain stretched level and unbroken to the nearby foothills.
Behind the scenes, unknown to me, Pooh Bah had fainted, and one of his entrances had to be made by Pish Tush.
People were coming fast now, and the entrances to the lobby were getting choked.
The army of Napoleon now approaches, shells begin to fly over the doomed city, and, as the bearskins of the French grenadiers appear at the entrances at either side, the terrorized Russians rapidly disappear.
Owing to the desire in the early Christian Church of saving the graves of their first confessors and martyrs from desecration, almost all the catacombs were gradually blocked up, and by lapse of time their very entrances were forgotten.
The first battle On arriving at the entrances of Mariveles, the ships were placed in battle array, the artillery loaded, the matches lighted and the linstocks ready, the rigging free, and other preparations made.
This chapa is placed at the entrances of the churches, and whenever the mandarins come in sight of it they make the same obeisance to it as to their king, venerating in it what he commands.
A doorman is told off to each of the public street entrances to the main floor.
However, whether the entrances be single, triple, or manifold, it is a constant law that one shall be principal, and all shall be of size in some degree proportioned to that of the building.
At the entrances to the Assyrian temples stood lions, chiseled out of soft limestone or the harder alabaster.
As a protection against the demons and witches, small images of some of the protecting deities were placed at the entrances to houses, and amulets of various kinds were carried about the person.
There was a bell-push near the door, but upon neither of these entrances was there any plate to indicate the name of the proprietor of the establishment.
There were two entrances to the establishment, by one of which Paul Harley invariably entered and invariably went out, and from the other of which "Bill Jones" was sometimes seen to emerge, but never Paul Harley.
Notice on the German side, the entrances to the galleries excavated under the mound.
Although theentrances were constantly shelled by enemy artillery, this tunnel was used as a shelter for the reserves of the Vaux-Souville sector and as a munitions depot.
Notice on the right the entrances to many huge mine galleries which, under the crest, communicate with the openings on the north slope.
Dug-outs and French mineentrances on the slope of Eparges Spur.
It may be one of theentrances to the old cave of the counterfeiters," answered Merry.
Lakes and seas also were frequently believed to be entrances to Hades.
There were always certain spots hallowed by tradition as particularly favourable to intercourse with the dead, or even as being actual entrances to the lower world.
We'll watch the reservation entrances in the morning.
By the road across the valley and around by either of the entrances to the reservation.
The tough part of it is that Joyce's men will be posted at all the reservation entrances now--" "And on the trails around this shelter.
There are entrances to the reservation at either end--dirt roads that cross from the concrete turnpike over to this ridge above us.
They lay in two curves, the one toward the other, making an enclosed place which at the two entrances and on the sides was thickly grown up with grass and bushes.
The Hall of the Hundred Pillars had entrances from all sides, on the same level, through the lowest and heaviest colonnades, and also along stairways descending from all the terraces.
It was situated at the foot of an old tree-trunk, was very large, and had hundreds of entrances and little chambers.
The bays beyond this contained the cellar and buttery, now known as the crypt, with entrances at one end from the infirmary and at the other from the cellarer's checker or office and the kitchen buildings in the outer court.
Another addition is an octagonal walled enclosure, the entrances to which are surmounted by pairs of magnificent horns.
There are four entrancesto this well-contrived building.
The burrows of the "leopard" have much smaller entrances than those of their "tawny kin," and run down perpendicularly to a greater depth before branching off in a horizontal direction.
The American wolves burrow, and, like the fox, have several entrancesto their holes.
These are the entrances to the burrows of piddocks; and if you could split the rock open you would find several of these creatures lying in their tunnels.
About the middle of October it stops up the entrances to its home, and passes into a state of hibernation, in which it remains till the beginning of March.
When winter draws near all the snails go into hiding, and they have a most curious way of closing the entrances to their shells by making little doors across them, composed partly of slime and partly of very small fragments of earth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entrances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.