It was then the idea suggested itself to me to hypnotize Mr. Herrick and make him bring me money from the bank.
At first he could not be considered first class, but he was much interested in the subject, and allowed me to hypnotize him repeatedly.
To merely hypnotize and tell him he is not to carry out such orders would have no effect whatever.
Did he then wish to hypnotize her while she slept?
He wants tohypnotize me--but I don't quite dare--would you?
He said that he could inhibit Edna's appearance, if I let him hypnotize me.
Yes, and he asked me again to let him hypnotize me.
To dream of seeing a hypnotist trying to hypnotize others, and then turn his attention on you, and fail to do so, indicates that a trouble is hanging above you which friends will not succeed in warding off.
For a woman to hypnotize a snake, denotes your rights will be assailed, but you will be protected by law and influential friends.
Now, let a patient get the idea that only one man can hypnotize him, and that is the beginning of the hypnotic suggestion itself.
Unintended gestures, habitual with the experimenter, may suffice to hypnotize his accustomed subject.
It is true that one particular operator alone may be able to hypnotize a particular patient; and in this case the patient is, when hypnotized, open to suggestions from that person only.
This is shown by the fact that when such a patient is hypnotized, the operator en rapport with him can transfer the so-called control to any one else simply by suggesting to the patient that this third party can also hypnotize him.
I couldn't hypnotize you unless you were willing and would help me.
You said, I remember, that nobody could hypnotize anybody else unless--unless the victim were willing.
He tried to hypnotize me, just as he tried to do years ago--but I fought him off as best I could!
Was it possible that Josiah Crabtree had in some way used his sinister influence to get her to leave her home, and would he be able to hypnotize her into marrying him?
He tried to hypnotize one of the men one day,-- almost got away, doing it!
The lady was weak and sickly, and the teacher had tried to hypnotize her into getting married, and had nearly succeeded, but the plot was nipped in the bud by the Rover boys.
You carried her off against her will--and did what you could to hypnotize her into marrying you.
It is at the initial attempts to hypnotize a particular person somewhat refractory to the condition that auxiliaries are needed.
Milne Bramwell, one of the English authorities on hypnotism, tells the story [Footnote 20] of having tried sixty or more times to hypnotize patients before finally succeeding.
Smyly had been trying to hypnotize a second soldier, dumb but not deaf.
He failed to hypnotize 35 per cent, and got no improvement after hypnosis in 13 per cent.
How to force these requests: The professor first pretends to hypnotize the subject; then moving among the audience, he goes to number one, or first person, and asks him what he would like the medium to do.
The professor, by means of any of the pantomimic gestures, pretends to hypnotize her, after which dramatic scene, he goes among the audience, asking here and there what the spectators would like the lady marvel to do.
I appear in my act to hypnotize people against their wills.
I had Marco the mentalist hypnotize me and give me a rather special post-hypnotic command.
When wehypnotize subjects, Peter, our thoughts take possession of them.
What the dickens has this girl done to them, to hypnotize them so?
The Liberry Teacher knew that it was her duty to go over and hypnotize the child into reading something which would lead more directly to Browning and Strindberg.
Thus he was glad to note that Leon was losing himself in thought, because it would give him an opportunity to hypnotize the lad, and if he could once be thrown into that state, hypnosis could be re-produced thereafter very readily.
But it was essential to his scheme, that he should be able to hypnotize Leon, and in this he had made one trial which had failed.
Medjora told the Judge, it had been a common occurrence for him to hypnotize Agnes whenever favorable occasions presented.
He recalled the night on the Fall River boat, when he had endeavored to hypnotize Leon, and had failed.
Some players seem fairly to hypnotizetheir audiences--yes, hypnotize them.
One day, while attempting to hypnotize her in another street, three hundred yards distant, at 3 o'clock P.
Auguste Voisin, one of the physicians of the staff, undertook to hypnotizeher May 31st.
Heidenhain caused one of his students thus to go to sleep in broad daylight, by simply assuring him that he should hypnotize him from a distance at a particular hour of the afternoon.
Athos were accustomed to hypnotize themselves by fixing their eyes and their thoughts upon the navel; hence the reputation of omphaloscopy as an aid to ecstatic meditation.
Mr. Wilson tried to hypnotize Europe; the Senate is trying to hypnotize Mr. Harding.
When you attempted to hypnotize me, I didn't known what you wanted.
It is not necessary to hypnotize to carry on communication by the method of the second world of this system.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hypnotize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.