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Example sentences for "eleuen"

Lexicographically close words:
elephant; elephantiasis; elephantine; elephants; eles; eleuenth; elevate; elevated; elevates; elevating
  1. Foure hillocks, riding in fiue foot and a halfe water about eleuen of the clocke in the forenoone, they tooke their goods out of the pauoses into the shippe, and filled their shippe with all things necessary.

  2. The sayd Philip carried three tire of ordinance on a side, and eleuen pieces in euery tire.

  3. The fiue and fourtie thousand Ianizaries dispersed in sundry places of his dominions, at sixe aspers the day, amounteth by the yeere to fiue hundreth, fourescore and eleuen thousand, and three hundreth pounds.

  4. Of cleane rice (which is a common victuall throughout all the kingdome, and of the countries adioyning to them) they pay him three score millions, one hundred three score and eleuen thousand, eight hundred thirtie and two hanegges.

  5. Sidenote: Barley] Of barley, twentie nine millions, three hundred foure score and eleuen thousand, nine hundred fourescore and two hanegges.

  6. About eleuen of the clocke this day we had sight of the Grand Canarie.

  7. The 26 day our pinnesse came to vs from Cormatin, and had taken two pound and eleuen ounces of golde: and Iohn Shirife tolde vs that the Negros of that place were very desirous to haue a ship come back againe to their towne.

  8. This night he went aboord the French man who gaue him good entertainement, and the next day fetched eleuen more of vs aboord entreating vs all very courteously.

  9. He made these many Captaynes, bycause his whole fléete was eleuen sayle, and that eache of them shoulde seuerally be Captayne, both of Shippe and men.

  10. Worshipful sirs, I departed from Cuba with eleuen saile in my fléete, furnished with fiue hundred and fiftie Spaniardes, and I arriued here at Acusamil from whence I write you this letter.

  11. From that vntill halfe an houre past seuen of the clocke, Northnortheast eleuen leagues and a halfe, and then we went Northeast ten leagues.

  12. We were out vpon this voyage eleuen moneths, yet in all this time there died of sicknesse but one man, whose name was George Forrest, being seruant to our Carpenter called Thomas Plummer.

  13. Which when this Dauid went about to recouer againe, his power was discomfited, and himselfe by a few Englishmen taken & brought into England, where he remained prisoner eleuen yeares after his said apprehension.

  14. Herevpon therefore he caused more than eleuen hundred of their said castels to be raced and ouerthrowne, whereby the power of his nobilitie was not a little restreined.

  15. In my time the first fruits of this bishoprike came vnto 187 pounds eleuen shillings six pence; wherby it séemeth to be somewhat better than Landaffe or Bangor last remembred.

  16. Iulie, and left the kingdome to his brother Lothaire, which held the same eleuen yéeres, & seuen moneths.

  17. With vs the nobilitie, gentrie, and students, doo ordinarilie go to dinner at eleuen before noone, and to supper at fiue, or betweene fiue and six at afternoone.

  18. They were quickelie assailed, and though they defended themselues manfullie for a while, yet at length they were ouercome, and eleuen hundred of them slaine in the field, beside those that were taken.

  19. And my lord rode thus abroad in the countrie of his enimies eight whole weekes, and rested not past eleuen daies in all those places where he came.

  20. And Narbon is not but eleuen leagues distant from Mountpellier, & eighteene from Eguemortz, & thirtie from Auignion.

  21. Therefore in a verse of twelue sillables the Cesure ought to fall right vpon the sixt sillable: in a verse of eleuen vpon the sixt also leauing fiue to follow.

  22. And from Porto de Patos to Porto de Don Roderigo are ten or eleuen leagues: and the coast lieth North and South.

  23. And within two dayes iourney they came vnto another prouince, where they found eleuen townes, and much people in them; which in their iudgement were aboue forty thousand persons.

  24. They were eleuen that died there: among whom Iohn de Guzman was one, and a sonne of Don Carlos, called Iohn de Vargas: the rest also were persons of account and men of great courage.

  25. There arriued there; of those that came out of Florida, three hundred and eleuen Christians.

  26. Also if thou come from Portugal and fallest with the land in eleuen degrees, beare not in with it, neither come neere it, for thou mayest hurt thy selfe in so doing: but thou shalt shunne it, and goe to the Southward.

  27. A Bawd of eleuen yeares continuance, may it please your Honor Bawd.

  28. Heare me professe sincerely, had I a dozen sons each in my loue alike, and none lesse deere then thine, and my good Martius, I had rather had eleuen dye Nobly for their Countrey, then one voluptuously surfet out of Action.

  29. If it do, you shall haue a dozen of Cushions againe, you haue but eleuen now.

  30. Began to giue me ground: but I followed me close, came in foot and hand; and with a thought, seuen of the eleuen I pay'd Prin.

  31. I mistris, and Petruchio is the master, That teacheth trickes eleuen and twentie long, To tame a shrew, and charme her chattering tongue.

  32. There died in this hurlieburlie eleuen Christians, and fiftie horses; and there remained an hundred hogges, and foure hundred were burned.

  33. M66 They continue on the coast from Cape Briton Westwards full eleuen weekes.

  34. And we trauersed vp and downe eleuen dayes, making our prayers vnto God to ende the tempest and to send vs faire weather, that we might obteine our hauen: which of his goodnesse he gaue vs.

  35. The one company affirmed, that they had seene in a valley eleuen Sauages, and diuers houses halfe a mile distant from the steepe, or toppe of the hill where they stayed.

  36. There are three sorts, of which two are ripe in eleuen and twelue weeks at the most, sometimes in tenne, after the time they are set, and are then of height in stalke about sixe or seuen foot.

  37. Hee mustered together his merry men all, Hee mustered them soe louelilye; Hee thought hee had had scarson halfe a hundred, Then had hee eleuen score and three.

  38. He mustered together his merrymen all, He mustered them soe louinglye; He thought he had had scarce halfe a hundred, Then had hee eleuen score and three.

  39. In the citie of Yorke there died eleuen thousand within a short space.

  40. For there arriued eleuen ships laden with great plentie of victuals at diuerse places of the land, for the reliefe of the people.

  41. The king with his armie remaining in those parts eleuen daies, was in the end constreined to come backe, when all their vittels were spent: for more than they brought with them they could not get.

  42. The Englishmen leaped on horssebacke, and followed them so, that they slue and tooke aboue eleuen hundred persons, among the which were taken the baron of Coloses, the vicount of Rone, and others.

  43. This archbishop had gouerned the see of Canturburie eleuen yeares, eight moneths, and six daies.

  44. And hauing thus within the space of eleuen weekes recouered in maner the whole possession of his realme, being relieued of the most part of all his doubtfull feare, he ment to remooue all stops out of the waie.

  45. And vnder it a large house for reading and disputations, conteining in length eleuen foot.

  46. Fleete of eleuen hundred well furnished ships wherewith King Edward the third passed ouer vnto Calais in the yeere 1359.

  47. In my time the first fruits of this bishoprike came vnto 187 pounds eleuen shillings six pence; wherby it seemeth to be somewhat better than Landaffe or Bangor last remembred.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eleuen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.