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Example sentences for "eleuenth"

Lexicographically close words:
elephantiasis; elephantine; elephants; eles; eleuen; elevate; elevated; elevates; elevating; elevation
  1. Neuerthelesse by his letters dated at Rutland, on the said eleuenth of the said month of Nouember, it is euident that he receiued of the said Leolin the summe of two thousand marks sterling, by the hands of Thomas Beke keeper of his wardrobe.

  2. Sidenote: The eleuenth part of ecclesiasticall reuenues granted to the K.

  3. I and my companion William Shales came to Aleppo with the Carauan the eleuenth of Iune, 1584.

  4. The eleuenth of March we sailed from Ceylon, and so doubled the cape of Comori.

  5. Moreouer our foure shippes being well and richly laden at Bantam made saile homewarde the eleuenth of Ianuary, and the thirteenth, wee were shot as farre as the Isles of Sumatra.

  6. Looke therefore in the description of Man or Manaw for more of these barnacles, as also in the eleuenth chapter of the description of Scotland, & I doo not doubt but you shall in some respect be satisfied in the generation of these foules.

  7. The bishop of Winchester, and the bishop of Beauuois being both cardinals, were put in commission by pope Gregorie the eleuenth to treat betwixt the kings of England and France for a peace.

  8. London the said eleuenth day of March at noone.

  9. The eleuenth day with a faire Westnorthwest winde we departed with trust in Gods mercie, shaping our course for England, and arriued in the West countrey in the beginning of October.

  10. In this maner we set forward, departing (as hath bene said) out of Causon bay the eleuenth day of Iune being Tuesday, the weather and winde faire and good all day, but a great storme of thunder and winde fell the same night.

  11. Saturday the eleuenth of August the people shewed themselues againe, and called vnto vs from the side of a hil ouer against vs.

  12. Witnesse our selfe at Westminister the fift day of March, in the eleuenth yeere of our reigne.

  13. The eleuenth of September about sixe a clocke at night the winde came good Southwest, we vered sheat and set our course Southeast.

  14. Finallie, she tooke the sea the eleuenth of May, the king taking leaue of hir not without teares, when they thus departed the one from the other.

  15. Shortlie after his returne from the sea now in this eleuenth yeare of king Henries reigne, he made a road into Scotland by land, [Sidenote: The earle of Angus Umfreuill cōmonlie called erle of Kime.

  16. The eleuenth of April or therabouts, the towne of saint Omers was burnt by casuall fire togither with the abbeie, [Sidenote: Preparation made to win Calis.

  17. Herevpon, comming to Couentrie the eleuenth of Maie, and remaining there three daies, he well refreshed such as had beene with him at Teukesburie field.

  18. And on the morow being thursdaie, and the eleuenth of Aprill, king Edward quietlie made his entrie into the citie with his power, hauing fiue hundred smokie gunners marching foremost, being strangers, of such as he had brought ouer with him.

  19. She was after brought to London as prisoner, and so kept, till hir father ransomed hir with great summes of monie, which he borowed of Lewes the eleuenth king of France.

  20. The acts and ordinances also deuised and established in the parlement holden in the eleuenth yeare were likewise repealed.

  21. In the latter end of this eleuenth yeare was the earle of Arundell sent to the sea with a great nauie of ships and men of warre.

  22. Witnesse our selues at Westminster the twentie third day of Maie, and the eleuenth yeare of our reigne.

  23. Let it comforte thée, that thou knowest Christe hath conquired the Deuill, as he himselfe teacheth in the eleuenth chapter of Luke, by the example of a strong man at armes.

  24. But the eleuenth day we altered our opinion and course, and consented to cast about againe for the Iland, to seeke our ships; and about foure of the clocke in the afternoone we met with them.

  25. In the eleuenth yeare of king Edward the second his reigne, vpon the saturdaie night before Midlent sundaie, the towne of Berwike was betraied to the Scots, through the treason of Peter Spalding.

  26. The writ was dated at Tutburie the eleuenth of March, and the like writs were directed and sent foorth to all other shiriffes through the realme, and likewise to the bishop of Durham, and to the iustice of Chester.

  27. Frederike the first, in the eleuenth yere of the reigne of Philip the second king of France, and king William surnamed the Lion as yet liuing in the gouernement of Scotland.

  28. Vpon a Saterday, being the eleuenth of July, came our Spaniards vnto the citie of Chincheo, four houres before it was night.

  29. So after they had remained three weekes in that harbour detained with a mightie north winde, that neuer calmed night nor day in all that time, the eleuenth day of October, two houres before day, they set saile and went to sea.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eleuenth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.