He crucified Self, that he might resurrect the image of God.
His face is not seen; it is hidden by long auburn hair that hangs over it; long hair indicates that the crucified was a man who dedicated himself to God.
The figures of the crucified on the two sides are of a vulgar type and of coarse build, while the central figure is of a more refined form.
The wounds on the hands and feet of the three crucified men bleed profusely (it being a well-known fact that physicians find it difficult to stop the flow of blood out of outstretched palms and feet).
One of the Pharisees is discussing something with his neighbour concerning a woman who is seen weeping bitterly, in the corner of the picture, presumably the mother of one of the crucified men.
His nose and ears were cut off; he was chained for a while at the palace door; and finally he was crucified at Arbela.
He was crucified in his capital city, Ecbatana, before the eyes of those who had seen his former glory.
Accordingly the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man and also of the other who had been crucified with Jesus.
Then St. Peter turned and went all the way back, and was crucified with his head downwards, for he said he was not worthy to die in the same way as his Master.
Then I crucified him at Hangmatana (Ecbatana), and the men who were his principal adherents I imprisoned in the citadel of Hangmatana.
Then I crucifiedhim at Arbira (Arbela in Assyria).
He led a strong army to Scythia; but the queen of the Scythians took him prisoner andcrucified him.
Uvadaidaya is a city in Persia; there I crucified Vahyazdata and the captains who were with him.
She caused them to be crucified round the walls of Barca, and at the same time cut off the breasts of their wives and affixed them to the walls.
For, when He was crucified in ignominy without the gate, His blood was at the same time offered in the true holiest place.
The Son of God has already been once crucified amid the awful scenes of Gethsemane and Calvary.
When Christ was crucified on Calvary, His death changed for ever the relations of God and men.
The world crucified their Lord, and they would be ashamed of accepting better treatment than He received.
When He is crucified in the reproach of His enemies, nothing has been accomplished outside the scoffer's little world of vanity and pride.
Why, if it had not been that I still have some authority among them, and that you are of my blood, girl though you be, they would have crucified you upon the wall, serving you as the Romans serve our people.
What had you to do with thecrucified carpenter of Galilee?
Listen, if it be your pleasure, to the story of One whom some of you saw crucified under Pontius Pilate, since to know the truth of that matter can at least do you no hurt.
Because He Whom your people crucified and Whom I serve prophesied its end.
Now go and tell the story if you will, or let Nehushta, who hates me, tell it, and give me over to be tortured by the servants of the high priest, or crucified as a murderer by the Romans.
One James, a disciple of the crucified man called Christ, who had wandered about the country with him, he seized and beheaded at Jerusalem.
What is the worth of a belief in this crucified Preacher who promises that He will raise those who trust in Him from the dead?
That means that he will be crucified like the others whom we saw yesterday upon the Temple wall.
Already those woes which He whom you crucified foretold, knock at your door, and within a few short years not one of you who crowd this place in thousands will draw the breath of life.
Vain, therefore, was their triumph, when they buried the crucifiedthought of Europe.
The light through Christ, the Holy One, shone in darkness; the darkness could not comprehend it; and thus it crucified the body, and Christ died a martyr.
Not in any of the paintings on the ancient catacombs is found a crucified Christ.
His Jesus, or anointed one, crucified or slain, did in no sense represent a new or original message.
Let us imagine ourselves in Jerusalem in the year One, of the Christian era, when the apostles, as it is claimed, were proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah, crucified and risen.
You say he was tried and crucified in Jerusalem before your own eyes, can you remember the date of this great event?
Gradually the robe disappears from the crucified one, until we see him crucified, as in the adjoining picture, with hardly any clothes on, and wearing an expression of great agony.
To them the world is a crucified thing, as St. Paul said, ‘By whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
Our Lord loved them, even those who crucified him.
If my forefathers rejected and crucified him whom you call the Christ, your church has excluded and crucified my people till they have bled at every pore.
The mob of Jerusalem was not satisfied with its two crucified thieves; it must have a cross also for the reforming Galilean, who interfered so rudely with its conservative traditions!
He is crucified wherever his brothers are slain without cause; he lies buried wherever man, made in his Maker's image, is entombed in ignorance lest he should learn the rights which his Divine Master gave him!
Legh Richmond, used to observe that Christ was crucified between classics and mathematics.
Mysticism inverts the order, and seems to give more honour to the sanctifying Spirit, than to a crucified Saviour and Redeemer.
The naked body of the Crucified lay in the winepress, blood flowing from His wounds.
In what part of the body was formed the water which issued from the side of the crucified Christ?
The Roman citizen was generally beheaded, the slave was always crucified or burned alive.
Jerusalem, that holy city, still strove in vain to avert the awful doom pronounced against her by the lips of that crucified King, whose eyes had wept over her coming woes.
He succeeded St. James the Less in the Bishopric of Jerusalem, and was crucified in the reign of Trajan, in his 120th year.
He has not only delivered us from the flames of an everlasting hell, but He calls us to act for Him, and to be like Him, in the midst of a world that crucified His Son.
He suffered martyrdom at Hieropolis, a city of Phrygia, where he was crucified and stoned on the cross.
St. Peter crucified with his head downwards, and two other apostles, etc.
How often, in the silence and darkness of the night, has he poured forth his soul, now in tender commiseration over Jesus crucified by shiners, now over the sinners by whom Jesus had been crucified!
For it hath died, 'Tis crucified Day by day, Afresh, afresh, Ha!
And yet all he says is, "They crucified Him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.
How must it have sobered them to carry, as good St Ignatius used to say of himself, Christ crucified in his heart.