In order to escape the effluvium of the more crowded village, he moved his tents and entire encampment to the high ground above the river.
My nerves are offended with the rancid effluvium of the unwashed herds within this human kennel.
There is ever a vile effluvium in that narrow alley—a miasma as of a crowded churchyard!
His defensive armour is found in the fetid effluvium which, by a muscular exertion, he is capable of ejecting upon his pursuer.
The effluvium itself is caused by a thin fluid, which cannot be seen in daylight, but at night appears, when ejected, like a double stream of phosphoric light.
The dogs, however, brought the effluvium along with them; and it required unusual scolding and pelting of stones to keep them at a respectful distance.
After the departure of Speke and Grant, I moved my tent to the high ground above the river; the effluvium from the filth of some thousands of people was disgusting, and fever was prevalent in all quarters.
But what can we say of the common deer of the pampas (Cervus campestris), the male of which gives out an effluvium quite as far-reaching although not so abominable in character as that of the Mephitis?
The most curious thing about this animal is that the male emits a rank, musky odour, so powerful that when the wind blows from it the effluvium comes in nauseating gusts to the nostrils from a distance exceeding two miles.
Inside it was like a corridor and in this mire spray painted in Spanish graffiti he ascended and descended on pavement wreaking of the effluvium of evaporating urine.
With Seong Seob no longer allowing him to penetrate, her flesh seemed all the more sumptuous despite the effluvium of cheap perfume that exuded from it.
It has been attributed to the effluvium from hay, and to the pollen of certain plants.
To taint with morbid matter or any pestilential or noxious substance or effluviumby which disease is produced; as, to infect a lancet; to infect an apartment.
He could perceive the effluvium borne from the hateful insects: there was no longer cause to doubt.
It has been asserted by several well-known travellers that the effluvium from this mass tainted the air to such an extent that it was perceived one hundred and fifty miles inland!
After taking it up they were fain to escape from the spot, for the effluvium arising from a mass of other fish that lay in a decomposed state around the tree was more than any delicate pair of nostrils could endure.
There was effluvium from the individual lying next to him and this was a type of wind as well.
Suspicious enough in the beginning, the affair had now an exceeding evil smell--as repulsive figuratively as was the actual effluvium of the premises.
The staphylinus olens, for instance, sheds an effluvium which effectually keeps away the birds who would otherwise pounce upon him.
So delightful was the effluvium of the garum considered, that Martial informs us it was carried about in onyx smelling-bottles.
The keenness of the deaf and dumb boy in ascertaining the effluvium of various individuals, to which I have alluded, induces me to give a short sketch of this curious individual.
How imponderable and impalpable must be the effluvium which enables the dog to track his master for miles!
Bodies like pearls and metals, since they are shiny and so must be made of humors, must also emit an effluvium upon being rubbed, but it is a thick and vaporous one without any attractive powers.
The steps in electrical attraction were described as occurring on two different levels of abstraction: first one has physical contact through an effluvium or "spiritus" that connects the two objects physically.
Thus, in Gilbert's philosophy air was the earth's effluvium and was responsible for the unordered motion of objects towards the earth.
When the effluvium of turpentine, however, reaches the caterpillar, Bonnet says it falls into convulsions, becomes covered with livid blotches, and dies.
Will it suffice to cleanse throat and lungs, nauseated by the close effluvium of suppurating wounds?
In vain might we experiment with them as with the hands; they would never leave effluvium between them.
As the aspect of this effluvium usually appears the same to the observers, there is room to presume that its existence and direction are not illusory phenomena.
Although the digital effluvium does not yet appear to me to be demonstrated, I think it will be interesting to point out the analogies it presents with phenomena already mentioned by diverse experimenters, notably by Reichenbach and de Rochas.
Those who see the effluvium as coloured are generally gifted with psychic faculties.
I am inclined to think, that thiseffluvium is not altogether an imaginary phenomenon.
I did not remark that the colour of the effluvium was different from one hand to the other; but in reality I did not question much on the subject, as I was most anxious to avoid anything like suggestion.
I have shown that very probably linen, and perhaps wood also, were easily impregnated with that substance of which the effluvium is constituted.
But if the hands cease to move, the effluvium disappears.
Generally the effluvium appears to unite the tips of the fingers of each hand.
If the movement of withdrawal ceases when the finger-tips are within 10 to 15 centimetres proximity, the effluvium remains visible for a longer time.
Sometimes the effluviumis clearly visible, when the fingers are 25 to 30 centimetres apart.
I have said that the effluvium persists longer and is best seen when the finger-tips of each hand are within 10 centimetres proximity.
From this, it may be inferred, though I do not affirm it, as my experiments are not sufficiently conclusive--that wood and cotton conduct the effluvium as well as flesh.
He therefore put forward his idea that a substance to be an electric must necessarily consist of a concreted humour which is partially resolved into an effluviumby attrition.
Air (the common effluvium of the earth) not only unites the disjointed parts, but the earth calls bodies back to itself by means of the intervening air; otherwise bodies which are in higher places would not so eagerly make for the earth.
Clear air is a convenient medium for an electrical effluviumexcited from concreted humour.
But what is that effluvium from crystal, glass, and diamond, since these are bodies of considerable hardness and firmly concreted?
Is any such magnetical effluvium given off, whether corporeal or incorporeal?
Having found, by several experiments above-mentioned that the proper putrid effluvium is something quite distinct from fixed air, and finding, by the experiments of Dr.
The resemblance between the true putrid effluvium and fixed air in the following experiment, which is as decisive as I can possibly contrive it, appeared to be very great; indeed much greater than I had expected.
Alexander was not aware, that air thus loaded with putrideffluvium is exceedingly noxious when taken into the lungs.
The noxiouseffluvium with which air is loaded by animal respiration, is not absorbed by standing, without agitation; in fresh or salt water.
That the putrid effluvium will mix with water seems to be evident from the following experiment.
Then, if not on board her, I must most probably be on board the French schooner; a surmise that was to some extent confirmed by the powerful effluvium that pervaded the ship, and proclaimed her character beyond all question.
The emission of the warning effluvium is more or less delayed according to the species.
This scent readily impregnates any object on which the female rests for any length of time, when this object becomes a centre of attraction as active as the moth herself until the effluvium is evaporated.
The sand retained it for some time and diffused the effluvium in turn.
So, or in some such manner, must the warningeffluvium of the mother Oak Eggar operate.
Is he warned of the contents of the subsoil by a general emanation, by that fungoid effluvium common to all the species?
None of these was like it, though it had something of them all, with, added, the sourness of chemical waste and the poisonous effluvium of the bilge of a water- logged ship whereon a multitude of rats had been drowned.
Beside them was the dark well-hole, with that horrid effluviumstealing up from its mysterious depths.
It is in the fog of the one as in the light of the other; and in the flake of snow as in the streak of flame effluvium is visible.
The wind is visible in clouds, the wave is visible in foam; effluvium is invisible.
Without effluvium a crowd of circumstances would remain enigmatic.
The wind and the wave are only impulses; effluvium is a current.