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Example sentences for "effluents"

Lexicographically close words:
efflorescences; efflorescent; effloresces; effluence; effluent; effluvia; effluvium; efflux; effort; effortless
  1. For more than two decades, observations have been made of the physical dispersion and biological disposition of low-level effluents in the Columbia.

  2. Studies of radioactivity in rivers and estuaries usually have been made in relation to the fate of effluents from nuclear plants.

  3. I have not observed in any of the unfiltered effluents from this process which I have examined any signs of putrefaction, but, on the contrary, a tendency to oxidize.

  4. The effect of rate on cost, as calculated in Table 23, and also the percentages of the bacteria of the raw water found in the effluents by the author and by Mr. Clark, are shown on Figure 10.

  5. Careful tests of the effluents from filters which have been re-sanded by the two methods have invariably shown the superiority of the hydraulic method.

  6. The averages given in Table 29 show but little difference in the bacterial contents of the effluents from the four groups of filters.

  7. This was done with some hesitation at first for fear the presence of the piles of dirty sand might cause high bacterial counts in the effluents of those filters.

  8. In looking for possible differences in the quality of the effluents from the four groups, it was thought that such differences might be most apparent at a time when the entire plant was working under the most adverse conditions.

  9. The quality of the effluents from all four groups was satisfactory, and no consistent difference was apparent in favor of one or another method of treatment.

  10. Thus did former experience with starch mills pouring their effluents into Ontario streams and killing fish prove of unexpected use.

  11. Chlorinated sewage effluents have also been known to destroy the fish life of the stream into which they were discharged.

  12. The dosages necessary for crude sewage and filter effluents were indicated and also the necessary contact periods.

  13. This was ascribed to the action mentioned above and the chemical results supported this view, more organic matter being found in the filter effluents than in the prefiltered water.

  14. West, of the Torresdale Filtration Plant, shows the effect of disinfecting the filter effluents at Philadelphia.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "effluents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.